Gate of Immortality

Chapter 105: Moonlight Slash

Chapter 105: Moonlight Slash

Traceless Ghost Pavilion never thought that this battle with Blood Moon Hall would result in their defeat. They have the complete plan of Blood Moon Hall's ambush, yet they failed miserably and lost almost all of their members.

They already estimated the strength of Lu Xiao, but they never thought the Nether Gale Panther spirit can be this powerful. Lu Xiao rarely uses his primordial spirit. So nobody could have guessed that his primordial spirit can deal this much damage. Red Li was forced to use one of his trump cards= Lightning Needle. It's a whole set of powerful needles that can hit on the vital spots of the opponent, giving him a slow and painful death. But it is a one-time use item, so he was reluctant to use it.

But he doesn't have any choice at this moment. So he threw all of them at Lu Xiao. But he never thought that someone would interrupt him. With a flash of a sword, All the needles deflected. Without any delay, Red Li shouted, " Archers! Cover Fire!." But nothing happened. Red Li looked around with befuddled eyes. " What? Ar trying to call the hidden archers? They are long dead." In front of him, A white-robed young man stood, with a bronze color demonic mask on his face.

Although Lu Xiao was fully immersed in his battle, He still saw the white-robed young man. First, He became uneasy to saw an unknown person here, But when he saw the mask, He instantly recognized Yang Shi. He sighed a breath of relief as he focused on his battle again.

" I was very surprised When I found out that you almost managed to dig out my identity from Misty Tower City. I have actually forgotten about the bodyguards of Ye Zheng. Thankfully, You guys helped me a lot." Yang Shi, wearing a demonic mask, said coolly.

" Yo-You are Evil Shadow!" Red Li stammered. " Correct answer, Unfortunately, No reward." Yang Shi clapped. Red Li was going to shout when he saw the other two members of Blood Moon Hall coming there, after killing their enemies. Only Red Li and another person, Who was fighting with Lu Xiao remained from their group. Suddenly, Lu Xiao and the other person jumped back as they stopped fighting.

" So, Would please start spewing the information about your boss?" Yang Shi asked playfully as he swung his Longsword. Red Li sighed as he glanced at the remaining person of Traceless Ghost Pavilion.

" Xi Zhou, Do it." Red Li said.

" Red Li...It seems we don't have any choice." Xi Zhou sighed. " Yoh, Stop chatting." Yang Shi shouted.

" Hehehe, Evil Shadow, You are truly impressive. You guys may have won, but it doesn't mat that we have lost." Red Li smirked. " Huh?" Before Yang Shi could understand anything, Red Li pulled out a talisman. " STOP HIM!" Lu Xiao shouted. Yang Shi felt a bad premotion as the talisman lit up. Xi Zhou also took out the same talisman and lit it.

*SWISHHHH* With howling wind, Red Li and Xi Zhou dashed off in two different directions. Yang Shi closed his eyes as he clutched his fist tightly.

" YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Yang Shi shouted as he dashed toward Red Li. " They have used Fleeting Wind Talisman. You can't catc-" Lu Xiao was saying helplessly but stopped midway. He saw Yang Shi has already disappeared out of his eyes. Moreover, A dark figure darted past Lu Xiao as he shooted arrows continuously.

" Yo-You!!! When did Young Miss come here?" Lu Xiao stammered as he bowed. But that black-clothed person didn't reply as he chased Xi Zhou.

Yang Shi never used Starlight Burst to its full limit for a long distant chase, but he was using it now to catch Red Li. Yang Shi felt he was traveling at the speed of sound.

" WHAT!!!" Red Li's eyes almost popped out as he saw Yang Shi was closing by. He channeled more spiritual qi into the talisman as he increased his speed.

" Let's see brat, How long you can keep up with your Spiritual qi." Red Li laughed as he ran. " Really?" Yang Shi sneered. Starlight Burst was indeed draining his spiritual qi at a faster rate. But it doesn't mean that Yang Shi doesn't have any other way. With a flash, A crimson-colored ring appeared behind him. Yang Shi felt the spiritual qi surrounding him rushed into his dantian.

After half an incense stick of time, Red Li began to slow down. " How the hell you could keep up with the Fleeting Wind Talisman? Your cultivation is three stages lower than mine." Red Li screamed.

" So? It's just that you are weaker than me." Yang Shi sneered, but in reality, he began to feel tired. " Heh, Kid, I admit you are better than me, but it is not enough." Red Li cackled as he bit his finger and let his blood fall on the Fleeting Wind Talisman.

Yang Shi got a bad feeling that if he didn't stop Red Li now, he would never able to catch him again. " STOP!" Yang Shi roared as he unleashed the skill of his White Tiger Primordial Spirit- Aura of Slaughter.

"BOOM* A thin gaseous aura erupted from yang Shi's body as it rushed toward Red Li. Red Li faltered as his vision turned a bit blurred. He felt that he has fallen into a sea of corpses and blood.

" This! That boy's killing intent has materialized into reality! No, there is something else in this killing intent. As if...An invisible aura of tyranny. No, I must finish the ritual fast." Red Li bit his tongue to sober up as he hurriedly draws his blood on the talisman. But alas, It was too late. That one moment of distraction was enough for Yang Shi.

He pushed his Starlight Burs to its utmost limit as he pounced at Red Li. " Moonlight Slash." Yang Shi said with a light tone as he did a vertical sword slash at Red Li. Yang Shi's Longsword hummed as a silvery ray shot out from it. Red Li felt an undescribable feeling like he was falling to both sides at the same time.

" Eh?" Red Li muttered as his vision turned black. His two perfect halves fell to both sides. Yang Shi finally stretched his body as he sighed. " Man, Just what kind of talisman was that?" Yang Shi muttered. Yang Shi inhaled a deep breath and kicked the corpse of Red Li. " Damn bastard. Because of you, I have to face humiliation. If I can't find any good stuff from you, I swear that I will hang you naked outside of the Firmament City." Yang Shi spat as he rummaged through the storage pouch of Red Li.

" Vital Energy pill, Bloodlust Pill? No, I don't need this. Oh? Ohoho, Oh my god! A Sky Enchating Pill?! *Huuuu* I didn't expect that I will see you here!" Yang Shi's eyes lit up with greed. " Now adding this one and the one I will get after exchanging Soul Nourishing Grass, I can instantly level up to the Seventh Stage of Primordial Spirit Realm. Ahahahaha." Yang Shi laughed as he rubbed his nose.

" Eh? What's this?" Yang Shi a jade box in the spatial ring. Inside it was a black piece of paper talimsan. "This..." Yang Shi became speechless.


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