Gamer Superstar

Chapter 99 99 - Ranks

Chapter 99 99 - Ranks

[Vlog #3 - 26,432 views].

Looking at the 26k views the video already had, I was satisfied with it.

It was a much lower number than my previous vlog had, but the comparison wasn't fair either.

Vlog #2 was my first wedding vlog, a vlog where I showed a lot more cool stuff and at the end there was a teaser of my next song.

Whereas vlog #3 was just a normal vlog, but one that still got a very good amount of views, which will probably get 100 to 200k views after a few weeks.

I didn't expect that all my videos would go viral and that I would become the next Mr. Beast, so I was happy with the steady growth of the channel.

Not to mention the fact that the views of the videos had continued to increase in the last week, everything was going very well.

After eating and drinking a lot at the wedding, we picked up our equipment and went to the motel where we were going to spend the night.

Since it was just a motel, we took 3 rooms, one for Selena, one for Mark and Frank and the last one for Jason and me.

Due to our tiredness we just passed out in bed and woke up the next day when Selena knocked on the door to call us in for breakfast.

Since everything was quite separate, Mark and Frank left immediately while Selena left Jason at home first and then dropped me off at my place before going to her place.

"Noah!!!" Ethan was the first to notice that I had arrived through the window of the house, soon followed by my mother and Liv.

Since it was Saturday morning, my dad was still at work.

"Hey buddy!" I laughed as I ruffled his hair.

"How was the concert, Noah?" Liv asked, excited and curious.

"It was amazing, the bride and groom were really nice, their family was really nice too, I even sang a song for them in Spanish hehe." I laughed.

"Really? In Spanish?! Since when do you speak Spanish?" Liv asked in shock.

"I've been studying it for a while now, I think it's a good language to learn for the future of my career." I explained, which made her nod, and surprisingly Ethan too.

Maybe he would focus more on learning Spanish at school to learn to sing as well? It would be a good reason for him to focus more on learning another language.

After a few hours I received Jason's recordings and realized that he had recorded a lot of the three girls who danced a lot during the show.

He's smart, having footage of the three of them will probably be very eye-catching for the video.

And since he set the camera to record us eating after the show, since the video was a vlog, he also caught the scene where Selena dismissed the girls and we left for the motel, showing that I didn't go out with the girls.

This would be a great thing for my public image.

Not only would it show that I was desired by girls, which would make more girls want me because something valuable is more interesting, but it would also show that I wasn't easy and wasn't an artist who went out with just any girl, which would make me even more valuable.

This would possibly arouse the competitive spirit of the girls to try even harder to win me in the future, as I would be a great trophy, but as long as I stayed the same, it would be a great catalyst to increase my fame.

Surprisingly, when I opened the GAA website to check my artist rank, my rank went up because of the views of my videos, my songs, and the posts that the public made at my concerts.

[BlackVelvet - 7,376th Rank E] -> [BlackVelvet - 3,131th Rank E].

Looking at my rank, which was already almost in the top 3k of Rank E, the moment when I would rise to Rank D was very close.

The rate of progression was frightening.

Normal artists took years to get from Rank E to Rank D, while I was approaching the top of Rank E in just one month!

But the most surprising thing to me was that this rank E was my rank in the US, but a new rank appeared on my profile!

This rank was still among the millions of rank F's, but I was officially rank F in Mexico!

Maybe the GAA AI recognized that I had conquered a Latino audience and had already placed me in the rank of a possible audience that I would conquer.

Looking more curiously at these ranks, I noticed that there were other classifications.

There was the U.S. Rank, the North American Rank, the Mexican Rank, the Rank of other American countries, the Latin American Rank, the Rank of the American Continent, as well as such divisions for Europe, Africa, and Asia, which showed that the Rank was very complex.

For the time being, I was ranked 3,131 in the U.S., but in the North American Rank, I was competing with an even larger number of artists, which dropped me so low that I was almost in the F Rank.

But that was a focus I didn't need to have right now, I was still only an E Rank artist in the US, I wasn't even big enough in my own country, why should I worry about how big I was in other countries?

I was already happy with my current rank, I would be D rank in no time, and that would increase the amount of money I made from shows.

To celebrate my satisfaction, I went to make lunch with my mother and we had a big meal today.

Since my Cooking skill was already at Lv 23, my cooking level was already very good.

I was still worse than my mother, who might be around Lv 30 or Lv 40, but I was doing well.

"Noah, I've finished editing the video you gave me, I think it's finally good, do you want to watch it?" My mom asked me expectantly.

All week she had been practicing her editing on the computer in the basement, learning new things and new effects to use in the videos.

With the tips I gave her with [Teach Lv 29], she was picking it up extremely quickly, so I was curious to see how it was going.

"Yes, let's finish eating and you show me the video." I smiled in agreement.

Ethan and Liv were also curious and wanted to see how the video turned out, since it was the first time they'd seen our mom so focused on learning something new that wasn't mom stuff.

After dinner, the four of us went down to the basement and my mother put on the video she had edited for us to watch.

Remembering what the original video was like, just a video of a normal woman who didn't do any editing, my mom managed to cut the video down from the original 30 minutes to just 12 minutes, which was quite a change.

She took out a lot of the useless parts of the video, kept only the interesting parts, and managed to focus on the things that really mattered and the things that would hold the audience's attention.

Overall, she took a video that probably had a 3/10 rating and turned it into a 6/10 video, which was already a big improvement, but I could still see points where it could be improved.

"You managed to make this video much better than the original, Mom." I smiled as I reflexively lifted my mother up to her head and started stroking her head, just like I did with Liv.

My mother was confused because I had never done that to her, but she didn't complain and looked at me expectantly.

"Do you think I can start recording and posting?" She asked.

But I had to shake my head in the negative. "I think there are still things you can practice more, for example, when she was talking about the ingredients she used in the video, you could have put text on the screen showing the values of those ingredients, another very important thing is when she was talking, instead of just leaving the camera still, you can also learn to use zooms and tracking to give the camera more dynamism, how about that? That way the video will be more interesting and you'll be able to keep the audience's attention for longer.

Hearing my suggestion, my mother was thoughtful and a little disappointed, but since she already knew she had a long way to go when she decided to start, she wasn't too disappointed and nodded her head, ready to go back to learning the tips I had given her.

With her current level of editing, it was possible that her channel would grow into a regular cooking channel, but that wasn't what I wanted for her.

With the knowledge of successful Youtubers from my old world, wouldn't it be a waste not to teach her how to make videos so good that even people who don't like or care about cooking would watch them?

Helping her create narratives for the video, so that instead of just posting a recipe, she made an interesting story that also happened to teach a recipe, would completely change the dynamic of her channel and open many more doors and opportunities for her in the future.

While my mom was editing, Liv and Ethan also wanted to show me how much they've improved on their instruments, which I was happy to do.

It's funny that they acted like I'd been away for a week when I was only gone for a day and a night.

But I can't deny it, it's very nice to receive this affection and attention from the family...


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