Gamer Superstar

Chapter 98 [Bonus ] 98 - Beautiful view

Chapter 98 [Bonus ] 98 - Beautiful view

While I was singing Boyfriend I began to feel hot and took the opportunity to remove the jacket I was wearing from my suit, leaving me with just a gray shirt and my blue tie, which I pulled back a bit to give myself more room to breathe, and unbuttoned the first button of my shirt.

Although I had done this because of the heat, I was aware that Boyfriend was a thirst trap and with these actions I was feeding that feeling even more in this song, but that was my goal.

With Jason recording me, I could post it on my Instabram to get more of an audience and even save the full version to post on the channel at some point.

Of course, while I was thinking about this, the faces of the three girls near the stage, other girls around the party, and even some older women were getting thirstier as they stared at me.

Especially the girl Ashley and the girls around her, who looked a bit gothic in their black dresses and dark make-up, but were still very pretty.

And to think that this type of girl was the one who usually acted the quietest and most shy...' I thought. I thought, finding the situation funny.

Even more so when I saw Ashley stick out her tongue to lick the rim of the glass of drink she was holding, I had to look away and focus my attention on the other guests, trying my best to look unaffected, but it was difficult.

Fortunately, after this song the girls calmed down a bit and I was able to continue my show as normal.

As with my previous gig, the initial agreement was for a 2 hour show with the option to play another 2 hours for an additional $500 per hour, which the bride and groom accepted without a problem, bringing the amount I received for the night to $4,000.

Of course, this also increased the amount I paid Mark, Frank and Jason, who also worked more than originally agreed.

In the end, of the $4,000, there was $1,000 for Mark and Frank, $400 for Jason, $200 for the trip, then on top of the remaining $2,400, Selena took her 20%, leaving me with $1,920, an increase of $620 over the $1,300 I would have received previously.

Even though MeTube paid well, I realized that the real gold mine was in the gigs.

I was still a Rank E artist and I was already getting paid so much, imagine how much a Rank B or A artist doesn't get paid per night?

I couldn't even imagine how much a Rank S artist got paid because it was way out of my league.

When it came time to sing All Of Me, the excitement in the audience went up several notches.

For this song, I asked Frank to play the keyboard and I played the song myself because it would be more real since I know the music better.

Just as I'd imagined, tears began to flow between the bride and groom and the guests as they watched the bride and groom dance in the middle of the dance floor.

Jason took the opportunity to record everything in great detail, leaving everything ready for me to record and edit for next week's vlog.

I was anxious to see how my Vlog #3 was doing in terms of views, as I had planned to post it today during the show.

But since I still had 40 minutes of the show to do, I focused on that and used every second to give the best performance possible.

The more the guests drank, the more they enjoyed the music and the party, so when we finally finished the 4-hour show, we were exhausted.

Even though time was running out, we listened to the guests' request for an encore and sang one last song to end the show.

Just like at the previous wedding, the bride and groom invited us to be their guests for food and drinks as a thank you for the show, which we accepted without a second thought.

After four hours we were hungry and exhausted, so we took advantage of everything there was to eat and also had a few drinks to relax.

Selena had paid for a motel for us to spend the night before we went home, since driving back so tired wouldn't end well, so we didn't have to worry about drinking and driving tonight.

"So what do you think about going out with me?" I asked Mark and Frank curiously, since they complain so much about playing with Jannet, it would be a lie to say I wasn't curious how the two of us would compare.

Mark, who had just finished a large glass of beer, smiled broadly as he replied. "That was a completely different experience, bro... the reaction of the audience, how excited they were, to see people looking at us with affection... the photos people wanted to take with us when we came off the stage... that was something I didn't feel when I played with Jannet..."

"Yeah... even though I was only in the support band, not only did I get more attention than when I was in the real band with Jannet, but the pay was a lot higher too hehe". Frank laughed as he looked at the $500 transfer he had received from today's paycheck.

Since their band was also only Rank E, it was extremely difficult to get gigs that weren't in bars where they played to get paid $80 - $100 a night.

I was probably one of the only Rank E artists doing weddings, which paid very well. Even Rank D artists had a hard time getting gigs at weddings because it was so hot and paid so well.

So even if they were just a support band with me, the salary they got from that gig today was already more than they got from two weekends of full gigs.

Depending on the month, it was even more than they got for three weekends.

"I am glad you liked it, I also found it much better to play with you. It's much less tiring and more fun to play on stage with friends. If you're interested, I'll call you when there are more opportunities like this, how about that?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah!" They both replied excitedly as they raised their glasses and toasted with me.

Jason and Selena were also happy about this, especially Jason who started working with me expecting to get paid only $150 a night, but he got $400 tonight, added to the $300 he would get for taping me at the Saturday and Sunday shows, this brought the amount he got this week to $700, much more than he expected!

Selena was happy too, she was okay with only getting $480 for the night, more than Jason but less than Mark and Frank, since the amount she got paid would scale much higher in the future compared to them.

If I did a gig that got me $5,000 a night in a bar, it meant $1,000 to her, if I became a big artist and got $25,000 a night, it meant $5,000 to her, a much larger amount than the two of them would get at the time, so even if she got less now, Selena was happy to think about how much she would get in the future.

"Do you want to copyright the lyrics to 'Bailando', Selena?" I asked, remembering that I didn't have the rights to that song yet.

"I already wrote the lyrics to that song while you were singing it and sent them to you to apply for the copyright." She replied with a confident smile.

"That's good, I'll write the version completely in Spanish and send it to you later." I said smiling and made her nod as well.

But Selena's confident smile changed to a frown when she saw the three girls who had annoyed her coming towards us.

When Frank and Mark looked in the direction of Selena's curious look, they started to laugh.

I also looked in that direction and saw the three girls who had enjoyed my songs the most, which was good, but when I saw the look on their faces, I started to worry.

If I wanted to follow the path of a rock star, this would be the perfect time to go out with all three girls at the same time and do something that all men dream of doing all their lives, but at what cost?

Was it worth it to go out with these three girls I didn't know for a few hours of pleasure, but who might have big problems following me in the future?

The answer was obvious.

But my two minds gave me obvious but different answers.

My lower head said it was obvious it was worth it, especially looking at the neckline of Ashley's dress, but my upper head said it was obvious it wasn't worth it for my future.

Fortunately, I had a savior on my side.

"Can I help you?" Selena stood up and activated her serious mode again as she crossed her arms and stood between the girls and me.

Looking at Selena, who was beautiful and had a more mature temperament than they did, the girls frowned and looked her up and down.

"We just want to talk to BlackVelvet." Ashley replied as she looked away from Selena and towards me, winking with one eye and trying to look seductive.

But Selena stepped in front of them again, standing between the two of us as she replied. "He's very tired right now and he's taking a break from the show, how about you come back another time?"

I couldn't see the girls' reaction, and I couldn't even hear what they were saying very well because something much more attractive entered my vision.

When Selena stood between me and Ashely as I sat down and she was wearing high heels, what covered my view of the girls was a beautiful view of Selena's ass.

With the tight dress she was wearing and how beautiful the curve of her waist was that went down to her ass, I was distracted for a few seconds only to wake up again when Selena moved out of the way and the three girls were nowhere to be seen.

Disguising myself, I averted my eyes and went back to eating as if nothing had happened, so I didn't see the small smile at the corner of Selena's mouth as she sat back down and continued eating.

Only Mark and Frank were staring at each other, exchanging smiles about something I had no idea why.

Curious, I took the opportunity to pick up my cell phone and see how my vlog #3 was going.


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