Gamer Superstar

Chapter 81 81 - Vlog Results

Chapter 81 81 - Vlog Results

As I entered the basement, I saw Liv practicing her violin while looking at the score on her computer screen.

If it was just that, I would have thought everything was normal, but when I saw how red her eyes were, I realized that something was wrong.

I slowly approached her, put a hand on her shoulder and asked in a calm voice. "Liv, is everything okay?"

Startled, Liv looked into my eyes and quickly looked away from me to the computer as she tried to get back to practicing her violin.

Noticing this, I slowly put my hand on her violin and turned her body to look at me.

"Liv, talk to me, I'm your older brother. What were we talking about last time?" I asked as I placed her violin on the table and pulled her into a hug.

Feeling the hug around her body, Liv froze for a second, but quickly felt relieved and returned the hug with force.

"That you're my big brother and that you're going to help me through all my troubles..." She replied in a low, embarrassed voice.

"Yeah, so tell me, what's going on?" I asked worriedly as I stroked her back in our embrace.

"I feel sick..." She replied.

"Feeling sick about what?" I asked confused.

"About not being able to help at all... Dad's working two jobs, Mom's taking care of the three of us, you're working and already earning more than Dad and helping with the household bills... I want to help too, I want to get better at my violin and be like you, be able to earn money with music and help with the bills..." She finally got it off her chest as tears welled up in her eyes.

I looked at her in surprise and didn't know how to react. "Liv, look at me."

Hearing what I said, Liv was very obedient and looked at me with red eyes. "How old are you?" I asked, although I already knew her age.

"I'm 15 years old..." She answered confused.

"And how old am I?" I asked.

"You are 17 years old..." She replied.

Smiling, I explained. "You're 15, at your age all I thought about was watching Japanese cartoons and playing video games, it's only now that I'm 17 that I started to worry about the financial problems at home and those problems are already being solved, you're still 15, that's two years you have to prepare to develop like me at 17."

"But I also want to help now..." She said frustrated.

"Do you know why I'm worried about making money?" I asked.

"Because of the bills?" She asked.

"No, because of you." I said as I smiled at her.

"Because of me?" She asked confused.

"Yes, I'm worried about making money so that you, so that Ethan, so that Mom, so that Dad don't have to deprive themselves so much to save money." I said as I stroked her head. "If I earn more money, Dad will be able to work less, Mom will finally be able to go out and have fun and buy things like other moms, you'll be able to focus on studying what you want without rushing to earn money, and Ethan will be able to do what he wants and have fun with what he wants."

I continued to explain. "My goal is to make a lot of money so you don't have to worry about making money, so just relax. Let your brother pay for things and help out around the house while you see what you really like and what will amuse you."

Looking at me, Liv became emotional and hugged me tighter before letting go. "You're a fool..." She said frustrated, but I could see the smile on her face.

"Yeah, yeah..." I laughed as I left the basement and went to eat my breakfast.

Since we were home and the weather was warm, I put on a sleeveless shirt and made myself a high protein breakfast.

Now I was not so focused on losing weight, so my diet was all about building muscle.

Even though I didn't want my muscles to become gigantic, in order to have compact and powerful muscles, I had to have enough material in my body to support that development.

The sleeveless shirt was something the old Noah wouldn't even think of going near, but now that I had a nice body, it was no problem to wear clothes like that on hot days because it was much cooler.

Ding Dong

When I heard the doorbell, I was ready to answer it, but my mother was quicker as she smiled. "You can keep cooking Noah, I'll get it."

Nodding my head, I continued to make my breakfast while pulling out my phone to check on my video.

Yesterday during the wedding I was so busy that I didn't have time to watch it, and when I got home I was so exhausted that I just took a shower to get the stink off my body and rolled over in bed.

Then I opened my channel to see how the video was doing and I was shocked.

[Backstage at my shows! - Vlog #1 - 92,978 views].

The video had 92,000 views in 24 hours!

Looking curiously at the monetization of this video, a big smile broke out on my face when I saw that every 1k view of this video paid me $6.5 in revenue!

In other words, the nearly 93k views that the video generated had already earned me $600!

The monetization difference was stark...

While I needed 705k views to earn that $600 with my songs on MeTube, a long vlog video had earned me that with 7x fewer views.

The big monetary advantage of the songs was that Spokify paid $4 per thousand views on the songs and the songs were much more likely to go viral, so while this video of mine was unlikely to reach a million views, the songs grew infinitely as people listened to them over and over again.

But I was satisfied with it, much more than satisfied, I was very fulfilled. With the video getting so many views, not only would I be able to pay Jason, but there would be even more money left over.

Curious, I looked at the comments on the video.

[Bro looks like a cool my sub!]

[Must be fun to do shows like this!]

[What a fun vibe you have with your team, even Selena, who I thought was a serious and boring girl, is actually a lot of fun too!]

[lol, this guy thinks that just because BlackVelvet started now he has to be polite and lower himself to please singers like him?]

[What an arrogant singer, being an artist for so many years and never leaving the D rank, BlackVelvet has reason to be proud of his success].

[I will find this singer's Instagram page!]

[I didn't like this BlackVelvet guy, he seems very arrogant to me just because he's handsome...]

Seeing that there were mixed comments about me, I just smiled as I stopped for a while to answer the comments.

Until my nose caught a whiff of something starting to burn and I remembered I was making my whey pancakes and quickly put my phone down to get it out of the fire.

Fortunately, my nose got a lot better when my cooking skills went up a level.

[Cooking Lv 19 -> 20]

When the skill reached level 20, I felt another wave of knowledge coming into my head, and I began to realize several things that I could do better, as if I had been practicing making that pancake for several more months.

As I felt this new information come into my head, I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

The feeling of knowledge entering my mind without any effort on my part was very good and addictive.

After a few seconds the feeling disappeared and I picked up my plate and went to the living room table to eat, staying close to my mother, but when I came out of the kitchen I was surprised by what I saw.

Ethan had just come downstairs with wet hair, probably excited that Isabella had arrived after hearing the doorbell, and besides Isabella, her sister Emily was also here.

Seeing Emily chatting animatedly with Liv, even though she seemed a bit shy, I was happy for both my siblings, while Ethan has his little friend who likes him for who he is, Liv is also making healthier friends apart from those annoying girls at school.

When I arrived in the living room, the smell of the pancakes in my hand wafted through the air and drew everyone's attention to me.

The reaction of Liv, Ethan, and my mom was more normal, because although they were a little surprised, they were already used to the smell of my food, since I always cooked for them.

The ones who were really surprised were Isabella, who looked curiously at the pancakes in my hand, and Emily, who instead of looking at the pancakes in my hand, looked at my arm, which was holding the pancake with a sleeveless shirt.

Girls this age are trouble...' I thought as I waved at her and sat down to eat, not worrying too much about it.


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