Gamer Superstar

Chapter 58 [Bonus ] 58 - Dealing with the problem

Chapter 58 [Bonus ] 58 - Dealing with the problem

"What's the matter, Pig Jerry? If you're not going to say anything, get out of my face." I said as I approached him, invading his personal space and making my cousin even more uncomfortable.

Jerry, though fat, is a little thinner than I was when I weighed 150 Kg, so not only did he make fun of me for not having money at family parties at my grandparents' house, but he also made fun of me for my weight as a way of self-affirming that he wasn't as fat as he looked.

But now that I had lost weight, this boy no longer had a reason to tease me about my weight, and as my career progressed, he would soon have no right to tease me about my money.

Feeling intimidated, Jerry took two steps back and one to the side, clearing the way for me to reach the kitchen.

Ignoring him from that point on, I entered the kitchen in silence, staring at and analyzing my Aunt Karen and her soft-ass husband.

David was a very well born man, with a good education, a very pleasant man to keep company with at a barbecue, the problem was that he could never assert himself, so Karen took advantage of that in him and did what she wanted with his money.

While Karen looked at me angrily, David looked at me as if to apologize, which made me sigh for the poor man.

Standing next to where my father sat, I began to read the contract to understand exactly what was going on.

I didn't know about my father's $10,000 debt, otherwise I would have worked even harder to get the money to pay Karen, but now that she was here, the only thing I could do at this point was get it over with quickly.

When Ethan woke me up, I looked at the notification on my phone and confirmed that MeTube and Spokify had transferred the money I had received over the last 30 days, which was great news.

When I added up all the money I had, it was $1,680 from MeTube, $1,728 from Spokify, and $3,210 that I had saved from the artwork I had sold over the past few weeks, plus the money I had earned from the two shows I had participated in.

That came to $6,618 in my current bank account, which was still $3,382 short of what I needed to pay the bill.

"Dad, how much money do you have on hand right now?" I asked him.

Embarrassed, my father pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the banking app to check.

"I only have $1,400 in an emergency account..."

Hearing this, I nodded; with his $1,400, I was only about $2,000 short of the full amount.

Thinking of something, I picked up my cell phone as I decided to try a solution.

"What do you think you're doing, kid? You think you're going to get the $8,600 you need to pay off the debt with your low-level job?" Karen asked with a scornful laugh. "If you had more than $600 in your bank account, I'd walk home upside down, haha, and don't think I'll accept anything less than the $10,000 today, if you don't pay me that right now, I'm going straight from here to my lawyers to file a lawsuit against your father."

"Just thinking about what your father would have to spend on lawyers, the fine for the delay, and compensation for moral damages, that $10,000 debt will easily go up by at least another $5,000. Stop wasting my time and just sign it, Jonathan. Karen said mockingly.

But despite her mockery, my father just ignored her and looked at me doubtfully.

He could see that I was doing something very concentrated on my cell phone, so I just waited to see what I would do.

If I didn't, he was ready to sign the contract. It was better to lose the right to the inheritance than to put the family under even more pressure.

As I finished typing on my phone, several notifications appeared.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...

"Are you talking to your girlfriend, son? Ignore him Jonathan, just sign it!" Karen began to lose patience with being ignored.

But I kept a smile on my face.

"What is it, Noah?" my father asked, confused.

I smiled without explaining, just turned my phone screen for him to see, and I saw his expression change from confusion to shock and then to happiness.

Even my mother, who was standing behind him, saw this and put a big smile on her face as her eyes began to water despite her doubts.

"I think that's settled, Dad, just wire me the $1,400 you have in your bank account and I'll pay the rest." I said, earning a nod from my father and an instant transfer from his bank to mine without even asking.

I was pleased with the man's confidence in me. During the last month that I was in this world with this family, I felt that each one of them was beginning to be a part of me, and seeing the trust that my father had in me made my heart warm and I realized that everything I was doing was worth it.

It may not seem like much to people with perfect families, but for me, who was practically raised as a burden in a house by my old father, having such a family was my greatest asset.


My father's transmission came to my cell phone.

"Okay, Karen, what's your bank account? I'll wire you the $10,000 and you need to get out of our house, please." I said as I looked at her.

She looked between me and my father to confirm that this was true, she was shocked and took her time to answer.

"Come on woman, give me the account number!" I said angrily, making her jump and finally answer.

"Are you selling drugs, child? How did you get so much money in such a short time?" She shouted in confusion and anger.

"How does what I do have anything to do with you?! Just tell me your fucking account number before I take the phone out of your hand and see for myself!" I replied angrily, causing her to jump and look to David for help.

But just as David didn't have the courage to face her, he also looked at me and cowered, not having the courage to protect his wife from a 17 year old boy.

Seeing that she wasn't going to be helped, Karen simply gave her the account number and I made the transfer.

"Okay, I've saved the transfer receipt for the $10,000, and whatever shit you come up with in court, I can prove it's already been paid and you're lying." I said this while feeling a little sorry for transferring so much money at once, but knowing the reason for it, I relaxed and left it for the future to recover even more.

After saying this, I started walking towards Karen, making her jump with fear because of our height and size difference, but I just walked past her and opened the door of the house for them to leave.

"Please come out." I said as I pointed to the open door and waved at them.

Looking at me in disbelief, Karen couldn't believe that I would kick her out of our house in such a humiliating way.

"Are you really going to let your son treat me like this, Jonathan?" She turned to my father and asked indignantly.

"The boy is going through a rebellious phase, Karen, I'll talk to him later." My father replied dismissively this time, while laughing and enjoying Karen's indignation.

He was really ashamed of owing his sister money, but the realization that she had only lent him that money to get his share of the inheritance from her parents who were still alive made him lose all consideration for this woman.

Seeing that my father had no intention of stopping me, Karen became even more indignant and quickly gathered her things as she quickly left our house and got into David's Porsche Macan.

As David passed me, he stopped to say something, but sighed and just nodded as he walked back to his car.

As Jerry passed me, I "accidentally" kicked him in front of the house, but before he could say anything, I closed the door and went back inside.

"Noah, where did you get the money?" My mother was the first to ask with great concern.

I smiled as I noticed the tears in her eyes and started to answer, but Olivia ran over and hugged me as she started to cry as well.

I think she felt really bad about everything that was happening, thinking of all the possibilities of bad things that could happen to her family and she couldn't do anything about it.

So instead of answering my mom right away, I just stroked Liv's back to make her feel better while I looked at Ethan, who practically had stars in his eyes when he looked at me.


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