Gamer Superstar

Chapter 57 57 - Karen

Chapter 57 57 - Karen

"Long time no see, Jonathan!" A woman who looked a lot like Jonathan said while pretending to be excited as soon as Jonathan opened the door to his house.

Seeing this woman, Jonathan was a little embarrassed while pretending to act naturally on the outside.

"Yes Karen, long time no see..." He said as he cracked an unnatural smile. Next to his wife, Jonathan nodded to her husband, who nodded back, also a little embarrassed.

Behind them, a fat boy with an arrogant expression on his face listened to music on an expensive headset without bothering to greet Jonathan as he looked around the house as if searching for something.

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" The woman asked in an arrogant voice as she glared at Jonathan.

"Of course, please come in." Jonathan led the way for them to pass.

As the woman entered, she acted as if she were in her own home, as did her son, while her husband acted politely and somewhat apologetically toward Jonathan,

Seeing the three people enter, Lauren felt guilty as she came out of the kitchen to greet them, and Olivia, who had just come out of the basement with Ethan, saw these people and tried to quickly turn around to go back to the basement, but the fat boy's gaze was quicker and saw her immediately.

"Olivia!" He shouted excitedly as he ran towards her.

Stopping in her tracks, Olivia knew there was no escape and turned to the boy with a sigh. "Hi Jerry..."

Seeing Olivia in front of him, Jerry broke into a wide smile. "You look so beautiful Olivia, let me show you the games I bought on my phone."

Saying this, the boy took out his cell phone and without waiting for Olivia to say no, he opened the screen of the cell phone and began to explain each game he had bought, completely ignoring Ethan.

Ethan was used to this by now and just slowly walked away as he went upstairs to his room where Noah was sleeping, leaving Olivia to deal with Jerry, their cousin.

As Ethan went upstairs, Karen was with her husband talking to Jonathan and Lauren.

"Jonathan, I know the money I loaned you was a lot, but I need that money back now. Jerry is going on an exchange trip and he's going to need this money for his expenses in Spain." Karen said as she looked at Jonathan with a slight smile.

Karen was Jonathan's younger sister. While the rest of his family were normal people, Karen grew up feeling that money was the most important thing, so much so that her husband, David, was chosen only because he was the son of the owner of a car dealership, which guaranteed her a promising future.

Because of the family's financial difficulties, Jonathan had to borrow money from Karen, which was only considered a possibility because he had no other option but to sell something they needed, like the car.

Unfortunately, since he was asking Karen for money, she took it as proof that she was the right one in the family to prioritize money in her life, so the rest of the family had to listen to her say how right she was to be rich while they were poor.

But this was the first time Karen had come to his house to collect the money without telling him first, which made Jonathan a little suspicious.

"Karen... I don't have all the money right now, but I can pay you back little by little, Noah is working now and when we meet we can pay back part of what I owe you..." Jonathan replied embarrassed, especially since he needed Noah's help to pay off his debts.

"That can't be, Jonathan, I need that money badly." Karen denied as she shook her head. "If you can't pay me, I'll have to sue you."

Jonathan was shocked to hear this.

"I'm your brother, Karen..." He said worriedly.

"I love you too for being your sister, Jonathan, but you asked me for this money two months ago and you haven't paid me until today, I think you don't want to pay me..." She said as she pulled out a folder with some printed pictures. "I have all the proof of our messenger conversations where you asked for money, which would serve as evidence for a judge to declare me the winner of the trial, Jonathan."

When Jonathan saw that she had even brought the printed conversations, he felt even more that something was wrong.

He had no money, the only thing she could win by suing him was the family car, but for her husband, who now owned his family's car dealership, a car like the Camry he had wouldn't be all that attractive.

But even though it was embarrassing, Jonathan knew he had been wrong not to pay back the loan, and he apologized. "I'm sorry, Karen, you don't have to sue me. I'll get the money to pay you back next month, I swear."

Seeing Jonathan like this, Lauren felt very bad, thinking that it was her fault that the family was like this, while Olivia, just hearing it from a distance, also started to feel bad for her father, while her annoying cousin kept talking about irrelevant things on his cell phone, trying to get her attention.

Looking at Jonathan with a proud expression, Karen finally suggested what she wanted. "You know, Jonathan, there's a possibility that I could help you forgive this debt..."

"How?" Jonathan asked worriedly.

"You can transfer your right to our parents' inheritance to me." She said with a smile.

Jonathan was horrified by this, although their parents were old, they were still alive and probably had at least 10 years left to live if all went well, but Karen was already trying to get his share of the inheritance?!

"Karen, even though the inheritance is split 4 ways, my share alone would be worth more than $100,000, this exchange wouldn't be fair at all!" Jonathan said indignantly.

Keeping the smile on her face, Karen replied. "Yes, but if I sue you and win the case, you'll have to sell your car to pay off the debt, which will cause you to lose your job, which will cause you to be unable to pay your bills and live on the street. Between giving me your share of the inheritance or putting your family on the street, which is better?"

As Jonathan and Lauren watched Karen smile as she pulled a contract out of her purse, this scene was exactly what they imagined when someone said they had made a deal with the devil.

"Are you sure about this, Karen?" Jonathan asked, wanting to see if there was any humanity left in his sister, but she didn't even bother to answer and just put the contract in front of Jonathan.

"Just sign it, Jonathan, and everything will be fine." She said.

Looking at the contract in front of him, Jonathan saw that this was indeed what she was talking about.

The contract said that the $10,000 debt he had borrowed from her would be forgiven in exchange for the inheritance rights he had.

As he considered all the possibilities, looking at Lauren, Olivia, and thinking about Ethan and Noah, Jonathan really thought about signing the contract.

As he picked up the pen to sign it, making Karen's smile even bigger, a voice interrupted him.

"Dad, stop!"

Surprised, everyone looked at the stairs and saw Ethan coming down with a handsome young man with messy bleached hair who looked like he had just woken up.

Looking at the boy with disdain, Karen scoffed. "Haha, now you're even letting Olivia's boyfriend stay with you? That explains why you can't afford anything, Jonathan."

But her statement made everyone look at her in confusion.

"What are you saying, Karen, that boy isn't Olivia's boyfriend, he's Noah, my son." Lauren explained in confusion.

Hearing that it was Noah, Karen was shocked because the last time she'd seen Noah he was so fat he looked like he'd eaten someone else.

"That's impossible, Noah was much fatter than me!!!" Jerry shouted in confusion and anger at the room, ignoring the way Olivia was looking at him now.

"Too bad, now you're the only fat one in the family, Pig Jerry." Noah replied indifferently, not even looking at Jerry as he walked toward the kitchen.

But when Jerry saw Noah talking to him and ignoring him like he wasn't even worth his time, Jerry got angry and ran up to Noah.

Because of his weight, Jerry wasn't used to running and tripped on the carpet of the house, causing his headset to fall off, but he still managed to balance himself in the end and come face to face with Noah.

When he finally looked at Jerry, Noah stared into the face of the boy who was at least ten centimeters shorter than him, crossing his arms in front of his body.

"What do you want, Pig Jerry?" Noah asked without patience.

Because of his physical experiences, he didn't like to mock people like he did in his previous world, especially when it came to the person's weight, but for people like this who came to his house to try to extort money from his family, Noah had no mercy.

Even more so with [Krav Maga Lv 22], Noah felt much more confident to deal with anything.

Seeing Noah with his current muscles standing in front of him and staring at him, Jerry swallowed hard and regretted trying to intimidate Noah.


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