Gamer Superstar

Chapter 54 [Bonus ] 54 - Enjoy the show!

Chapter 54 [Bonus ] 54 - Enjoy the show!

[+1 CON]

[Singing Lv 29 -> 30]

[Stage Presence Lv 1:

Effect: Develops an enhanced understanding of stage presence techniques, increasing the singer's confidence and skill by 1%. This includes mastery of posture, body expression, audience interaction, and emotional control during performances. It also improves lyric retention and practical application during performances by 1%. Gain a tangible advantage by absorbing the fundamentals of captivating and engaging stage presence].

Although the quality of my singing during the performance improved even more when my Singing skill increased to level 30, when I gained the Stage Presence skill, it was as if I'd been performing for over a month and all the experience I'd gained in that month of performing had come back to me, making me behave better to excite the audience, talk better to the audience, and hold more of the audience's attention.

This made the quality of the show even better!

What was once just a talented singer with some charisma on stage, but who clearly had some doubts about how to behave on stage, had now become a singer with some experience who at least knew better how to interact with the audience and how to behave, thus improving the audience's experience many times over.

Hearing people singing the chorus of Numb and seeing them dancing in the audience at that moment was completely different than when I sang it with Midnight Echoes the night I met Selena.

Being on stage by myself and being the center of attention was a lot cooler than just playing guitar in the corner.

People singing along with my voice was a great feeling and now I understood why Jannet liked being the center of attention so much.

But while I thought it was fun to sing on stage by myself, I also thought it would be really cool to have my friends with me.

Wouldn't it be nice to finish the song and have a joke with Mark? To have other buddies on stage to entertain the audience, one making fun of the other while the people downstairs laugh and enjoy it?

I think I might try to invite them to perform with me one day.

Even if it meant taking a smaller cut of the payment for the show, if the experience of performing with them was better than performing alone, it might be worth it.

The only thing I would have to see was if BlackVelvet would become a band or if I would remain the singer of BlackVelvet and hire them as a backing band.

Both sides had their advantages and disadvantages.

Turning BlackVelvet into a band would be like giving them a part of what I've already built on my own, but in return I'd get 100% of their dedication to make it grow with me.

Hiring them as a backing band would keep me as the sole owner of BlackVelvet, which would avoid potential drama if fights broke out, but they wouldn't have to be 100% dedicated to making it grow either.

That would be something I would have to consider in the future, for now I just wanted to enjoy my show.

By the time I finished singing Numb, the sweat was pouring off my body as if I'd been practicing for a long time.

To rest, I sat down in the chair on stage and started strumming a tune in the background while talking to the audience.

"How about it, I saw that there was only one person who could sing this song, may I ask what your name is and where you learned the words?" I said as I swept my eyes over the audience until they landed on the girl in the front row.

The girl was quite cute, with long straight brown hair and dark sparkling eyes, wearing a short pink shirt that showed part of her belly.

When she saw me looking at her, the people around her looked at her too, but unlike normal girls, she didn't get nervous and answered.

"I'm Charlie, I've been following you on Spokify since you released Numb!" She said smiling.

Hearing that, I was surprised. "Really? What a coincidence. Did you know I was going to be performing here tonight?" Shaking her head, she denied it.

Shaking her head, she denied it. "No, I recently broke up with someone and when I heard the song Boyfriend you released yesterday, I thought I'd come out to have some fun and forget about him."

When people heard what she said, the men started whistling and laughing.

Seeing their reaction, I joined in. "Haha, looks like there are a lot of people willing to help you get over your ex-boyfriend. Looks like someone's out of luck tonight, huh guys?"

"Yeahhh, if she wants, I can help her get over her ex in no time!"

"My name is Forget, my last name is Ex!"


As I said this, some guys started to make fun of the lively atmosphere, making the girl laugh at people's antics, but without showing any interest in these people.

"Since you came to the show for my song Boyfriend, I'll sing it for you Charlie, enjoy the song!" I said as I slowly changed the strumming I was doing from a generic song to the Boyfriend song.

The people in the audience were curious to know what song I had posted on the Internet had made the girl who was sad about the breakup come to a bar to have a good time, so the people who had gone to rest came back, and the people who had been waiting for a reason to come to the audience also came.

From what I observed that night, this was the time when there were fewer people sitting at the surrounding tables and more people standing in the audience to see a performer.

And I didn't want to disappoint them.


I can't believe we're finally aloneI can't believe I almost went homeWhat are the odds? Everyone's dancingAnd he's not with you

The universe must have seen this coming.

What am I supposed to do? Not grab your wrist?


When I started singing the song with a thicker and sexier voice than the one I used for Numb, the audience got very excited.

The style of this song was very different from the style of Numb and The Lazy Song, which made people even more curious about this.

Listening to the lyrics and seeing how the girls were acting, the men in the audience who were following the girls became a little worried, but when they saw that my eyes were focused on the girl who had come to the bar because she had broken up with me, they became more relaxed.

This song was very dangerous because the girls who heard it felt a strange feeling.

You could see it in Charlie's face, she had stars in her eyes as she watched me sing the song.

When I started singing the song, a man came on stage with a camera and started recording the show.

This was the cameraman Selena had hired to record the live version of Boyfriend for me to post on MeTube and use to promote the shows.

Having material like this that showed my stage presence and the audience's reaction to my show was very good for getting better opportunities to perform and better payments for my shows.

I would still be responsible for editing and production, but just having a professional cameraman to capture everything and good angles was much better than just a stationary camera.


I could be a better friend than him.

I could do the shit he never did

Up all night, I won't stop

Thinking I could steal you from him

I could be such a gentleman

And all my clothes would fit


Just like when I sang Numb, when I sang the second chorus of the song, the crowd in the audience also started singing along with me, but this time the predominant voice in their chorus was female, which made it clear how appealing this song was to that type of audience.

But even though the girls liked it more, the guys also enjoyed the song, especially those who had come to the bar to pick up girls and now used the song to look for girls to pick up.

The only ones who weren't so comfortable were the guys who had come with their girlfriends, who took the opportunity to hug the girls from behind to protect them and make it clear that they owned them.

The guys who got the most out of the situation were those who were dating the girls for the first time. After seeing how the other men acted, they also had the courage to hug the girls from behind, and most of them accepted it, imagining that they were the protagonists of the lyrics and the guy they were going out with was singing it to them.

It was clear that the libido in the air when I sang that song was very high, but I didn't worry about it.

If people liked my music, I was happy.

When the song finally ended, there was a round of applause from the audience.

Unfortunately, my repertoire of original songs only had In The End, I could still sing and play other songs from my old world, but I didn't think it was a good idea to do a show 100% of songs that people didn't know, so at that point I started playing songs that people liked, that were famous in this world, leaving In The End as literally the last song of the show.

When I started playing the songs they knew, the audience got even more excited.


Thank you very much Gilly1210 for the Magic Castle!! Your 2 Bonus Chapters will be released as soon as I can!!

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