Gamer Superstar

Chapter 53 53 - Let the show begin!

Chapter 53 53 - Let the show begin!

๏ปฟ๏ปฟNunuNote: I edited the end of the last chapter to add Charlie's POV. This was an addition of 500 words, so if you want the full experience, I suggest you go back to the previous chapter and read the end again. There's a warning where her POV starts. :)


Going on stage was an incredible feeling...

Looking at the largely indifferent audience didn't affect me at all.

I knew that I would get this kind of attention because probably nobody here knew me.

Although I already had a few thousand followers, that number was not only spread all over the country, but there was also a part that came from other countries, so my fame in the US wasn't that big, since it was even smaller in my state and almost insignificant in my own city.

If there were a hundred people in the city who knew me, that would be a big number.

But I wasn't worried about that. If I started playing shows from now on, my fame in the city would only grow more and more.

When I took the microphone from the host as I entered the stage, I smiled as I looked out at the audience.

But even though I had the microphone in my hand, I was still silent for a few seconds as I just stared at the audience, smiling, which made some people feel a little uncomfortable.

Realizing my mistake, I laughed a little and spoke into the microphone. "I'm sorry I got lost for a few seconds. This is my first time on stage alone and I felt like I wanted to remember this moment forever..."

Listening to my explanation, even the people who were a little uncomfortable smiled after hearing it.

"To start the evening, I thought I'd sing my first song, but I thought one of my other songs would be better to liven up the evening, so stick with The Lazy Song!" I said excitedly as I swapped the electric guitar I was holding for an acoustic guitar.

This was the equipment that Selena had bought with the AJP money.


Today I don't feel like doing anything

I just wanna lay in my bed

Don't feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone'

Cause today, I swear I'm not doing anything


When I started playing this song, I noticed that people were already dancing to the upbeat beat.

Although it was a little different from the style of music I had been playing before, not only was it my most famous song, which was true because I even saw some people who probably didn't know who I was singing it, but it was also a good song to set the mood for the evening.

What I found strange was that there was a girl in the front row of the audience just standing there staring at me while humming the lyrics to my song!

----- Charlie's POV ----

It was really him! It was the real BlackVelvet singing on stage!

When the host announced that the person who would be on stage was named BlackVelvet, I thought it might just be a coincidence that two artists had the same name, even though the host explained that the BlackVelvet who would be on stage had started his career a month ago and was already in the E Rank, just like the BlackVelvet I knew.

When I saw the boy my age walking on stage with his hair dyed and wearing black clothes, the first thing I thought of was the 2D BlackVelvet character he used in The Lazy Song and Boyfriend, who looked exactly like this boy.

The way he acted when he went on stage and the things he said made me understand that this was his first show, so he was a little nervous.

But unlike other artists when they perform in person for the first time, the nervousness he felt didn't seem to be fear, it was more like he was so excited about it that he couldn't process other feelings at the same time, which I thought was really cute.

When he said he was going to sing The Lazy Song my heart stopped, that was the song I listened to the most last week, it was the best way for me to know if he was really the BlackVelvet I knew or someone else.


Today I don't feel like doing anything...


As soon as he sang the first line of the song I knew it was him, it really was him!

All his singing was very good live, maybe even a little bit better than how he sang when he recorded the song he posted on Spokify...

As he sang, even though the people around him started to dance and get excited, I just froze when I looked at him, at the details in his face that I'd always tried to imagine him looking like, and as much as he wasn't identical to how I'd imagined him, he was still the same!

I thought about how ironic it was that his music had convinced me to leave the house to have a good time, and that the first place I went without knowing it was to one of his concerts.

When he finished singing The Lazy Song, the atmosphere in the bar, which had been a little low because of the previous band, went back up, people got excited, the dance floor got fuller, and people left the tables they were at to come and enjoy themselves.

I only noticed this because while the previous band was playing, I was quite comfortable in the front row without anyone trying to get on my side, but BlackVelvet's stage presence was better, so more people were interested and came to my side to watch this show better.

What made it interesting was that the stage had a screen in the back that bands usually put their logo on and leave it there so people know who's on stage, but BlackVelvet was different, they used it to put up the music video for their song.

And considering how cool his animated music video was, that made it even more interesting. Even if people weren't that interested in his person, it was pretty cool to see the music video that was playing in the background that matched the song.

With a big smile on my face, I watched him open a bottle of water that was on a table next to him while he spoke into the microphone.

"This song was The Lazy Song, one of my last songs that I made when I was lazing around at home and all I wanted to do was lie on the couch and think about nothing". He said relaxed with a smile on his face. "I saw that some people in the audience knew the song, can I ask you where you got it from?"

As he asked this, a guy behind me shouted excitedly. "My friends in our bro group sent this song, I didn't know that the singer of this song was from our hometown!"

After this guy shouted excitedly, another guy also said excitedly. "I heard my brother listening to this song, and I felt it really suited me, haha!"

On stage, BlackVelvet looked at these people with a smile as he listened to them and paid attention to what they said, showing that he was really happy about it.

"I'm glad you like the song, this was the song that got me into Rank E last week. But that doesn't mean that my previous songs were any worse. Now I'm going to sing my first song, if anyone knows the words feel free to sing along, now I'm going to sing Numb!" He said while exchanging the guitar he was holding for an electric guitar.

The rock fans noticed this and got excited.

This was a rock bar, after all, and even though people liked his previous music, their favorite style was still rock.

When they saw BlackVelvet pick up the guitar, the anticipation of the crowd grew as they waited to hear what he was going to play.


of the crowd grew as they waited to hear what he was going to play.

I'm tired of being what you want me to be

Feeling so faithless, lost beneath the surface

Not knowing what you expect of me

Under the pressure of walking in your shoes


When he started to sing, his voice changed completely.

From the cheerful, relaxed voice he used to sing The Lazy Song, his voice now changed to a fuller, sexier voice when he sang Numb...

This time there was no one to sing his song apart from a child somewhere in the bar because Numb was less known than The Lazy Song, but the audience's reaction was even greater than when he performed The Lazy Song!

As soon as he started playing the song, people gathered even closer to the stage to get a better look at him as they started jumping and bobbing their heads!

Looking back, I could see several people holding cell phones and filming, while others just held their drinks and enjoyed the moment.

When the song reached the second chorus, people started singing along!


I've become so numb...

Can't feel you there...

Getting so tired...

So much more aware...

I'm becoming this...

All I want to do...

Is to be more like me...

And be less like you...


With the people in the audience singing, more and more people got up from the tables they were sitting at and came to enjoy the show, making the place I was in, which was starting to feel cramped before, even more so now.

But at this point I didn't care, because I was one of the people who started jumping and singing along.

Even BlackVelvet on stage was excited as he played and jumped around.

This show was amazing!


Thank you very much Gilly1210 for the Magic Castle!! Your 2 Bonus Chapters will be released as soon as I can!!

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