Gamer Superstar

Chapter 124 124 - Worried Mom

Chapter 124 124 - Worried Mom

At the end of the lesson, I looked at my new skill.

[Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv3

Effect: Develops a better understanding of motorcycle riding techniques, increasing confidence and riding skill by 3%. This includes advanced maneuvering skills, riding in adverse conditions, and efficient navigation. It also improves retention and practical application of motorcycle knowledge while riding by 3%. Gain a tangible advantage by absorbing the fundamentals of agile and efficient riding].

This skill was basically a motorcycle version of my Driving Mastery skill, which made me wonder if there was a possibility of these two skills merging in the future?

Of course, I still didn't know, because I hadn't had any skills that merged with another, which could mean that there was either a hidden condition, or it depended on mastering the skill, or there was no such possibility at all.

With [Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv3], I already had the knowledge of someone who had trained and studied motorcycles and riding for three months, which was more than enough as theoretical knowledge, what I lacked now was only practical knowledge.

So after the lesson I went to the place where the driving test was held and found the fat man waiting for me next to a simple motorcycle.

I couldn't really remember his name... but I didn't feel bad calling him fat.

As someone who used to be fat and was called names by others without doing anything wrong, and now a jerk like him wanted to screw me over, I'm the one who really has the right to call him fat.

So I didn't bother to remember his name.

"How much do you know about motorcycles?" He asked me without really knowing how to act, knowing that I had his dirty stuff to this day and that it could get him fired.

Without worrying about his attitude, I simply replied. "I've been studying this for a few months, but I've never ridden a real motorcycle."

Hearing this, he sighed as he nodded and spoke. "Do you want to try to get on the bike yourself, or do you want me to demonstrate first and you try later?"

"I can get on by myself while you correct my mistakes." I said and he nodded.

Although he was a jerk to me the first time we met, he knew how to teach well, and in the one hour lesson he gave me, my skill went up two more levels.

[Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv5]

By that time, I was very familiar with the motorcycle and was able to pass all the driving tests for the things I needed to know and experience in order to use it on the road.

Surprisingly, he even taught me and gave me some tips on how to do lane splitting, which is when you ride a motorcycle on top of lanes, riding between cars to pass or avoid heavy traffic.

But he told me that I could only do that in California because it was illegal in most other states.

After an hour, he printed out the certificate for me and said my license would be at my house in a few weeks.

Smiling as I looked at the certificate, I got excited thinking about the bike I was going to buy as I took the bus home.

Since I hadn't told my mom what I was going to do, it wouldn't do to surprise her by asking her to pick me up, so I just took the bus home and went back to my routine, taking the opportunity to watch the results of yesterday's video.

[Vlog #4 - 98,425 views] +61,513

Hehe, looking at the almost 100k views, I could see the almost $650 I got for this video alone.

It's funny to think that I was worried about being able to pay Jason for his filming services, while now I'm able to pay him for every video and still have a lot of money left over.

Each of my previous vlogs had already earned me over $1,000, while the first two had earned over $2,000 each!

Paying Jason $300 a weekend to help me record these vlogs was one of the best investments I've ever made.

When I got home, I saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch hugging each other.

It was a different feeling to see my dad home so early, but it felt really good.

I could feel that my mother was getting happier by the day, and even I began to notice that Combat Helicopter Lauren was slowly disappearing.

But when she saw me, her relaxed expression changed to a guilty one, which made me worry.

"Hi Noah..." She said, looking away from me.

"Hi mom, is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

Looking at me, she sighed and replied. "Yeah, everything's fine... I just... I don't know how to tell you this..."

This worried me even more and made me look at my father for answers, but he was quite relaxed, which was a good sign for me that at least it wasn't that bad.

"What happened, Mom?" I asked as I sat down on the other sofa and looked at her worriedly.

"You know Noah... while I was practicing editing the videos you suggested, out of curiosity I decided to look for a law video to edit and that kind of sparked my desire to go back to law school, with your dad around I felt more comfortable studying it and I was thinking of trying to go back to work." She explained, trying to look away in embarrassment.

Surprised, I was very happy for her and asked, "That's great, Mom! Why are you so sad?"

Confused, she obviously hadn't expected my reaction and replied at a loss. "I was afraid you'd be disappointed that I didn't want to continue training to make a cooking channel on MeTube like you suggested..."

Laughing, I shook my head as I explained. "Mom, I suggested the channel because you wanted to help out more at home, but if you're really going to be able to work in the field you love, why should I be sad? I'm proud of you!"

Seeing that I wasn't angry or disappointed with her, I noticed how relieved she was and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

My father also smiled as he spoke next to her. "See? I told you he'd understand."

Smiling, she got up from the sofa and hugged me, obviously very relieved.

My mother had a law degree, and if she wanted to, she could start practicing law today, but of course, since she hadn't practiced for so many years, she would have to study for a few more months before she could start working, where she would have to find a job in a law firm, and as it was, a personal office where she could work from home, but if she managed that and dedicated herself, it wouldn't be a problem to consolidate things.

Not to mention that lawyers are paid very well, and if my mother could get a foothold in that profession, it wouldn't be impossible to earn $200,000 a year, which would give them a lot more financial freedom than depending on me to pay the bills.

Looking at this, it might seem that if my mother had wanted to work from the beginning, the family would have been in a much better financial situation in the past, without having to ask family members for money, which might have been true, but my mother always wanted to work, she just couldn't because of a psychological block.

But now that my father has more free time and I'm bringing the family closer together and resolving the internal conflicts they had before I was born, it's been a great help in getting her out of those mental blocks.

It finally made her willing to try to go back to work.

I could see that my father was very happy about this, not because of the money she could make, but because of the change she was having and how much more she was opening up.

To celebrate, we took the opportunity that night to order two large pizzas, which Ethan loved, and we ate them while watching a movie together in the living room.

The next few days went by with my normal routine.

On Friday, my video of the show with Lila Brooks was posted, which was also very well received by the public, making it my most viewed vlog video in the first 24 hours.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't get any money from this video this month, so I'd have to wait until next month to get my earnings from this video.

But I wasn't too worried.

Yesterday I had already received my MeTube payment on my bank account, and now I went with my father to his friend's semi-new car shop.

From what he told me, the prices at this store were very good, so I could rest easy about choosing the bike I wanted.

Knowing how Ethan, Liv, and my mom would look if I came home with a motorcycle, I already planned to buy two helmets to take my siblings out for a ride.

As for my mom, my dad asked me if he could take my mom for a ride to remind her of when they first met.

Of course, I didn't refuse.

While we were going to the store, I decided to open my phone to check how my channel was doing and how many views my video I posted yesterday had.

Today I would be posting the official music video for "A Bar Song", which I was also looking forward to posting.


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