Gamer Superstar

Chapter 123 [Bonus ] 123 - A motorcycle?!

Chapter 123 [Bonus Chapter] 123 - A motorcycle?!

Seeing the public's reaction to my video in real time was more fun than I imagined.

Since I always set the video to post and then went off to do something else, seeing their reaction, their comments, what they were thinking at that very moment was something that left me with a smile on my face the whole time.

When the video was over, I used my account to reply to some of the comments, which led to even more people commenting.

After a few minutes, I refreshed the page and was excited to see how many views the video had.

[My first music battle! Did I win?! Vlog #4 - 36,912 views].

Nearly 37k views in just 20 minutes, a great view rate for the channel.

When I opened the channel, I confirmed that the day my earnings would be paid would be Friday, the day I would post the next vlog, which would mean I wouldn't get the money from the views of that next vlog.

At least I had posted this vlog today, which would already help with a few hundred dollars for my monthly payment.

When I looked at how much I already had on the channel and how much I could possibly withdraw, I smiled even more.

If it weren't for paying off family debts, helping with household bills, and tuition at the school I'm transferring to, I might even be able to buy the NSX I so desperately want next week.

Unfortunately, after paying all these bills, I'll still be a few thousand dollars short.

But I wasn't that eager to get the car so soon.

If I could get it as soon as possible, it would be ideal for me, but since I couldn't, I had no problem taking the bus to school for a month before I finally bought my car.

Then I had an idea. If I didn't have enough money to buy a car, couldn't I just buy a motorcycle?

Out of curiosity, I opened a website selling motorcycles and saw that the price of motorcycles wasn't that high compared to cars.

I could buy a CBR1000R for only $8,000, so I could go anywhere I wanted without worrying if my parents needed the car, I could go to and from school every day without bothering anyone, and I wouldn't have to worry about buses either.

The only problem would be the driver's license I would need.

But I had a solution for that.

I still had the number of the fat man who was my driving test instructor, and I still have the blackmail note I kept for him because I forgot to report him.

I could just ask him to schedule a driving lesson for me tomorrow and get my motorcycle license!

Smiling, I quickly picked up my cell phone and called him, and within seconds he answered.

[Hey buddy, remember me? I asked during the call with a smile.

[My phone doesn't have your number. Who is this?] He asked confusedly on the other end of the line.

[I'm Noah Black, the one who took a driving test with you and took some pictures on his cell phone, remember?] I asked laughing.

Hearing what I said, he fell silent for a few seconds.

[I think you remember me then, anyway I won't waste much of our time, I want to get my motorcycle license, can you arrange for me to have a lesson with you tomorrow? I'll need you to teach me for at least an hour]. I said as I stopped laughing.

[Is that all?] he asked.

[Sure, that's it, after that we'll "take my test" and if I pass you'll help me get my license, that's all]. I explained.

When I said that, he was silent for a few more seconds and I just waited.

[Okay, tomorrow at 2 p.m., okay?] He asked.

[No problem, see you then] I said before hanging up.

It's a good thing I didn't report him, because it was a lot more useful than actually having to book and take the driving lessons, then having to book and take the driving test.

With that one phone call, I was able to advance the process of getting my motorcycle license by at least a week or two.

The next day, while having breakfast with my father, I decided to tell him about my idea.

"I'm thinking of buying a motorcycle on Saturday. Can you go with me to choose the bike?" I asked.


When my father heard my question, he choked on his coffee and looked at me startled.

"You want to buy a motorcycle? Didn't you want to buy a car?" He asked confused.

"I want to go to school on my own, since I can't afford the car I want, I thought I would buy a motorcycle this month and a car next month." I explained.

"But do you know how to ride a motorcycle?" he asked worriedly.

"Yes, not as much as I know how to drive a car, but I know enough to pass the driving test I have scheduled for today." I explained, making him even more surprised.

"You're taking a driving test to get your motorcycle license today?! Jesus, Noah..." He said, not knowing how to react.

I signaled with my finger in front of my mouth. "Shut up Dad, I want to surprise them with this." I said as I pointed up where the bedrooms were.

Seeing this, my father's face lit up with the realization that no one knew I could ride a motorcycle because I wanted to surprise them.

What he didn't know was that I actually had no idea how to ride a motorcycle.

My idea was to take advantage of the one-hour lesson I had with the fat man, whose name I can't remember today, and learn everything I needed in that one hour.

As long as I got Lv 1 in a motorcycle riding skill, that would be enough to give me a month's experience, which would make me fit enough to ride on my own.

Of course, just to make sure, I'd watch some motorcycle riding videos during my lessons at school and try to get as much experience in that skill as possible.

I think with at least Lv 3 in this skill, I would already have the confidence to ride a motorcycle on the street by myself.

"All right, I have a friend who owns a used bike shop, I can take you there to look at the bikes he has available." My father said with a sigh. "You know, when I met your mom, I used a motorcycle to impress her."

Now that was information that surprised me. "Don't tell me my mother liked you to accelerate fast on the bike while she was on the back?"

A big, proud smile appeared on his face. "Yes, she loved the adrenaline rush. There was even a day when I had a few drinks in a bar and the police wanted to stop me, so I drove between several cars and disappeared from their sight hehe, your mother almost killed me, but after taking out her anger on me, she got all excited about the adrenaline rush."

He said.

But when he noticed the stars in my eyes, he realized that he had said more than he should have and tried to correct himself by saying that I shouldn't do something like that, how dangerous it was, but I didn't pay attention.

After a few minutes I went outside to do my exercises.

While I was running, the only people who were awake were the old people who got up very early. They all greeted me as I passed by, and I smiled and waved back.

As I passed a certain house, I felt a girl's gaze coming from the upstairs bedroom window, which made me shiver a little, but I pretended to ignore it and accelerated my running speed.

With my current body, I could run much faster in the same time than before.

Whereas in the beginning it took me an hour to run 3 to 6 kilometers, now I could run 12 to 15 kilometers in an hour.

But despite the increase in intensity, the amount of weight I lost decreased even more.

Today I had lost only 300 grams, which was a fraction of what I was losing every day.

But even though it wasn't working for me anymore, I still enjoyed the routine of waking up early to do these exercises.

With no music playing in my headphones, no podcasts in my ear, just the noise of the world around me, it was one of the rare moments when I didn't think about anything.

Or rather, I spent most of the time imagining the bike I was going to buy.

Despite being a car guy, what kind of guy doesn't think a sports bike is cool? Wearing a black leather jacket, with a black helmet with a black visor, while riding a sports bike wrapped in matte black... bruh...

I wish I could buy the bike today, but I had to wait until I got the money from MeTube to buy the bike, since the money I had was now earmarked to pay off the $5,000 family debt.

When I was in school, I spent a lot of time just watching motorcycle videos and learning how to ride, so I got the motorcycle riding skill, and that skill went up to Lv 3 before I even took my driving test!


Thanks Requiem for the Magic Castle Gift! Your 2 Bonus chapters has been added to the chapters queue!


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