Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 183: Bronze Rune – King’s Landing Changes

Chapter 183: Bronze Rune – King’s Landing Changes

Rhaegar chuckled, shaking his head as he read the note. "Hehe, it's as if a pillow fell right into my lap."

He handed the note to Jeyne and the others. Tormund and Erryk had accidentally discovered the Mountain Clans' gathering place on their way to meet them. They had already positioned their troops nearby, awaiting Rhaegar's instructions.

Jeyne, excited by the news, said, "Rhaegar, if this letter is accurate, we can mobilize our forces and ambush the Mountain Clans."

The rebellion involved many tribes. Now that they knew where they were meeting, they could take them by surprise and wipe them out.

However, Old Grimm shook his head. "Prince, the marked place is in the mountains. Our current troops are limited, and fighting in the mountains and forests favors the mountain clans."

"My suggestion is to deal with the traitors first, and then deal with the mountain clans."

In his opinion, resolving the Shett House was the top priority. Besides, Runestone lacked enough troops, and with an unstable rear, victory would be difficult.

"Everyone, the traitors must be apprehended and the Mountain Clans must be wiped out," Rhaegar said firmly. "Bring the traitors to me within three days. After that, I will personally lead the Dragon to defeat the Mountain Clans."

Three days would be enough time for him to recover from his wounds.

"Rhaegar, your injuries..." Jeyne began, worried.

"Enough," Rhaegar interrupted, waving his hand. "The decision is made. Carry out your missions, and in three days, we will besiege the Mountain Clans."

He had spent enough time in the Vale. The Mountain Clans and the rebels would meet their end.

The group exchanged glances, and even Lady Jeyne, hesitant to defy Rhaegar's command, nodded in agreement.

"Very well, take me back, Rhaenyra," Rhaegar said, not wanting to waste time. He still needed to write back to Erryk.

Rhaenyra, surprise evident in her eyes, pushed him back toward the castle. As Rhaegar disappeared from view, he had unknowingly become the center of power, and his words were the law.



Rhaegar lay in his bedroom, a faint green light flickering on his chest. The light traced a pattern, forming a strange rune.


As the rune completed, the green light coalesced into a ball, manipulated by an unseen force. Gradually, it formed a diamond-shaped dragon scale, about the size of a baby's fist. The scale hovered three inches above Rhaegar's chest.

With a thought, Rhaegar guided the scale to his heart, where it merged with his skin. The light faded, leaving behind an intricate green dragon scale pattern, like an elegant tattoo.

"Whew~~ the first bronze rune is finally complete," Rhaegar sighed in relief, raising a hand to touch the scale pattern on his chest.

He had meticulously carved the bronze rune, adjusting it to the shape of a dragon's scale and embedding it in his skin. Testing its effectiveness, he drew a dagger and slashed at the scale.


The green scale appeared, blocking the blade and preventing any damage to his flesh. Rhaegar's face lit up with joy.

"An excellent means of preserving one's life!" he exclaimed.

For now, there was only one bronze rune protecting his heart. But as he engraved more runes, they would eventually form a complete set of runic armor. Once complete, ordinary swords and knives would be powerless against him.

"Time to continue engraving," Rhaegar said with determination, stifling a yawn.

Creating bronze runes was more time-consuming and mentally taxing than he had expected. While the serpent rune was physically draining, the bronze runes were sapping his mental strength. In his current state, engraving three runes a day would significantly deplete his energy reserves.


King's Landing

Recent events had set off a flurry of rumors throughout the city.

The former Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, had returned to King's Landing and rejoined the Small Council as Master of Civil Affairs.

Accompanying him was High Septon Madoc of the Church of the Seven, both of whom were welcomed by the King and Queen.

One of Otto's first initiatives was to help the orphanages and impoverished residents of King's Landing. High Septon Madoc provided manpower and led his congregation in distributing food and tending to the sick and wounded.

The city's poor expressed their gratitude for the Master of Civil Affairs generosity and praised the Church of the Seven.

Flea Bottom

A group of figures in black robes moved stealthily through the streets and alleys, using the cover of night. Two figures approached the entrance of a brightly lit brothel, hiding in the shadows.

"Are you sure about this, girl?" asked one of the black-robed figures, removing his hood to reveal brown curls and a confident smile.

The other figure lifted her hood, revealing the delicate face of a foreign young girl.

"I have a name, Sara," she responded calmly.

"It doesn't matter; Valar morghulis (all men must die)," Syrio replied with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on the girl.

Sara remained expressionless. "I no longer belong in that hellhole."

"That's right, you're in Westeros now, serving a heir," Syrio said, raising an eyebrow with a hint of regret.

"I am a failure. Please don't mention it again," Sara said coldly as she pulled her hood back up and headed toward the brothel's back door. "Valar dohaeris (all men must serve)."

Syrio watched her go, whispering, "A girl with talent."

Moments later, screams echoed from inside the brothel. Sara emerged from another corner, wiping a bloodstained dagger on her black robe. "Let's go. I cut the throat of that fat pig who abused the young."

"Very good," Syrio said with satisfaction, pulling his hood back on.

The two disappeared into a narrow alley, their presence vanishing into the darkness. By the next day, news of the High Septon's assassination in a brothel would spread throughout King's Landing. More shockingly, the assailants were revealed to be two children under ten—a boy and a girl.


Three days later.

Runestone Castle, Vale.

A cross stood in the castle's front yard, lined with naked men and women. Their faces were ashen, and their previously pampered lives were evident from their oily hair and pale flesh.

Joffrey, now sporting a new scar on his face, stood in the courtyard, naming the captives.

"Ser Uther Shett, Lord Shett and his son John Shett from House Shett of Gulltown. Ser Avery Tollett from House Tollett of the Grey Glen. Ser Gunthor Royce..."

Behind Joffrey stood Gerold, Jeyne, and Old Grimm. It was a gathering to punish the rebels.

Clap, clap...

A burst of applause sounded as the castle door opened, revealing a tall figure. Rhaegar, his long hair tied back and clad in black armor, emerged.

With a slight smirk, he announced loudly, "My lords, thank you for waiting!"

Rhaegar looked much better than he had three days ago, though he remained pale with dark circles under his eyes.


A dragon's roar echoed from the sky as a black dragon circled above Runestone, spewing ghostly green Dragonfire. It sensed its master's emotions and declared its presence in advance.


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