Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 182: Knights of the Vale – Capturing the Rebels

Chapter 182: Knights of the Vale – Capturing the Rebels

The sound of the horn startled all of Runestone.

Gerold quickly led his men to the walls, while a pale-faced Jeyne emerged from the castle, her spirits high despite her concern.

"Rhaegar, are you all right?" Jeyne asked, crouching beside the wheelchair with concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine," Rhaegar replied with a small smile. "My life is too precious for the Old and New Gods to take now."

Jeyne smiled and rested her head on his hand. "You have a hole in your stomach, but you're still full of talk."

Rhaenyra frowned slightly at their exchange but then diverted the conversation. "How's Jessamyn?"

Jeyne's smile faded, replaced by worry. "She had a sudden fever last night. The maester said it’s a wound infection."

"Don't worry, she'll pull through," Rhaenyra reassured softly, her face changing to reflect her concern.

Jeyne forced a smile, clutching Rhaegar's hand on the armrest. He glanced at her and gently withdrew his hand.

The family flower is still not ready to be picked, and the wildflower is better left alone.


The gates of Runestone opened wide and hundreds of riders poured in. Gerold ordered the dismounted cavalrymen to be entertained while the horses were taken to the stables to be fed. Then he led several young men in armor to the gate.

"Prince, this is William Royce, my cousin," Gerold introduced, pointing to a young man with short brown hair and a rugged face.

William knelt on one knee and greeted, "Greetings, Prince."

"Rise, Ser," Rhaegar commanded, scanning the bloodstained and battle-worn knight.

William rose, greeted Rhaenyra and Jeyne, and then addressed Jeyne's anxious question. "Where is Lord Yorbert?"

"Lord Yorbert is seriously injured and is in Longbow Hall," William replied, explaining the details of the battle.

Thousands of Mountain Clan members had plundered the Hunter House's territory at Longbow Hall.

With thousands of cavalry and 2,000 foot soldiers, Yorbert had initially won the battle easily, driving the Mountain Clans back into the mountains over half a month.

However, on the way back, the army was ambushed. Thousands of Mountain Clan members, including a Shadowcat and a three-meter-tall giant descendant, attacked.

Yorbert was nearly killed by the Shadowcat, resulting in heavy losses. Before falling unconscious, Yorbert had ordered William to return to Runestone with the remaining cavalry to protect the wedding party from further attacks.

As they talked, two figures emerged from the castle—Old Grimm and Joffrey of the Grafton House.

Rhaegar encouraged, "Joffrey, I heard that you killed two Mountain Clan members. Good job."

Joffrey blushed and puffed out his chest. "It’s what I should do—defend the Vale and protect my family."

Joffrey and Lester's efforts in killing the infiltrating Mountain Clan members had been crucial. Without them, the gates of Runestone might have been secretly opened, and they wouldn’t have held out until the Cannibal returned to help.

Old Grimm's face was stern. "Prince, my family's reinforcements will arrive soon, but I think the Mountain Clans won’t dare to come back. It’s more important to investigate the Vale thoroughly."

Colluding with the Mountain Clans, leading attacks on Longbow Hall and Runestone, and orchestrating the tragic Black Wedding—Arnold couldn't have done it alone. Someone must be supporting him from the shadows, looking to profit from the chaos.

Rhaegar smiled and said, "Lord Grimm, your insight is invaluable."

"I suggest we escort Lady Jeyne back to the Eyrie first and then mobilize the army," Old Grimm suggested sincerely. The Runestone had just been attacked and wasn't safe. As Lady of the Eyrie, Jeyne should sit on her own turf and use her power to plan.

Jeyne remained silent and looked at Rhaegar. With Yorbert gravely wounded and her loyal bannermen decimated, she trusted her cousin more than ever.

Rhaegar's mind was already made up. "No need! My dragons are on standby until we leave the Vale." Having suffered once, Cannibal would not stray far from him.

Turning to Gerold, Rhaegar asked, "Lord Gerold, who were the nobles who were supposed to attend the wedding but didn't?"

Loyal nobles had perished at the Black Wedding, so the traitors must be among those absent.

Gerold pondered. "House Shett of Gulltown and House Tollett of Grey Glen."

Jeyne added, "Gulltown’s branch of House Arryn."

Old Grimm's eyes gleamed. "Gunthor Royce from Runestone didn’t come either!"

The Royce House had many branches, and Gunthor, a second-generation cousin of Albert, was known for his love of banquets and tournaments, but he hadn't attended the Black Wedding.

"Very well, the rebels are clear," Rhaegar said, smiling. He turned to Joffrey. "Joffrey, I have a mission for you. Do you accept?"

"Always ready," Joffrey replied, though his eyes showed nervousness.

Rhaegar addressed William. "Organize your cavalry and take Joffrey to Gulltown."

William agreed without hesitation.

Rhaegar then instructed Old Grimm, "Write a letter of request for help, give it to your grandson. Have him lure Shett House and the influential members of the Arryn House branch to Runestone."

Old Grimm’s face tightened. This mission was dangerous; revealing their intentions might provoke the other families to attack.

"Gulltown was originally Shett territory, wasn’t it?" Rhaegar reminded.

Old Grimm weighed the pros and cons. "Joffrey will complete the mission, Your Grace." He understood Rhaegar's implication: the Shett House was finished. House Grafton would administer Gulltown long-term.

"Lord Gerold, you have a mission too," Rhaegar continued. "Bring in the traitors and conspirators from House Royce. Rhaenyra will use the dragons to force them out."

Rhaegar couldn't act himself, but Syrax would ensure the traitors were flushed out. Beyond the initial targets, other nobles and knights involved in the rebellion would be dealt with, leaving the rest to Jeyne.

"Yes, Prince!" Gerold was encouraged by the promise of dragon's support.

A sharp cry from above drew their attention. A white falcon flew over Runestone, and Rhaegar raised his hand, snapping his fingers and whistling. The falcon flew in, landing on his arm without fear.

Its pupils were white—Tormund's message. Rhaegar retrieved a slip of paper from its talons and read it.

"The Mountain Clans gathering place..."

The letter contained a detailed map of a certain vale in the Mountains of the Moon where the remaining Mountain Clans were gathered.


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