Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 67: Anomaly?

Chapter 67: Anomaly?

Editor and Proof Reader: King Of Mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[Chapter starts Here]]]]]]]]]]

While trying to open his eyes, Fu Yan felt as if a mountain had been pressed down on him. He could feel pain all over his body. He tried his best to open his eyes but could not. So he just lay down and started to think about the reason for this.

After thinking for a while and taking into account the different factors, he decided to just rest. He understood that this was a natural reaction of his body. Since he was not strong to begin with and had a weak body, the reaction to taking the potion was more severe than others.

He had asked Marin before about what was the effect of taking the medicine and her reply was.

"When my warrior took the medicine, she had to bear a strong pain but it was bearable. Other than that there was no reaction."

Fu Yan was ready for the pain but did not know that it would be this intense.

After resting for a while, the pain started to decrease and Fu Yan could feel warmth all over his body.

He again tried to open his eyes and this time he was successful. He opened his eyes and looked around the room.

The room was in a mess and nothing was intact other than the bed he was laying on.

"Did I do this?" Fu Yan questioned himself.

He looked around again and tried to sit up. When he was sitting up, crackling sounds came from the muscles that moved. He put his hand on the support of the bed to stand up and pushed it down.

The support collapsed under the force exerted by Fu Yan. He hurriedly steadied himself and stood up.

He could hear the crackling sound coming from all over his body. It was as if a rusted machine has been activated after being unused for a long time

Fu Yan again looked around and saw the bed sheet that was fully wet and dirty with an unknown substance. He then noticed that his shirt was also wet with the same thing and a foul smell was coming from it.

He immediately started to walk towards the washroom but had to spend a lot of effort for it as his body was still in pain and whenever he tried to walk, he had to endure more pain because the muscles were being stretched for the first time after being enhanced.

He took off his shirt and entered the washroom and immediately opened the hot water shower.

Though it was summer, he really felt the need for a hot bath. When people stretch or exercise for the first time, it is recommended that they shower in hot water first to help the muscles relax and reduce pain.

Hot water started to run down his body and the sticky substance started to flow down with the water. It was dark yellow in color and from what Fu Yan understood, it was the excess body fat that came out while his body was being enhanced.

After having a shower for 10 minutes, Fu Yan came out and stood in front of the mirror. It was a full-body mirror so it helped Fu Yan a lot in understanding the changes that happened to him.

He looked in the mirror and saw that he was a lot slimmer than before and some muscles could be seen on his body. Not six-packs, still it would be what you call handsome.

His skin was also a lot fairer than before and was smooth to touch. He did some poses in front of the mirror and smiled.

He also felt that he was a lot stronger than before and when he punched in the air, he felt the change in his body and strength.

If he were to rate his previous strength as 1 so now it would be between 3 or 4. Not only his strength had improved, but his speed had also improved. He felt a lot faster when he punched in the air.

He knew that it was the initial boost and when taking the remaining potions, the strength and speed wouldn't improve at the same rate.

It would be half of the first time and so on and the final strength boost would be when he took the last potion. It would give him the same amount of strength enhancement as the first one and would improve his body a lot.

The first potion was to enhance his body from the weak stage and follow up was to prepare his body for the final enhancement.

"Alright! Everything looks normal. Now the final test."

He went back into the room and saw the mess again.

"I need to fix this. Should I call someone to fix it or do it myself." Fu Yan thought upon seeing the broken walls and furniture.

After contemplating for a while, he decided to call the real estate agent who rented him the house and let him settle this mess.

As for how to explain this to the real estate agent, he had already thought about the story.

He was going to say that some of his friends came to his house to party and after drinking for a while, they lost control and wrecked the house. As for how they could destroy the walls and furniture, well they were bodybuilders.

Though there were many flaws in the story and any reasonable person would not buy this story. But here money comes into play.

He would give double compensation for the broken stuff and he knew that those money-hungry agents would turn a blind eye to this.

He walked around the room, collected the bed sheet and his sweat-drenched clothes, and decided to burn them.

He did not know whether there would be some medicine residue in his sweat that came out during the enhancement or something else so he decided that it would be better to burn them to destroy any evidence.

He came out of the room and walked towards the study room. While he was walking towards the study room, he noticed an anomaly. Upon noticing the anomaly he hurried towards the study room.

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

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