Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 66: Unconscious!

Chapter 66: Unconscious!

Editor and Proof Reader: King Of Mortals, Dervish

We are back in business, where is Corona come out, I am not afraid of you. Huh not coming huh. Hmmph, you better stay hidden.

*corona peaks*

Sorry, I was just kidding, please stay hidden better please die or just disappear from the earth.

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[[[[[[[[[Chapter starts Here]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan suddenly felt a strong pain and he fell down onto the bed. He did not know how to describe this pain. It felt like someone was tearing his body and his skin was being pulled little by little.

Because of the pain, he started to roll on the bed. The pain started to intensify gradually.

Fu Yan tried his best to control himself but when the pain kept increasing, he let out a shriek. After the first, came a second and then third. He felt like someone was killing him over and over.

His howling could be heard outside the room, it sounded like a pig was being slaughtered. His shrieks of pain kept on increasing.

Because of the intensity of the pain, Fu Yan started to lose the sense of his surroundings and the only thought in his mind was to reduce this pain somehow.

Suddenly his body bounced on the bed like he was being given an electric shock. He started to hallucinate. It was the natural reaction of the body. When someone is in intense pain and doesn't know what he can do to stop it, his mind creates an imaginary enemy for him to fight. This way he can vent his anger on it and it makes the person feel less pain.

The same thing happened with Fu Yan. He felt like someone was standing on his right side and was about to hurt him. Fu Yan suddenly punched in that direction and his fist landed on the side table.

The side table, upon receiving the punch, broke. The wood chips scattered in the room but Fu Yan still kept on punching in the air.

Not satisfied with the table, he began punching the sidewall, the walls were also made of wood. The wall started to break wherever his punch landed.

This process went on for 10 whole minutes, his body began to lose power in the punches and felt tired. Fu Yan's body fell on the bed and he lost consciousness.

If someone were to enter the room right now, he or she would be very surprised upon seeing the current situation of the room. It was as if an intense fight had happened in this room as aside from the bed everything was broken. Even the walls were not intact. There were punch holes everywhere. The most shocking thing would be that these walls were not made of normal weak wood but strong plywood which is hard to break upon impact.

In the room, Fu Yan was laying on the bed, unconscious.

All this happened because the medicine was trying to change Fu Yan's whole body structure down to his genes. As Casper told Fu Yan in the library, that this medicine works at the genetic level. It's like building a new body for Fu Yan and this is also the reason why the medicine can't be taken in one go. If someone were to take this medicine in one go, his body wouldn't be able to bear the result and would explode. Even if the body somehow managed to bear it, the mind won't be able to take the pain that comes with body enhancement and that person would lose his sense of being.

Fu Yan's body started to heat up after a while and sweat started to appear on his body. This sweat did not look like normal sweat. It was yellow in color and started to darken as time passed.

His whole body was pulsating and shivering. Some dark substance kept on ejecting from Fu Yan's pores combined with the sweat.

Because of the temperature difference in the room and Fu Yan's body, steam appeared on Fu Yan's body because of all the sweat.

The whole room was filled with a pungent smell and the bed sheet under Fu Yan was already wet as if it was soaked in water.

After a while, Fu Yan's body started to twitch again but this time it was more intense than before.

His body fat started to decrease at a visible rate and Fu Yan's body started to heat up more and more.

The most interesting part was that even though his body was heating up, it was only below the neck. The temperature above the neck was just 38.7C normal for people on "Pheonon".

This was one of the functions of this formula. The alchemist on "Pheonon" also knew that strong heat can be dangerous for the brain so they added a substance in the medicine which keeps the head part cool and protects it from the heat generated by the body during the enhancement process.

The body kept on heating up as the fat kept on reducing. After 7 minutes, Fu Yan's body started to cool down and sweat stopped appearing on his body.

The AC was running at full and Fu Yan's body began to cool down. Though some steam could still be seen on his body, overall the temperature was a lot less than before and kept on decreasing.

His breathing also started to return to normal.

On the bed, Fu Yan looked as if he was sleeping soundly and it was not much different from how he slept before. Everything would have looked normal if not for the broken furniture in the room and holes in the walls.

On Fu Yan's body, the shirt was stuck to his body because of the sweat and through it, the improvement in his body could be seen. It was a lot slimmer than before and the color of the skin was a lot fairer than before.

8 hours passed and Fu Yan was still unconscious. His body was still adapting the change so that's why he was unconscious.

After another 4 hours, Fu Yan's pupils started to move a little. His consciousness was returning to him. With the consciousness came the pain, but it was a lot less than before. The hard part had passed. After struggling a bit, Fu Yan opened his eyes.

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

My doctor said the thing you need most right now is rest and POWER STONES. I can also use some comments and oh the reviews work the best.

Anyway thanks for your support especially XiaoLong 92 and Alienmat. They stay with us for the whole time even when I did not update for 1 and a half months. Thanks to all other people too who supported me, I will try my best to not disappoint you.


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