Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 45: 2% error

Chapter 45: 2% error

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan did not say anything and followed his aunt. He knew what they were going to talk about.

They went into his uncle's study and Fu Yan sat down on the side chair that was obviously placed there just a while ago.

His aunt and uncle sat down in front of him and stared at him.

When he did not speak, his uncle broke the silence.

"Fu Yan, we think you might want to tell us something."

Fu Yan played dumb and said.

"Uncle, what that might be? If you are talking about my university life then I am doing very well. You don't need to worry."

His Aunt smiled, but to Fu Yan, that smile looked like it was coming from a demon.

His body shivered and he quickly said.

"Ok ok, I understand. I will tell you."

His aunt nodded with satisfaction and Fu Yan continued.

"Actually, I opened a company and it is doing very well. That where the money came from."

His uncle interrupted him and said.

"What do you mean by opening a company? Which company, what is the targeted market and most important of all, where did you get the money to open a company."

Fu Yan scratched his head but looking at his aunt smiling again, he quickly started to explain.

"Actually, I developed an antivirus and sold it to a company for 60 million and I used that as a starting fund for my company."

He then started to tell them the details of his cooperation with 360 Digital Security. Of course, he did not tell them that the virus was also his creation.

Both of them listened to his explanation seriously and were surprised after hearing the scale of the company.

They congratulated Fu Yan and told him that he should be careful when doing business and beware of scammers.

Fu Yan took their advice seriously as both of them were professionals in their field.

His uncle was a tax auditor and his aunt was a lawyer. They both had been working in their respective fields for 22 years.

His aunt was very well known in the business community as her firm had cooperated with very well known companies.

When Fei Hong had consulted him about the legal team, the first person to come into his mind was his aunt.

When they were done giving him advice on different things, Fu Yan spoke.

"Aunt, I need a legal team for my company as I will be expanding our scope. Thus many contracts would need to be signed so having a legal team is a must."

His aunt listened carefully and said.

"I understand what you are trying to say and I can give you help but I think it would be better if a qualified person is present in your company. I do have someone in mind. Well, let me talk to her first then I will tell you my decision."

Fu Yan nodded and they left the study after that.

Fu Yan spent 3 more days there, then he booked a flight back to city Z. His aunt said that she would call him later to tell him about the legal person.

During his stay in city B, He enjoyed all of his time. When he was leaving, he felt relaxed and light.

This meeting with his relatives had released a lot of stress and he felt that this break was really needed.

He arrived home after 4 hours and Qing greeted him upon his arrival.

"Welcome back Big Brother."

"I am back Qing. Thanks for the greeting. So have any problems cropped up while I was gone."

"No big brother. Everything is running smoothly. There was an attack on the game servers. After reverse hacking, the culprit was identified. He was just a rookie hacker who had just learned about hacking so he was given a warning and marked as a threat level of "F".

Mr. Tang has started training the employees in the programming department and has proposed that we change the programming department name to the Software Development department also as per your suggestion, Workers who stayed and did not waste their time in the company have been offered an incentive but they have to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Fu Yan nodded and asked.

"What about his activities? Did he do anything suspicious?"

"No, Big Brother. He did not have any suspicious activities. His behavior pattern shows that he is calm and excited."

Fu Yan nodded. He was going to ask something else when he noticed a different word from Qing's speech.

"Behavior pattern!"

He suddenly became excited and asked.

"Qing, what's the status of analyzing the videos and upgrading the system."

Qing did not answer for a sec, then a whole lot of data showed on the screen. He could see his face on the screen and a lot of remarks were written beside it. There were also numbers on the side and they were changing rapidly.

The words on the screen said.

"Excited, satisfied, happy."

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Qing, tell me the percentage of completion and current error rate."

"Big Brother! The percentage of completion of the task is 97% and the error rate is 2%. To remove the remaining error rate it would require about 3 years to improve the database."

Fu Yan nodded after hearing qing's report. It's true that the higher you go, the harder it is to improve and even a minor improvement is considered an achievement.

It's like a 100-meter runner. When he starts his training, he completes the course in 16 seconds. After that, he trains and slowly reduces the time and after a long time of training, his time improves to 10 seconds.

Now if he wants to improve his running time, he would have to train even harder than before but the improvement in time would be in milliseconds instead of seconds.

It would be 0.10 seconds or even 0.04 seconds but still, it would be considered that he had improved a lot.

Fu Yan was happy and was in awe after seeing it working as Qing had told him about his mood correctly.

"Well, the technology from the library is really black tech. I wonder how long it will be until I can meet other races. Well, old Shun said that I only need to do a little more to become a librarian so I should not waste time."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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