Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 44: Home!!

Chapter 44: Home!!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After sitting on the plane, he relaxed a bit and looked around. To his surprise most of the VIP area of the plane was empty.

He could see many burly looking men in this section. They all looked fierce.

"Why are there so many men in black here? Is there some important person who is traveling?"

He looked around and saw a lady sitting in the center seat.

"It looks like she is the one they are protecting."

He looked at her closely and saw that she looked unapproachable and cold. He just glanced at her and then looked away.

He was not going to try to talk with her and be friendly. Since he did not know her, he wouldn't try to.

He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes. The plane started to move down the runway. The captain made his announcement and the plane lifted off the ground.

Soon the plane was in the air. Fu Yan glanced at the lady again but quickly averted his eyes and started to flip through a magazine.

What Fu Yan did not know was that the lady was also looking at him with curiosity. She had booked the VIP section but was surprised to see another person here.

She called her assistant and asked her about it.

"Did you not book the whole VIP area?"

The secretary was sweating a lot and said in a trembling voice.

"Ma'am I did book the whole section but I don't know how that man was able to get here. I even asked the airline staff about it and they were also confused."

The lady just nodded and waved her hand. The secretary got the signal and quickly left her side.

The lady looked at Fu Yan again.

"Well, who is this young man who was able to get a ticket on a flight that was already booked?"

She did not believe that it was a system error as she knew how airlines worked and if this was really an error, this person would not be sitting here. So his ticket was genuine and whether he got it through legit means or not, that's another problem.

She looked towards Fu Yan for a while but quickly lost her interest.

It took 2 hours for the plane to arrive in city B. Fu Yan got off the plane and saw that the lady who had traveled with him was sitting in an expensive car. He did not know what brand that car was but its appearance told him that it was expensive.

He did not think much about it and called for a taxi.

He reached his aunt's home after 25 minutes of driving.

When he arrived, he smelled the fresh air of his home, the second home if he said it correctly but it was no worse than his first home.

The love, care, and above all the feeling of being in a family was not less than his original home.

He looked at the front door for a while. He sighed and then knocked on the door. The door opened soon after and his aunt's kind and loving face greeted him.

She hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheeks.

"My dear child, You are finally home. You know how much I missed you."

Fu Yan did not resist and just went with the flow. After his aunt finished speaking, he replied calmly.

"I am home. I also missed you guys. I also missed this home and most of all, I missed your cooking aunt Biyu."

His aunt smiled heartily upon hearing this and said.

"Don't just stand there, come in. " She dragged him inside the house and closed the door.

Fu Yan walked along with her and went towards the dining room.

His uncle and his little cousin were sitting there, probably waiting for him. Upon seeing Fu Yan entering, his uncle stood up and also hugged him. But this hug was manly and was full of encouragement.

His little cousin also stood up from his chair and ran towards him.

"Brother, welcome back home. Where is my gift?" He did not waste time and got to the main point.

Aunt Biyu smiled and caught Xen Li by the ear. She said in a threatening tone.

"This is how you welcome your brother back? Looks like I don't need to give you pocket money this week and you also need some punishment."

Xen Li trembled upon hearing this and quickly said.

"No mom, don't do this. I won't do it again. Brother Fu help me!" He looked at Fu Yan with pleading eyes.

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Aunt, let him go, I think he was just excited to see me after a long time. Right, Xen?"

"Yes Yes, You are right Brother Fu, I was just too excited to see back." He nodded hastily.

Uncle and aunt both smiled upon seeing this byplay and his aunt finally let his cousin go.

Fu Yan opened his bag and started to take out gifts.

He presented his uncle with the wine and gave his aunt the gold bracelet that he had bought. When his aunt received the bracelet, she was surprised to see that it was embedded with diamonds and his uncle's wine was from 1995.

Both were expensive things but they did not ask Fu Yan about it just yet. They both looked at each other and decided to have a talk with Fu Yan after dinner.

When he finished giving a gift to his uncle and aunt and closed the bag, Xen Li was still looking at him with eager eyes.

"Sorry Bud, but I did not buy anything for you as you don't need a gift right!" Fu Yan said in a mischievous tone.

Xen Li pouted and with little tears in his eyes, he said.

"Yes, who needs your gifts, I already have many." He wiped his eyes while saying that.

Fu Yan laughed when he saw it and then took out a box from his bag.

"Ok don't cry, here is your gift."

Xen Li immediately cheered up and hastily opened the box.

"Wow, this is an Apple phone and it's the latest version too." He was jumping with joy.

"Thank you, Brother Fu. Thank you."

Fu Yan just smiled and said nothing. His aunt had already set the table and they started to eat soon after.

The mood at the table was very harmonious, they all ate while laughing and talking about things.

When they finished eating, Fu Yan went to the T.V. lounge to rest. Xen Li was busy with his new phone.

His aunt came into the lounge and said.

"Fu Yan come with me, we need to talk with you."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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