Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 25: I can finally come to you. Mom Dad!

Chapter 25: I can finally come to you. Mom Dad!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan and Fei Hong arrived at the restaurant after walking for a while.

The air in the park was fresh and the gentle breeze helped Fu Yan calmed down.

He was working day and night this past month and barely slept. His mind was under constant pressure and ever since he signed the contract with the library, he felt as if a heavyweight had been placed on his shoulder and he couldn't help but remember his parents and sister when he was alone.

So to forget this scorching past, he kept himself busy at work.

He had not spent a single minute of leisure this past month.

Fei Hong noticed his fatigue and planed all this.

After arriving at the restaurant, Fei Hong ordered the beef steak which was the specialty of the shop, and some other side dishes.

While waiting for the food, he looked at Fei Hong.

She was just sitting there, looking outside the window. She looked mature and gentle. The wind blew her hair a little. She used her left to support her chin and set her hair with the other.

She sensed Fu Yan's gaze on her so she turned her head towards him and asked.

"What? is there something on my face?"

Fu Yan shook his head and said.

"I was just thinking that you are a nice person and I am glad that I met you."

Fei Hong blushed a little and said.

"Where did that come from suddenly?"

Fu Yan looked outside the window and instead of answering her, he said.

"Thank you!"

Both maintained silence and waited for the food.

The beefsteak arrived shortly.

Fu Yan started to eat slowly and from the smile on his face, one could see that he was enjoying it.

After eating the meal, Fei Hong ordered special tea for them.

They enjoyed the tea while looking at the garden in the back of the restaurant.

Apparently this restaurant was the home of an elderly person before being concerted to a restaurant and that person loved to decorate his garden so after the new owner inherited the house, he decided to keep the garden as it is to show respect to the passion of the elder.

This was a Chinese style garden where instead of plants, people decorate them with stones and fountains and other stuff that would not decay and get destroyed with the passage of time easily.

They enjoy the tea while relaxing and decided to leave after some time.

When they got out of the restaurant, the sky was already dark and on a few people could be seen on the street.

Since the restaurant was outside the city so it was normal for a few people to be seen at this hour of the day.

They started to walk towards the car which was on the other side of the park.

They had to walk through the park to get to the car.

Both of them did not talk much and just enjoyed the breeze. The night moon looked beautiful and its white light bouncing the trees and plants looked charming.

Just when they reached in the middle of the park, 3 young boys with their faces covered blocked their path.

Fu Yan became vigilant after seeing them and unconsciously put himself in front of Fei Hong.

"Who are you? What do you want."

One young boy took out a knife from his back and waved it. The moonlight shining on the edge of blame showed how sharp it was.

"If you want money, you can have it so we don't need to fight." Fu Yan said while taking out his wallet.

They suddenly laughed and one boy said.

"Haha rich boy, you are smart but we not only want your money but your girl too. So just sit tight while we enjoy her. We will let you go after that." It was apparent that their target was Fei Hong, they did not care about money.

Fei Hong shivered and hid behind Fu Yan.

Fu Yan was enraged upon hearing this and said.

"Don't try your luck too much. You can take the money but if you want to touch her then either you die or me."

The three upon hearing this laughed and one said.

"Try it pretty boy." after saying this he reached out for Fei Hong.

Fu Yan upon seeing this got enraged and Threw himself toward the boy who was reaching for Fei.

The young boy reaching for Fei Hong did not expect that Fu Yan would do this so he stumbled and fell.

Fu Yan came on top of the boy and threw a punch on his face.

His companions upon seeing this came forward and one kicked on the left side of rib cage.

Fu Yan gasped for air and fell down. The boy who has received a punch from Fu Yan stood up and they all started to kick Fu Yan.

Fu Yan had no choice but yo protect his vitals so he curled up and used his hands to protect his head.

They stopped kicked him and one cursed.

"You a**h**l, trying to be a hero in front of the lady. This is what you get for showing off. Now you will see with open eyes while we enjoy your girl." They started to approach Fei Hong while saying this.

Fei Hong Screamed.

"Don't come over!" She screamed when she saw those boy coming towards her.then she looked towards Fu Yan with teary eyes and said in week tone. " Fu Yan! Help me."

Fu Yan looked at her while trying to stand up. He said.

"Don't you touch her. I will kill you if you even touch a single hair of her."

Those three boys laughed upon hearing this and continued to approach Fei Hong.

Fu Yan thought.

"I am going to lose someone important to me again. I am that of a loser. No, I won't let it repeat again."

He doesn't know how he got the strength to stand up and he ran towards the person who was about to touch Fei Hong.

He threw himself upon him and threw punch upon punch on his face. Fu Yan was screaming while punching.

"I won't lose someone close to me again. You have no right to take someone important to me, away from me."

The other 2 boys tried to pull away Fu Yan away from their companion but Fu Yan just kept on punching him.

Suddenly his complexions changed and looked towards his stomach.

A Knife was inserted in it and blood has started to spread around that area.

He fell to one side and trying to stop the blood.

"The boy who was being beaten by Fu Yan stood up with the help of his companions and laughed hysterically while saying.

"It's your own fault. Haha. who told you to be a hero. Haha."

He was laughing and saying this. His companions face changed upon seeing the blood.

They pulled him and started to run.

Fei Hong who was standing on the side looked as if someone had sucked the soul from her suddenly shook and screamed aloud.

"Fu Yan. Are you ok? Fu Yan? Fu Yan?"

Suddenly there was a sound of an ambulance and a police siren.

Someone had seen the fight and called the police.

Fu Yan was laying on the ground covered in blood while Fei Hong was screaming his name.

Only one thought was remaining in head.

"So is this how it ends. Jing, I can finally come to you. Mom Dad!"

While thinking this, a single tear fell down from his eye, sliding in his cheek.

He could hear the ambulance sound and Fei Hong but he did not care about it anymore.

His consciousness soon started to fade.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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