Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 24: Walk

Chapter 24: Walk

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan was sitting in front of his Computer and seeing the stats provided by Qing.

More than 1 million users had downloaded the game till now in the local market and 200 thousand in the international market.

He knew that numbers would only grow in the future and even now these numbers were an astronomical figure for a company that has been newly established and for a new game.

Only 3 days had passed since the launch of the game and only 40% of the users decided to purchase the monthly subscription.

Even if it was only 40%, it was still more than 4 million US dollars and 32 million Country C dollars.

Many users opposed the face lock system and the system where they needed to verify age by the camera because they thought that it was an invasion of their privacy.

Fu Yan let Fei Hong do a press release.

"For those who are concerned about their privacy because of the age verification method, we want to ensure that if the user does not choose the face lock system, all the data is deleted immediately after age verification is done. As for why age verification is needed, it is because we created this game with education+entertainment in mind and if users continue to play this game for a week, they would see that many quests and profession progress and item creation can be copied in real life. If you want to improve a character in-game, you have to study about that profession and advance. Also, you would have noticed that users below age 16 are not allowed to chose advance professions because we want them to progress with the studies in real life and the quest they would receive would be related to their studies. Like math, physics, etc. For international users who are concerned that their private data could be compromised because of our country's law, we ensure that their data is being stored on a server that is located outside country C and does not subject to country C's law. If you still worry about your privacy then all we can say is, please don't play our game."

This press release was brief and it suppressed a lot of opposition about the privacy and the firm attitude of the company was praised a lot by netizens.

After this press release, new users started to pour in and almost 60% of the registered users would be active each day.

In short, everything was proceeding smoothly.

After finishing her work at the office, Fei Hong arrived at Fu Yan's house.

She was here to discuss the future development of the company.

"Fu Yan, a lot of the companies contacted us. They are interested in our cloud technology and they want to buy it."

Fu Yan laughed upon hearing this and said.

"Let them do what they want. They want a mature technology without any efforts and I have no plans on selling this technology yet. Also, have you finished the task that I gave you before the launch."

Fei Hong nodded and handed a file to him.

He looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

He had asked Fei Hong to register an offshore company and let them be the main holder of the technology. This offshore company was shared by another 8 offshore companies which had shares in it.

His company "Evolutioners" was just licensed to use this technology. They did not own it.

This was a security measure that he had thought and consulted with Fei Hong.

There were many technology giants in country C and there were many bad examples were the C government stepped in and forced the local companies to sell their technology to them.

Since his company won't own the technology, the government could not force them to sell it and at worse, they could just move the company to some other country.

He was going to follow this pattern until he had enough power to influence the decision of the government and he had enough confidence that he could in the future.

"Fei, we just need to keep following the same path for a while and steady our foot in the software market. I plan to develop new software soon and if I am successful, we might set another milestone in the software industry."

Fei Hong did not say anything and just nodded while looking at this face.

Fu Yan noticed her gaze and said.

"What? Is there something on my face."

Fei Hong leaned forward and looked into his eyes and said.

"How long has it been since you went outside"

Fu Yan avoided her gaze and looked away.

She again asked.

"Fu Yan I asked you a question. Don't avoid my eyes. Look towards me."

Fu yan got flustered and said.

"I am your boss and you cant order your boss."

Fei Hong smiled and said with a chuckle.

"Boss! Office timing ended an hour ago and outside of the office, you are just my friend if you consider me though. So we are going outside now. Go fresh yourself and get ready. I am waiting outside in my car. "

After she said that she strode outside of the house.

Fu Yan looked at her leaving figure with complicated eyes and stood up.

After 5 min Fu Yan came out of the house and saw Fei Hong sitting in her car, waiting for him.

He opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in.

"So where are we going, Miss friend." He said with a laughing tone.

Fei Hong smiled and said.

"Just sit tight sir, we are going for a long ride first to give you some fresh air, then we will eat."

Fu Yan said nothing and just gave a node.

Fei Hong drove the car and Fu Yan looked outside of the window.

Soon they reached a hillside park.

It was night time but the lighting in the park was done beautifully.

"So what now?" Fu Yan asked.

"Nothing we just walk through the park to the other side. There is an old restaurant there but their food is the best in the area." Fei Hong told him.

After saying this, she started to walk and Fu Yan followed her.

They walked side by side and they looked like a couple who were out on a walk together.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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