Full-time Artist

Chapter 114: Top 0

Chapter 114: Top 0

The editor-in-chief of Dingsheng feels very tortured, and this torture will accompany him through the entire June. He extremely expects this to be a false alarm, because if his worries become reality, it will cause even greater torture

Lin Yuan's life is business as usual.

He even started to write the second volume of "Zhu Xian". It is not a good habit to open the skylight, which will affect Lin Yuan's income. At least in making money, Lin Yuan is still very diligent.

But money can't always be earned.

For example, Tribal Literature called him recently, and wanted to invite him another short story manuscript, but Lin Yuan rejected it because Lin Yuan only had two short stories left in his hand, so he had to save a bit of it. Anyway, this one. The price of the novel will not hit your hands.

The reasons for his refusal are:

There is no inspiration for short stories recently.

Yinlan's magazine department also contacted him, but he refused with the same reason. The only thing that made him entangled was that the bids on both sides were not much different, and he didn't know which platform to choose in order to maximize the benefits after publishing.

Both sides believed Lin Yuan's nonsense.

Because in the eyes of normal people, it would be strange for a writer to have inspiration every day. What's more, the short stories that Chu Kuang publishes are so classics, and classics also mean that the creative process is difficult. No one can write it casually. A classic?

Classic novels are not Chinese cabbage.

This is another reason why Lin Yuan rejected the invitations for the two short stories. There is a limit to genius. If he directly customizes dozens of classic songs with the system and releases it, the outside world is probably not surprised but shocked.

Therefore, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry.

He really lacks reputation.

But rushing is not the answer.

Xia Fan is still busy with her competition. The June schedule of "Blooming" is still relatively close. For this reason, she has asked for several days off, but the vocal music department is not too embarrassed. The school does not support students. Entering the entertainment circle early, but not to the point where it is too obstructed.

This day in mid-June.

Lin Yuan and Jian once again accompanied Xia Fan to the scene of "Blooming". This is the second time that the two accompany Xia Fan in the competition after the audition. The main reason is that today's competition is more important and determines whether Xia Fan can break through. Enter the top 100 nationwide.

Xia Fan is a little bit psychologically shadowed.

She fell outside the top 100 in the previous two competitions, and every time she was the one that was reluctant to lose. Lin Yuan and Jian cheered her up and hoped that she could break through herself today. After all, she was in the top 100. The opportunity to show up in front of the state audience.

Same as audition.

The scene was full of voices.

The competition for the top 100 places is happening in all major cities at the same time. It is said that there are a hundred people, but only five people from Sioux City can finally be selected. After all, each city has to collect a certain number of candidates, so Xia Fan faces competitive pressure. It's still big.

"I'm going to pee... backstage."

As soon as Lin Yuan and Ji came to the scene with Xia Fan, she hurriedly left. Last time Lin Yuan and Ji did not respond, but this time they were tacit understanding, Xia Fan must have gone to the bathroom!

Xia Fan has this characteristic.

Every time she is nervous, she wants to go to the toilet. If she is particularly nervous, it is usually a large size. If she is generally nervous, a small size can solve it. If she is nervous, she may squat in the toilet for a while. It is not Xia Fan and the two of them. Son, the girl is still more embarrassed. The two reached their conclusions purely through observation, and they did not dare to presume on Xia Fan.

What if you are murdered.

It should be the trumpet this time, right?

It means that it is only moderate tension.

Moderate tension is good for the game. Although Xia Fan appeared late, when she came on stage, both Lin Yuan and Jian could see that their friends were in good condition. At least they didnt want to go to the bathroom with their legs. Posture.

"Hope for me to be cold and still looking forward to me..."

The song Xia Fan chose for the top 100 competition was "Inflammable and Explosive". This is the song that Lin Yuan personally chose for Xia Fan. The overall song is very suitable for Xia Fan's voice. She has a kind of masculine personality. Sai she rushed to fight a few points faster than Lin Yuan, otherwise she would not have such a good relationship with the two boys.

She sang this song very comfortably.

After singing the song, there was a round of enthusiastic applause in the audience. After a brief discussion, the four judges also gave Xia Fan the Qinzhou top 100 promotion places, and the applause became more enthusiastic for a while.

"She is about to become a star."

Jian Jian suddenly felt a little emotional.

As a student of the acting department, simple dreams are also rooted in this entertainment circle, so seeing Xia Fan getting better and better, he also feels a little eager to move, but compared to singing, the cycle of acting and becoming famous is longer.

Lin Yuan nodded.

Xia Fan has become one of the top 100 players in Qinzhou. It is estimated that Sucheng's media will report a few more words, because next time Xia Fan will appear on TV, it can be regarded as winning glory for Sucheng.

"Lin Yuan."

Jian Jian suddenly looked at Lin Yuan with a serious expression: "In the end, she has to rely on herself for how far Xia Fan can go. She can't rely on you for the rest of her life. You can help her when necessary."

"I try my best."

Lin Yuan replied.

Jian Jian wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he gave up. In his own heart, he definitely hoped that Lin Yuan could always help Xia Fan, but he didn't want Lin Yuan to delay his career because of this. He could only hesitate a little: " actually, I"

"I know."

"Know what?"

"I know anyway."

Lin Yuan showed a natural smile.

He rolled his eyes briefly: "Actually, I feel that neither you nor Xia Fans personalities are very suitable for the entertainment industry. You can be like a fish in water, probably because you are behind the scenes. Xia Fan may have to go to the front of the stage in the future. This is my only one. worried."

"Know you are worried."

"Don't you worry?"

Lin Yuan didn't speak. At this time, Xia Fan had already stepped down. A few reporters quickly gathered around to interview. Lin Yuan and Jian Zhi waited for the reporters to finish the interview before celebrating with Xia Fan. They simply smiled and said, "The feeling of being promoted to the top 100. how about it?"

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Xia Fan ran away again.

Lin Yuan and Jian could only look at each other.

In the next period of time, Xia Fan did not have the competition, but she practiced harder and harder every day, because there were competitions such as one hundred into eighty, eighty to fifty and the like. Although the schedule was not so tight, the competition was still level. But getting nervous.

Also tense is the composition ~ because as the time left in June becomes less and less, there is not much time left for everyone to prepare for the school year assessment. The importance of this school year assessment is far Exceeding the past, so everyone did their best and didn't dare to relax.

Lin Yuan decided to hand in with everyone.

Anyway, "The Original Dream" has been recorded, and he doesn't need to polish the work anymore. According to the teacher, he only needs to submit the work before the end of the month. In July, the school will arrange a unified review by professionals.

However, there is action on the silver and blue library.

Yang Feng sent a message to Lin Yuan, saying that the initial printing of "Zhu Xian" was 2 million copies. This number was directly several times higher than that of Lin Yuan's first work. It also gave Lin Yuan the sales of this novel. look forward to!

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