Full-time Artist

Chapter 113: Redefine Xianxia

Chapter 113: Redefine Xianxia

Although the previous "Net King" has only been serialized for a few months, and even ended in less than half a year, Chu Kuang has accumulated some fans during the serialization of this novel, and these fans have been paying attention to Yinlan Library. Waiting for Chu Kuang's new book news, so the group of people are quite excited and looking forward to seeing Chu Kuang want to publish a new book.

"Faster than I thought."

It has not been long since the end of "The King of the Net", and other authors would take a few months off after finishing their books. However, Chu Kuang didn't seem to intend to take a break, and he drove out the new book without stopping.

"I like Chu Kuang's not being punctual!"

"Because "Online Literature" liked competitive novels. After Chu Kuang's work was over, I looked for many similar novels. There are quite a lot of people following him in the market, but compared to Chu Kuang, I read other people's works. Competitive novels always feel almost meaningless."

"After all, Chu Kuang is Patriarch!"

"Chu Kuang's new book is still competitive."

"Should I ask Chu Kuang's new book or do the basics?"

"Hahahahahahaha, I feel that the youth tennis club has been badly played by you. Everyday I say that they are doing the basics. They are obviously a serious tennis novel (serious face)."


Because "The King of Nets" is a masculine novel, the characters in the youth tennis club are perfectly shaped in the novel. In addition, there are some interesting daily life in this novel. A group of men get along with sweat every day, so many readers jokingly call it This novel is a rotten text in a competitive coat.

Because of this attribute.

"The King of the Net", which is obviously a male-oriented novel, has attracted non-girl fans. Of course, these female fans don't care about the games in the novel. They only pay attention to the daily interaction of the characters. It was a pleasure to watch.

This means that the world values copyright.

If there were no copyright disputes, I'm afraid that the fans of "Net King" would have been flying all over the sky long ago. Never underestimate the creative ability of the rotten girls. They really let them write freely and feed a few boys who probably won't click into the station. Not a problem.

But it is worth mentioning.

Almost fans thought that Chu Kuang would continue to write sports and sports themes. After all, the market for this theme was created by Chu Kuang himself. He would never give up the achievements of his "Net King" after he opened up a large market. Right?

This is the logic of course.

And the writer is very concerned about the stability of fans. The pen name of Chu Kuang is firmly linked to sports novels in the field of fantasy novels. If he really wants to change the subject matter, fans may not necessarily buy it.

Not only fans think so.

Other companies in the publishing industry also think so. After all, sports competitions are no longer considered unpopular categories. Although it is still a niche compared to the kingly genre, there is no problem in this niche market to feed several best-selling books.

Just keep writing on this subject.

Chu Kuang can have good sales no matter how bad it is. Besides, Chu Kuang's ability to write sports competitions is just a good sales volume. Publishing companies in the industry will not look down on Chu Kuang so much. Everyone tries to look up high. He glanced.

Maybe it's another "Net King"!

Everyone was even a little panicked, especially some publishers that compete fiercely with Yinlan Library, because Chu Kuang's new book was opened too quickly. How can anyone open a new book without taking a break after the old book is over?

Are you a tentacle monster?

I really want to have another work that is sufficiently popular. The end of "Net King" is not a bad thing for Yinlan Library, but a good thing, because it means that Yinlan Library has another high-quality works!


Chu Kuang is indeed a tentacle monster. This is not a mistake in the industry, but everyone guessed one thing wrong, that is, Chu Kuangs new book does not continue to write sports and sports topics, but two that make everyone a little strange at first glance. Subject:


Yinlan Library did not sell off. They announced that Chu Kuang was going to publish a new book that night. The next days website banner announced the subject of Chu Kuangs new book. They also spread a huge publicity in various channels, so that Chu Kuang Fans of stunned for several seconds.

"What the hell?"

"Xianxia novel?"

"Not a competitive essay?"

"Why don't you continue to write about sports competitions? I clearly write about this type of super gifted person. Even if I don't write about tennis, I can completely accept sports like basketball or football!"

"The span is too big, right?"

"This is a direct jump from the passionate sports arena to "Fairy Demon War". The problem is that I really don't like to watch Xian Xia. Such an ancient theme has long been eliminated. What does Chu Kuang think?"


It is true that no one wrote about Xianxia, but the influence of "Fairy Demon War" is still not small. This novel was even made into a TV series. It is a childhood memory of many people. Everyone's concept of Xianxia basically comes from this movie. Works many years ago.

The fans are dumbfounded.

The industry is actually a bit embarrassed. They carefully looked at the banner promotion of Yinlan Library. It did say that Chu Kuangxin wrote the theme of Xianxia, and the slogan was very arrogant, just two words:

"July 1st "Zhu Xian" is on sale!"

"Look at how Chu Kuang redefines Xian Xia!"

Many people in the industry have a little drumming in their hearts. If they are too optimistic, they are not stupid. Yinlan Library is not stupid. If Chu Kuang writes really so rubbish, how can their company spend a lot of time to promote Chu Kuangs new book Just kill the manuscript directly.

But how good is Chu Kuang's writing?

How good is Xianxia novels?

As for the so-called redefinition of Xian Xia, people in Men Qing know this kind of words and just read it. There are no advertising slogans that don't say two sentences. Those bad films still say that their movie is about to be an epoch-making before the release.

"I understand."

An industry insider guessed: "Perhaps this novel called "Zhu Xian" is well written. As you know, there are always some novels at an intermediate level. It is a pity to kill them directly, and it is not easy to sell them. The author of this novel is Chu Kuang, and Yinlan Library definitely doesn't want to offend Chu Kuang. After all, Chu Kuang's ability is obvious to all, so he simply gave Chu Kuang a chance?"

Best-selling authors have the right to speak.

A manuscript by a non-best-selling author will be killed if the editor is killed. However, even if the manuscript of a best-selling author is not particularly well written, the editor will not easily kill it, especially if the best-selling author insists on publishing it. In order not to offend the other party, most publishers will give a chance.

In case the fire out?

The editors vision is not 100% accurate. There are indeed some examples of manuscripts that were killed by the No. 1 Publishing House, but the results were sold by the No. 2 Publishing House. Moreover, the subject matter of "The King of Nets" was not also used in the industry. Not optimistic?

Chu Kuang seemed to be just like this.

He has to write challenging.

Most people in the industry accept this statement, but the editor-in-chief of Dingsheng Dingsheng Publishing House always feels that things are not so simple, because the publicity given by Yinlan Library is too grand, if it is for perfunctory Chu Kuang, you dont have to do it. This degree.

"Is there a bomb hidden inside?"

Its no wonder that the editor-in-chief of Dingsheng Publishing House is ~ The main reason is that "The King of Nets" once slapped him in the face. People of his level will have a long memory after being slapped in the face, unlike some people who know it. After being slapped in the face, he still looked at something with the old eyes. He believed that more than one person was worried.


"has a problem!"

"Lu Bei is not stupid!"

"He is hiding the bomb!"

The editor-in-chief of Dingsheng thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was reasonable. The whole person walked back and forth in the room, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't imagine how the theme of Xianxia became the bomb of the book market, so his eyelids kept twitching.

This feeling made him very uneasy.

What exactly did Chu Kuang write this time?

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