For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 92: Back To The Academy (4)

Chapter 92: Back To The Academy (4)

Just by touching her ears a little, Iris melted like ice cream left out on a summer day.

Resting her cheek against my chest, she continued in a sleepy voice.

“When learning magic… you should be serious…”

“I didn’t expect such an intense reaction.”

Feeling awkward, I playfully pinched the back of Iris’s neck, and she soon returned to normal.

She spoke in a slightly sulky tone.

“It seems you don’t know much about elves, Master, so let me tell you. Touching an elf’s ears is a very sensual act!”

“Because it’s an erogenous zone?”

“If it were that lewd, elves would have covered their ears long ago! …It’s more akin to an incredibly clingy, deep kiss.”

Yesterday, they said that stroking an elf’s ears was as intimate as caressing their entire body.

So, they’re kind of similar?

Anyway, it’s both pleasant and embarrassing.

“Alright, alright. I won’t touch them anymore, so please continue explaining. But is it okay to say this in front of Carla?”

“Of course. I promised, didn’t I? If you allow me to stay with Elisha, I will give you everything on my mind. More importantly…”

“More importantly?”

“Carla wouldn’t be able to learn it, nor does she need to.”


Confused, I looked at Carla, who paused, braiding my hair, and nodded.

“Iris is right. Regardless of magical talent, my elemental affinity is average.”

“What? I thought the Lindelheit family was ahead of the Sylvan Magic Tower in elemental magic?”

“That’s true. But that’s just because our family is exceptional, not because we have a naturally high elemental affinity.”

Puzzled, I turned back to Iris, who sighed deeply with a troubled expression.

“What Carla says is true. If it’s just handling elements, the Sylvan Magic Tower, or rather, I am confident to discuss being the best on the continent. However, when it comes to elemental magic, it’s a different story.”

The Elementus Breathing Technique had a unique ability to enhance elemental magic, while the Lintblum Breathing Technique boasted a special ability known as Resonance.

The mana core, intertwined with the heart, synchronized with the surrounding mana, pulsating in harmony.

As a result, the same spell draws in several times more mana, exponentially increasing its power—that was the Resonance of the Lintblum Core.

Regrettably, I had not mastered it yet.

Just as the Shadow of the Element requires mastery of the element to the extent of imprinting it in one’s psyche, the Resonance of the Lintblum Core also demanded a certain level of core development.

But why was this mentioned here?

Lost in thought, Elisha shook her head with a slight smile.

“Think about it, Yandel. What was the advantage of the elemental combination that the teacher just demonstrated?”

“Well, it allows for applications beyond ordinary elemental magic, and the efficiency is good compared to the mana consumed.”

“You saw correctly. But you missed something.”

“What’s that?”


While the earlier demonstration involved basic magic and was simple to cast, higher levels would exponentially increase in difficulty.

According to Iris, it was about combining desired properties and concepts from multiple elements as needed.

Adding one more step to the usual casting process would greatly increase the mental burden on the caster.

This was a clear disadvantage, a limitation.

Seeing my realization, Carla giggled and stroked my chest.

“Hehe… The Resonance of the Lintblum Core does require more concentration, but it doesn’t complicate the process. It’s much easier to use.”

“Elemental magic is intuitively beneficial. I didn’t learn elemental combinations from the teacher because, no matter how powerful, they strayed from the essence of elemental magic. It doesn’t align with what I pursue.”

At Elisha’s half-hearted voice, Iris nodded.

“The very concept of elemental combination was created to catch up with the brute output of the Lindelheit family. That’s why it relies less on the Elementus Core compared to other magic.”

“Huh? Really? This is the first time I’ve heard this. My father never mentioned it.”

“That’s because there was no need to tell you. Since the Lindelheit family made its name, the Sylvan Magic Tower has never surpassed its stronghold.”

Iris grumbled about how she, who had lived for 500 years, couldn’t reach the level of a great magician, a rank achieved by each generation of the Lindelheit family.

Right, from Iris’s perspective, once the current head of the Lindelheit died, it would be their world. But every successive head also became a great magician, which must have been both frustrating and unfair.

Now I understood why the Sylvan Magic Tower harbored an inferiority complex towards the Lindelheit family.

At the same time, I also understood why she cherished Elisha, who had the potential to become a great magician.

“Uh… Still, from what I just saw, it’s not just about power; the utility seems good, too. With a deep understanding of elements like Iris, it could be a different story…”

Carla spoke cautiously, to which Iris responded with a distant look.

“I thought so, too… But the direct descendants of Lindelheit are just… well, they’re just good at magic.”


“Carla. Didn’t you just say it yourself? It’s just that my family is exceptional. No matter how much I excel as a high-level magician, I’m not comparable to a great magician.”


The Lindelheit family had always produced one great magician per generation.

That’s why they were known as the continent’s greatest magical family.

“Even now, I can’t understand how that’s possible for every generation. Is there some unknown grand magic? Like passing on all the mana before dying.”

“Huh? No way. That’s just natural. Our ancestor was born with a dragon’s heart, right? As you know, magical talent is greatly influenced by genetics.”

“Tch. Annoying.”

“Um… Iris, who was born as a high elf with eternal youth, shouldn’t really be saying that…”

“Because of this eternal youth, I haven’t been able to grow up properly! Looking back, being a virgin at this age must have something to do with my flat chest.”

Iris looked resentfully at her flat chest.

I gently patted her back.

“You’re not a virgin anymore, so don’t be too down.”

“…If that was meant to be comforting, Master, you should never try to comfort anyone ever again.”

Harsh words, indeed.

Listening to the three of them, a nagging doubt in my mind resolved itself.

The Lintblum Core was a good trait that could grow up to grade A, but it wasn’t the best.

There were far better breathing techniques on the Eurelia continent.

Like the mana breathing technique of the Levantin royal family, hidden cultists, and ancient legacies in hidden dungeons.

I knew a few breathing techniques that could go up to grade S.

But until half a year ago, the greatest magician was always the head of the Lindelheit family, and they were the definitive magical family.

Now I understood why.

It wasn’t because of their breathing technique that the Lindelheit family was strong.

It was their bloodline that was extraordinary.

Even if not as much as the first head who manifested the dragon’s trait, they were all born with exceptional magical talent.

The same went for the Levantin royal family.

Though not as much as the first emperor who was born with the dragon’s dignity, all emperors possessed remarkable charisma.

The funny thing was that this generational talent seemed to occur only in humans.

Elves, dwarves, beastmen, and other races weren’t favored by dragons as much, or it was purely a human phenomenon.

Humans have thrived despite their average abilities and large numbers, undoubtedly thanks to dragons.

Without heroes inheriting dragon blood occasionally, the Levantin Empire, which now covers half of the Eurelia continent, wouldn’t exist.

That empire, too, would collapse in three years.

Hidden within the Levantin Empire lay the Apostle of Boiling Silence.

For him, the downfall of the continent’s greatest magical family was merely a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal: the destruction of the Levantin Empire.

As I thought of the strength of the enemy I must eventually face, my expression hardened involuntarily.

Iris, noticing my change in demeanor, ceased her ticking and steered the conversation back to the main topic.

“Ahem. Anyway, that’s what elemental combination magic is like. What do you think? Would you like to learn it?”

“Yes, I plan to. Since I’ve mastered the Lintblum Breathing Technique, maybe I can incorporate it into elemental combination later.”

I eased my expression and shrugged playfully.


For some reason, the reactions from Iris and Elisha were somewhat ambiguous.

“Yandel… Did you not only learn magic from Carla but also master the breathing technique?”

“Huh? Didn’t I tell you? I learned it because I couldn’t sense mana.”

“That’s right. The Lindelheit family’s breathing technique, their vision, and even their style of magic….”

“Carla. Did you orchestrate all of this?”

“Well… hehe…”

What? Why were the two of them having a secret conversation? Include me, too!

“Teacher, will the Sylvan Magic Tower manage without us?”

“I could bet my entire fortune that it’ll become a mediocre third-rate tower within five years. Although I’m penniless.”

“Should we go all-in this time, Teacher?”

“It seems one day Master will release us… Not a bad idea. Right now, we don’t have many other options.”

The two apprentices exchanged a few words and nodded to each other in silence.

Their expressions were quite cunning.

Startled, Carla hugged me protectively and exclaimed,

“Stop! What are you all planning to do to my Master?!”

“Hehe. He’s now our Master, too.”

“Your fighting style may be closer to mine, but your magic style? Ah, Carla, you’re not planning to obstruct Yandel’s future because of your greed, are you?”

“Gulp… uh-oh…”

Overwhelmed by Elisha’s words, Carla begrudgingly stepped aside.

Confused, I looked at Iris, who continued with an air of triumph.

“Master, did you say I couldn’t follow you to the academy? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you learn the basics before then.”


I didn’t fully understand what was happening, but seeing the burning enthusiasm in Iris’s eyes, one thing was clear:

There would be no rest until we reached the academy.

…But maybe there would be time to relax?


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