For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 91: Back To The Academy (3)

Chapter 91: Back To The Academy (3)

Does lying really beget more lies?

The lies I told to hide the fact that I came from another world were piling up and growing bigger.

…The problem was that they seemed quite plausible.

An unusual amount of gold, blind hostility towards cultists, secret information that people normally wouldn’t know.

And now, Carla’s testimony that it seems I was born with the heart of a dragon due to hereditary reasons.

Wasn’t this totally convincing?

If I were them, I would’ve also believed the theory that ‘Yandel is the last survivor of an unknown race.’

I tried to deny it anyway.

“Hmm. It’s okay. If Master says so, it must be true. Yes.”

“I knew there was something unusual about you for an ordinary commoner… Ah, but I respect your wish to keep it secret.”

“Heh… So you suddenly appeared out of nowhere because of Elisha’s request to investigate your background.”

No matter what I said, it didn’t seem to work.

Were they convinced by this unexpected past, or were they just looking at me with strangely soft gazes?

I was momentarily troubled by their stares.

Suddenly, an idea struck me.

Huh? This wasn’t too bad, was it?

Although things were moving in a different direction than the scenario I knew, one thing was certain: many events were yet to unfold.

Each time, I would act based on my knowledge of H&A’s strategy.

I could just order these people here, my slaves, to do things against their will.

But the efficiency of actions taken willingly, versus those taken under compulsion, was different.

Plus, this setup would also help when seeking assistance from those who were not my slaves.

Of course, real dragons would immediately see through this lie.

By that time, the war with the Evil God would be in full swing. Who would criticize me for borrowing a famous name for a good cause?

As I finished this thought, the meal I ordered arrived, and I awkwardly changed the subject.

“Let’s eat first and then continue our discussion.”

I still felt a twinge of guilt, but maintaining this misunderstanding seemed like a better option than I thought.

On the carriage ride back to the academy after the meal.

“Ahem. Now that we’ve covered most of the important stuff, maybe we should talk about something different.”

“Something different? Do you have something to say?”

“Of course, about the basics of elemental combination that you, Master, have decided to learn. You promised to teach me later.”


Right. That was the case.

“…What’s with that look, Master? Don’t tell me you forgot?”

“A little?”

“That’s harsh. It’s quite an important secret of the Sylvan Magic Tower, after all.”

Iris looked a bit sad. Meanwhile, Elisha was sending me urgent glances, signaling me to do something.

That was some serious devotion to her teacher.

I stood up, picked up Iris, who was grumbling, and sat her on my lap like a child, patting her back.

“I was just preoccupied with a lot of things. Of course, I was looking forward to it.”

“…Master. Do you know how old I am?”

“Iris, do you know what this mark on your neck means?”

I gently stroked the vine mark on her slender neck–the slave mark–and Iris calmed down.

She shouldn’t have dabbled in spirit summoning.

While I was chuckling to myself, I felt a strong gaze from Carla’s side.

“I’m jealous… I know how to sit on Master’s lap, too….”

“Ahem. Master. Ignoring the earnest plea of your most loyal slave is not something a Master should do.”

“No switching places with Carla today. Your place is here.”

“Oh no…!”

After patting Iris’s embarrassed bottom lightly, I turned my head towards Carla.

“Carla, while I’m learning from Iris, you can lean your head on my shoulder. If you’re bored, I’ll allow you to play with my hair.”


Carla’s ruby eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly snuggled up to my side.

It seemed she was hurrying, afraid I might change my mind.

She started to gently stroke my hair and fiddle with the ears between my strands with a blissful expression on her face.



Sometimes, when Carla acts so affectionately towards me, it feels strange.

But I understood why.

From Carla’s perspective, I must seem four years younger.

Not only me, but the expressions of others also began to change in an odd way.

It was like reading two papers back-to-back: one stating a platypus sleeps for 14 hours, and another saying it hunts near rivers for 12 hours. Combined, that makes a 26-hour day.

Was this right…?

Anyway, if this continued, my dignity as a master would hit rock bottom.

I reached out with my other arm and gestured to Elisha.

“Come here, too.”


“Are you just going to watch your teacher’s class? You should join in.”

“…Elemental combination is a secret of the Sylvan Magic Tower, but it’s a bit different from my field.”

I knew.

Even if you fully developed Elisha in H&A, she wouldn’t acquire the trait of elemental combination.

“Still, sit down. There’s no harm in learning.”

“No, really, I…”


At my slight frown, Elisha flinched.

“…Are you slightly embarrassed right now, Yandel?”

“No? I just wanted to touch your thigh.”

“Just go ahead, but be moderate. There are other people here.”

Sighing deeply, Elisha snuggled up next to me.

Now, with Carla and Elisha on either side of me, and Iris on my lap.

The elf family, unable to join in, watched us with a strangely distorted expression.

…Yeah. Now that I see it, it does seem a bit much.

But backing out now would also look bad.

“Master. Are you really going to continue like this?”

“Yeah. This way, there’s no problem with casting magic. Plus, we’re just going over the basics since it’s your first time, right?”

“Well… if Master says it’s fine, then I guess it is.”

Iris, who had nodded her head, coughed a couple of times before continuing.

“Ahem. First, let me explain the uniqueness of the Sylvan Magic Tower. As you know, the purpose of establishing the Sylvan Magic Tower was to research elemental magic to replace the abandoned art of spirit summoning.”

“I know it’s late to ask, but do we have to stick to elemental magic? If it’s just to compensate for lost power, there are many other ways.”

“Of course, there are reasons. First, spirit summoning is an innate instinct for elves. Our natural affinity for elements draws us unconsciously… this can be somewhat mitigated with elemental magic, making it essential for modern elves.”

It felt different hearing this from someone who became a slave due to spirit summoning.

“Second, as mentioned earlier, elves have a strong affinity for elements, making it possible to reach high levels with elemental magic. It’s natural to utilize one’s aptitude.”

“That’s true.”

“The last reason is a bit more pragmatic… Before the great war, elves relied heavily on spirits.”

“I’ve heard about that.”

“It was probably even worse than you think, Master. I lived during that era, so I know. Identity verification, currency, city infrastructure, and so on. The entire elven society was fundamentally based on spirit summoning.”

In such a situation, the sudden disappearance of spirit summoning would inevitably paralyze society.

Especially during the aftermath of the Great War, when the entire forest had once burned, the paralysis of the social system must have been devastating for the elves.

“That’s why we decided to replace spirit summoning with elemental magic. It’s less efficient since someone has to cast the magic themselves, but at least things will keep running somewhat like before.”

It was akin to the Earth suddenly banning oil and switching to liquefied coal.

I wasn’t sure if it was an exact comparison, but I roughly understood.

“For that reason, everything in the Sylvan Magic Tower focuses on elemental magic.”

“I know from sparring with Elisha during academy training sessions. The elemental shapes near the head are part of that, right?”

“Correct. It’s called the shadow of the element, a unique ability of the Sylvan Magic Tower’s Elementus Core. It imprints a specific attribute in the core to assist in the power and speed of using that attribute’s magic.”

Iris, already knowing this, elaborated further when I subtly broached the subject.

“All the secrets of the Sylvan Magic Tower are based on the Elementus Core. That’s why most of them are beyond your ability to learn, Master.”

“Because I won’t receive the assistance of the shadow of the element?”

“Exactly. However, there are a few things that are more about elemental affinity than the shadow. One of them is…”

“Elemental Combination.”

“You remember correctly?”

“Of course. I’m supposed to learn it, after all.”

Besides, it was a spell not featured in H&A, which also piqued my curiosity.

At my response, Iris nodded with a pleased expression.

“A good attitude. Now, to explain elemental combination… Simply put, it’s magic that combines desired properties and concepts from two or more elements.”

“…That’s your idea of a simple explanation?”

“Hmm. Maybe it’s better to show you. Watch closely.”

Iris extended her index finger, and a small flame sprouted.

It was Tinder, a basic magic I was familiar with.

However, when Iris twirled her finger, the burning flame abruptly stopped and solidified like a crystal.

“It’s adjusted to not be hot. Try touching it.”

I followed Iris’s instructions and picked up the hardened Tinder.


As expected, it felt hard, like touching a pebble.

I also instinctively knew it was still fundamentally the fire-based basic magic, Tinder.

“It’s combined with Terra, an earth-based basic magic. It’s not just about being a solid flame… It can also be used like this.”

Iris swirled her finger, sending the flame crystal out the window.

Then, with a light flick of her finger…


The flame crystal exploded suddenly, scattering fiery fragments in all directions.

It quickly reverted to ordinary flames and dispersed in the air… but the important part was something else.

The explosion used almost no mana.

In other words, it meant achieving much stronger effects with less mana.

Incredible. What is this?

Seeing my astonished expression, Iris smirked.

“How is it? Seems quite useful, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah… it’s impressive.”

I stroked Iris’s ear in praise.

“Eek?! Wh-what are you… Ah! No, not in front of my student and subordinate… Hee!”


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