Football singularity

Chapter 86 86 Family Time

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


"You had a good game kiddo," Dad told me from the driver's seat as he turned around to ruffle my hair. Throughout the game, I could hear him cheering loudly even though the student section was quite loud.

"Thanks, I feel like I could have scored one more goal." As I got settled on the east behind him. Emma took the seat next to me with May on her other side since she would be staying with us tonight.

"Don't say that you had a great game," Mom interjected as she also expressed her heartfelt congratulations. The smile on her face is priceless, reminding me of whenever Emma has too much sugar. However, listening to her recounting the game from her perspective almost made me question whether it was her playing the game.

"Thanks, I heard you cheering loudly from the bleachers," I told her after listening to her narrating the match for a while. Even though she's not a particularly huge fan of football she's been learning about it ever since she started helping me train.

Just like that, we spent most of the ride home emerged in conversations about the game and the girl's performance. Luckily for them, no one ended up falling and their performance went off without a hitch. The only dramatic scene that happened was when two high school kids from both schools got into to fight. However, according to May, they weren't fighting because of the match but due to a girl they both liked.

Long story short the boy from the Beavers school got into a fight with his girlfriend and she ended up hooking up with the boy from my school. It's not that important the only reason it became such a big deal was because both boys play for the Varsity American football team. So, the fact that they would be playing against each other for homecoming only served to hype up both schools.


"Rakim hurry up we're going to have a game night," May shouted as she barged into my room from the connecting door to Emma's room. Not bothering with her I continued to play with Zeus as he used one of my old hoodies as a chew toy. It's been a recent hobby as his canines started to grow.

At first, he had butchered one of Emma's teddy bears earning her ire but somehow it resulted in him ending up with one of my hoodies. Ever since then, I've had to make sure he doesn't walk into my closet looking for a new toy.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" she asked again sounding more annoyed after noticing that I ignored her. Before I knew it, I felt a pillow impact the back of my head forcing me to finally pay attention to her. The frown on her face told me that she wasn't happy with my antics.

"I'm too tired for game night let's just watch a movie in the den," Is all I said to her as I got up from my bed. I was currently dressed in an orange Charizard Pyjamas that I somehow convinced Dad to get me from Japan. Although it didn't have the Charizard's tail it was still comfortable.

"Fine but we get to pick what we are watching, By the auntie Lisa said to come down for dinner," she told me with a smile, surprising me by the fact she was so quick to agree to my change of her plans. Brushing away the fact that she called Mom by Auntie I started following her out of the room.

"By the way where is Emma?" I couldn't help and ask as we reached the dining room only to find Mom setting the table. Quickly helping her out the table was set in no time.

"Oh, she somehow convinced your dad to take her to get Ice cream," Mom said with a slight pout on her face. That didn't stop her from continuing to roast what looked like potatoes. It wasn't all too surprising though I've witnessed Dad go on forty-minute car journeys for snacks. Half the time he's the one that wants the snacks more than us, probably something to do with the fact he wasn't allowed too much when he was young.

"Haha, C'mon Auntie Lisa she promised to get you some caramel brownies," May was quick to speak up in defence of her friend. Mom was a little placated by her words as she seemed to be adding the finishing touches to the food.

"Is she getting me anything though?" I asked them since Dad always gets the best snacks and I was going through my cooldown routine in the gym when they left. Dog yoga is something I've come to enjoy, especially since Zeus likes to try to copy my movements or simply try and distract me. Mom gets decent snacks as well, but she makes sure they are healthy and doesn't seem to have a map of all the best places like Dad does.

"Hmm, maybe you'll have to wait and see," Mom teased as she started bringing food to the table. Looking at the smile on her face that told me she was happy to vent her frustration to someone else I could only sigh.


"Where home," Five minutes after the food was set on the table Emma's voice was heard as she walked in holding a carrier bag. However, before she had the chance to show us what was in its mom took it from her hands taking it into the kitchen.

"What don't look at me like that you can have it back after dinner, hurry up and wash up, " Was all moms said as she put a couple of tubs of ice cream into the freezer. The rest of the snacks that couldn't melt were just left on the kitchen counter as she joined us at the table.

"The food looks great Hunny," Dad exclaimed with fervour as he carried a few larger shopping bags. Helping him quickly store away the things in the bags we all gathered around the table ready to enjoy the food. The food was still warm as Mom kept them in special containers that continue to heat your food.

Dad quickly said grace as we all started enjoying the feast. Tonight, Mom had made Roasted Chicken and Potatoes with a garlic sauce. The explosion of taste in my mouth instantly satiated my hunger. I haven't eaten anything since lunch and only had an energy bar after the game, so this was defiantly welcomed.

"Mom you should start selling your meals at your gym, maybe open a restaurant next door or something," I subconsciously said after devouring half of my meal in record time. I usually don't like garlic that much but with the way all the taste of the meal blended it was heavenly.

"Yeah, Auntie Lisa your cooking is so good, even my mom's cooking isn't as good," May was quick to encourage her as a blissful expression graced her face with every bite. Her fulfilled expression after each bite reminded me of a food commercial about frozen pizzas.

"Yeah, Mom your cooking is defiantly the best, even Dad can't come close," Emma also chimed in with a happy smile as she sent shots at Dad who was just quietly enjoying his food. He could only smile wryly probably pondering what he did wrong to deserve that.

"Thanks, you're so sweet," Mom said as she continued to eat her food with a content smile on her face. Dinner continued with the same energy as we continued to enjoy the food and company.


"So, what are we watching?" I asked the girls as I joined them on the couch with Emma on my left. Quickly joining them under the huge blanket I made myself comfortable as I picked up my smoothie from the table. Zeus was quick to join me as he plopped next to me as he nudged my shoulder looking for some attention.

"We are watching High School Musical," Emma said as she quickly pressed play as the opening credits started rolling. I could already tell that I was either going to like or hate this movie just by hearing the name of the movie.

"Oh, alright did you get some ice cream for me too?" Is all I said not really wanting a two-on-one argument that I was bound to lose. Without saying a word Emma handed me a 250 grams tub of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

"Thanks" Is all I said as I started enjoying the sweet flavour whilst dodging Zues attempts from stealing it. Being a foodie must run in the family as everyone seems to love to eat tasty food. Heck, we've even fought battles for food, the occasional silent protest over a slice of cake is a common occurrence in this household.

It took me a while to get into the movie, as I kept asking myself questions such as why they kept on singing. However, I put it up to them just being weird and just went with it. At some point, Mom and Dad joined us but I was already falling asleep from the constant lullaby they were singing. Before I noticed it, I was already in dreamland running down the right flank as I tried to get past Marcelo.





To Be Continued...


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