Football singularity

Chapter 85 85 Post Match Rewards

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


[Mc Pov]

'That was a fun game,' I told Eva as I made my way to the locker room after shaking hands with that last of the Beavers team.

'Congrats you really came to in the second half,' she praised sounding genuinely proud of my achievements. Her comments only further reassured me of my achievement during today's game.


[Ding Post Match Review]

>Goals scored: (2) = 200Sp

>Assists: (1) = 50Sp

>Cards: 0 = 10Sp

>Final Match score: 4:1 Victory = 30Sp

>Match Rating: A

(Congratulations to the host for an excellent start to your footballing Journey)


'Dang I wasn't expecting that, but I won't complain I'm in need of singularity points,' I inadvertently thought as I gazed at the notification that popped up. Eva had hinted that I would be able to earn Sp through matches, but I thought that I would have to wait for quests.

[Don't be so surprised these are the fruits of all your hard work keep up the good work,] she commented as I started taking off my boots so I could go for a shower. Most of the guys did the same with only a few of the guys dragging their feet due to the celebratory mood.

I didn't mind them though as I just headed into one of the shower stalls letting the cold-water rain down on me. My warm body quickly cooled down as the emotional high of the game that I'd been riding slowly came down. The feeling of calmness I feel whenever I take a shower after exercising is the best.

'Open Status,' I commanded inwardly wanting something to do whilst I continued to shampoo my hair which is quite big now. I should really hurry up and get my dreads done soon but it's not exactly easy to find someone to do them here. I'll have to ask Liv as her mom takes her to get her hair to get braided before her tennis meets.




USER: Rakim Rex

AGE: 6yrs


Singularity Points: 2,090

Position: Winger

(Evaluation: A boy with a lot of potential for becoming a professional soccer player, who possesses a lot of talent)


>Physical Fitness: C

>Football Technique: B-

>Game Intelligence: D

->Mental Ability: S

->X-Factors: -





[ SYSTEM LOTTERY (locked)]

[ SNOOPING TOOL (locked)]

'Sigh I'm still poor but I finally have enough for that skill plus I still have a set of those energy drinks,' I mused to myself after noticing that my Sp had gone back up to two thousand. Through the two weeks of training, I spent some points on a skill that is useful for me which showed its effect in today's game.


->Physical Fitness: C

->Football Technique: B-

->Game Intelligence: D

->Mental Ability: S


->Singularity Skills: Bronze Level Goal Sense (Passive),

Looking at my stats makes me quite happy although the improvement is not as fast as I would like it to be but it's not slow either. If I was just a regular player without the system, I would defiantly have a harder time improving myself. Not because of the cheats I can use but due to the simple fact they wouldn't know what aspect of their game they have to improve.

I am good example of this although I am far better than kids my own age proven by the fact; I'm playing with kids who are four to five years older than me. If I was a regular kid, I would feel proud of myself and wouldn't work as hard to improve myself as only a few kids in my team have the ability to challenge me.

Good Thing my mom is a coach and I have a system that lets me know what I'm lacking so I can easily focus on it. Although Mom isn't of much use when it comes to football technique but when it comes to healthily raising my body control, she's a genius. It's honestly baffling that she doesn't have more clients all year round or isn't tied down with a sports team.

Then again, she doesn't really lack money with Dad around plus from what I heard her say she has her own inheritance invested for a rainy day. However, according to Dad, it would have to be a storm before she would ever have to use It. So, she only does one-to-one sessions with clients during the school year.

She does do some PT sessions during their off-season like with Lebron this summer but that's a special case. She enjoys spending our school holiday with us so unless the other party is willing to pay double her rate she won't accept. According to Dad, it's easier to convince her clients to follow her work schedule than to get her to agree to work during her holiday.


'Eva, buy the bird's eye view Skill,' I told her as I started getting dressed and applying cream to my skin. Most of the boys were still in the shower just fooling around and only both the Bens were also getting dressed. Although Ben Miller is quite the tactician in midfield, he has an introverted personality like Tom.

The latter though seemingly draws people to him just by his presence, whilst Ben takes his time to warm up to people. When he does though he behaves just like anyone other boy our age and for some absurd reason he loves to pull pranks as well. I once watched him send Max to the girls' volleyball team, telling him that their captain had told him she has a crush on him and wanted him to kiss her.

That right there should have been a red flag for the boy but decided to risk it he made his way to their gym before training only to come back twenty minutes later with a handprint on his cheek. However, the most baffling thing was the fact that he was still smiling whilst he rubbed his cheek.

It wasn't until Lexi told me that he had kissed her on the lips in front of everyone that I understood why he was still happy. Lexi's team was using the court next to the volleyball team separated by a net wall for their handball practice, so she was able to see everything. To this day Max gets the stink eye from the girls on the volleyball team heck even the other girls in the sports team take a detour when they see him.


[Ding: skill Birds Eye View Purchased For 2000 SP]

[Ding: Due to the nature of the passive skill It will integrate within the host the next time he enters a state of total Rest.]

[Ding: Host has 24 hrs to meet the condition for integrating the skills before it is recycled back to the store for half the initial price.]

'Wow I wasn't expecting that, I guess it's making up for months of inactivity,' I commented as I watched the screen flash with notifications. This hadn't happened when I bought Goal Sense but then again, I fell asleep right after I purchased them so I might not have noticed it.

[That skill was different than this one, Goal sense at the basic level is more like a gut feeling that allows you to find an area where you're most likely to score during a game. Whereas the bird's eye view skill has a direct impact on you which can be quite painful and makes you go blind for a few hours as your eyes undergo an evolution.] Eva commented on my confusion clearing up my doubts but also scaring me slightly. I knew the system was all-powerful but having the ability to make me blind for a few hours just reminds me how supernatural it really is.

'Thanks for clearing that up,' I told her as I put on my team hoodie which was Red with black accents on it. It had a small eagle on my left chest and a big oak tree on the back with my name at the top which honestly is quite cool. All the team's uniform uniforms and regular season expenses for a student are covered by the high tuition our parents pay so the school doesn't spare money on quality.


->Singularity Skills:

Bronze Level Goal Sense (Passive)

-A skill that gives the host a 20% probability to locate an area that gives him a high chance of scoring a goal.

-The skill is limited to off-the-ball movement, meaning the host cannot be in possession of the ball for the skill to activate.

Bird's eye view (Passive! 24 hrs!)

-A skill that widens the host's field of vision, giving him a more accurate view of the ongoings on the pitch.


'That new skill will bring my game up a whole new level, especially when it comes to passing and taking tricky shots,' I couldn't help and think after reading through its description. It will probably be easier to find holes in the opposing defence with this in combination with my goal sense. Sigh its barely game one of the new seasons and my entire game has taken a giant leap forward.

"What's got you smiling so much?" I heard a familiar voice ask me as soon as I stepped out of the changing room. looking to my left I was met with the curious gaze of Emma and May dressed in their own team's hoodie covering their cheerleading uniform. They had performed during half time but we for obvious reasons didn't get to see it.

"Oh, I'm just happy at my first Man of the Match," I told him as I took out the game ball that I convinced the coach to let me keep. My answer seemed to shock them, but I wasn't lying though as Ben were named as joint man of the match. I took the ball as a reminder of my first goals in my journey to become a football star.

"Congrats but why did you only get a ball, we get trophies whenever someone performs exceptionally well in competitions," May commented as she took the ball eyeing it to see if there was anything special about it. At one point she even shook it close to her ear and I think if I hadn't taken it back, she might have broken it open.

"Thanks, did you like the game as well?" I asked Emma as I tossed her the ball that I saved from May's clutches. She's unusually silent ever since May started fooling around.

"Yeah, you played well, your goals were good," She answered me as she started filing with the ball. Unlike her friend, she wasn't looking for some mysterious secret within the ball and was simply content just holding it.

"Thanks, let's go Mom and Dad are waiting for us," I told her as I patted her hair earning a nod in response from her.





To Be Continued...


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