Football singularity

Chapter 66 66 Friends I Think 2

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"Oh me? I was chosen to be extraordinary," I said to him with a smile on my face as I mimicked his earlier actions. His slack-jawed expression to my words was priceless. I could figuratively see the gears in his head halt slightly as if he were hit by lightning.

His mouth opened slightly in an attempt to answer me but even after 10 seconds, no words came out of his mouth. I continued watching him struggle to formulate words but, in the end, he just sighed and sat back on the bench. Just as I was thinking that I might have broken him he started foolishly smiling making me question his sanity.

"Alright just give me a day and I'll be faster than you," he said after he was done laughing and presumably regaining his sanity. His sentence left me speechless but judging by the look in his eyes he was a hundred per cent serious about his proclamation.

"You can try but you are going to need a lot of luck to catch up with me," I told him with a smile ready to meet his challenge. I was happy that my first friend in both lives seems to be as active as me. The guys at the camp are also my friends but they are more like rivals whom I'll most likely have to compete against.

We continued to compete with one another from doing handstands to press-ups, literally, anything you could think of we did. It turns out that Liam is part of a gymnastics and running club, so we found plenty of things to compete in. It was in one of our competitions where we were trying to see how far we could walk on our hands that we bumped into a group of people.

looking up from the ground I was met with an annoyed Emma who was looking at me as if I had left her somewhere. Wait didn't I leave her earlier, then again, she was with her friend, so she won't be that angry right? Just as I thought that she'd be reasonable I watched her lightly kick my side in protest but still made sure not to hurt me.

"Ow that hurt," I exclaimed lightly as I looked up at her from the ground enjoying the feel of the grass. During our competition, we moved away from the path and onto a lawn just past the trees.

"Well, you deserve it for leaving me," Is all she said as she held out her hand for me to stand up. She is weird like that sometimes even though she is mad at me she still ends up worrying about me. I guess she is taking her role as a big sister seriously.

"Sorry about that I got a little carried away, Is that your other friend?" I quickly apologised to her as I motioned to the new girl that had joined the two of them. The girl has long wavy peach-blond hair which was completely contrasting Emma's light blond curls.

The girl wore a green floral dress that matched her eyes making her look like some kind of fairy. looking at the three of them made me wonder if having good looks was a prerequisite to joining their friend group. Heck, even Liam with a Mohawk had a lively handsomeness to him that sporty kids seem to have.

"Yeah, this is May she is just coming back from New York today," She answered me as she affectionately put her arm over the girl. Just by a glance, I could tell that they were close especially since my sister tries her hardest to avoid physical contact with almost everyone.

"Hi Emma, has told me a lot about you," she told me with a smile as she held her hand out for a handshake.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," I answered her with a smile as I shook her hand and started asking her miscellaneous questions in an attempt to be polite. We quickly bonded on our common pleasure of teasing Emma as she started telling me stories of how she got them into trouble.

"Once she convinced our nanny that she could swim because she wanted to do the jumps, she had seen people do on Tv," She started explaining how Emma almost got her nanny fired due to negligence.

Apparently after watching the Olympic swimming events with Dad, she had gotten the idea that she could do the same. So, when she went to May's house the next day, she convinced her nanny to let her swim in the pool claiming to be as good as those in the Olympics. Although the nanny did not believe her but after ten minutes of pestering, she finally relented. The result of that was Emma doing a backflip into the water only to end up drinking water as she tried her best to stay afloat.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad, plus I apologised to Aunt Maria and explained it to your parents, and I learned to swim the next week," Emma quickly explained her actions as her cheeks quickly turned rosy in embarrassment. We continued to chat as a group as they led me to their spot around the lake.

We reached a small stone riff that was surrounded by palm trees and smooth rocks. The area looked quite literally like a paradise on earth, small river streams could be seen flowing through the rocks connecting with the lake. There was a water swing that was hung on a tree that bend towards the lake.

"Dang this place is nice," I was finally able to say after taking in the beautiful senary of the spot. We quickly found a spot to sit on a large flat stone that had water quietly flowing around it. Since none of us brought any swim clothes we just dipped our feet in the water as we continued to talk with each other.

"So, are you going to join our school in the fall?" May asked me as they were in the middle of discussing some kind of sports trip the cheerleading team does. I was slightly surprised by her question as I was in the middle of narrating my footballing exploits at the Nike camp to Liam.

"Yeah, I'll be joining, Mom says the football program there is quite good," I told her sounding quite unsure towards the later part of the sentence. Hearing my sentence, she seems quite happy at the prospect of me joining their school.

"What position do you play? are you on the offensive team or the defensive one or maybe you are on special teams?" Jenna asked me as she started guessing which position I could be playing. Her genuine curiosity was something to behold which only made it more embarrassing for me to tell her that she was thinking of the wrong sport.

"(ahem) I was talking about soccer, and I play on the left wing," I told her with a slightly embarrassed smile on my face. hearing my words, it took her a second before she realised her mistake as she blushed lightly probably remembering her ramblings. Her younger brothers laughing probably didn't help her feel less embarrassed.

"That was my first thought, but I've made that mistake before, so I just assumed you meant American football," She quickly explained herself which only served to make her friends giggle more. Her panicked expression is quite cute especially as she started pouting at her friends.

"It's alright I'm not really going to nit-pick about it anymore," I told her with a smile as I tried to placate her which seemed to work a little.

Just like that, we spent the rest of the afternoon in that little piece of paradise just relaxing. I found out that all the girls are part of the cheerleading team except Emma because it clashed with dance practice. However, she is supposed to be joining the team this school year which made the rest of the girls quite excited.

After a while, Liam and I got bored of just chatting and we decided to continue our competition. We tried racing in the sand in our bare feet but that turned out to be a bad idea as we quickly lost balance when we tried to shove each other. Let's just say that even the sand in paradise does not taste sweet.

When we tried playing pranks on the girls, we only ended up in us getting a lecture from them which started a water fight. Calling it a fight would be an understatement it was more like a war that ended up with all of us completely soaked. Although 3v2 was a little unfair we defied all odds and won the war in the end.


"Why are the two of you all wet?" I heard Mom say with a stern look on her face as she looked towards our feet where water was currently dripping. I didn't quite mind her gaze as I just stood there with my Js in hand as I ended up walking back in my socks.

"It's all his fault," Emma said throwing me under the bus without the slightest hesitation. The corner of my lips twitched after hearing her words, but I couldn't really deny her accusation.

"She dragged me out today so it's kind of her fault, I was just an innocent passenger," I quickly spoke up as I advocated my innocence making sure to put on a wronged expression to get my point across.

"(sigh) Just go up and shower and make sure you clean up after," Mom said as she promptly left, probably wanting to keep her sanity instead of dealing with us.

"Oh well might as well before we get a cold," I commented lightly as I started making my way towards the bathroom. It didn't take me long to reach the bathroom and hop into the shower.

'Hey Eva, what would you say is the most important quality of a footballer?'





To Be Continued...


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