Football singularity

Chapter 65 65 Friends I Think?

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


"Never mind that why are there worms in your hair?" there was a moment of silence after my words fell. I could practically see the gears in the boy's head short circuit as he tried to get his head around my words.

"What did you say?" He loudly exclaimed as he took a step towards me ready for a confrontation.

"Those red stripes in your hair," I pointed out his odd hairstyle whilst making sure to keep a straight face not fretting over the possibility of him getting violent. My unfazed demeanour while answering him seemed to surprise him as he took a small step backwards but stills kept staring me down.

"Hey, don't start fighting as soon as you meet someone new," I heard the girl named Jenna berate him as she pinched his sides causing him to visibly twitch. She had a bright smile on her face but something about it felt off as her eyes didn't seem to smile.

I gulped lightly happy about the fact that she wasn't my sister as she seems quite scary. However just as I was feeling relieved, I felt a cold gaze to my right and after taking a quick glance I immediately turned away not risking eye contact. What I saw were Emma's cold blue eyes staring at me with an annoyed look on her face as if I had just ruined her reunion with her friend.

"I'm sorry my name is Liam," the mohawk boy said to me as she held his hand out for a handshake. I could tell that he was mainly doing this because of his sister, probably not wanting to risk her anger.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too, oh and my name is Rakim," I answered him as I quickly shook his hands, just wanting Emma to stop glaring at me. I don't know what is wrong with me sometimes I just get triggered so easily. Even though I have the memories and wisdom of my older self I tend to act like any other six-year-old sometimes.

Maybe I need therapy because this is not normal but then again, it's not really a terrible thing since I'll get an authentic childhood experience. Oh well, I guess I won't be lying when I say I have an old soul.

"So, you weren't lying when you said you got a little brother," Jenna said pulling my attention back to the present. She was currently examining me from head to toe seemingly evaluating me with her curious eyes.

"Of course, not I have the best brother," Emma said proudly as she placed a hand on my shoulder as if she was bragging about herself. My eye twitched at her actions but I didn't dare to say anything since I just barely escaped her rath a moment ago.

"Why is everything always a competition with you?" The girl helplessly said as she started walking away not wanting to engage in the conversation.

"Where are you going?" Emma said as she quickly followed her leaving me and Liam behind. He and I stood there in silence for around five seconds as we watched them get further away from us. Turning towards him we made quick eye contact before dashing after the two of them.

What surprised me was that the boy was able to keep up with my pace. In all fairness, I wasn't running at full speed, but my sudden change of speed is pretty fast as well. Realising that Liam was quite athletic only made me want to compete with him more.

Before we even realised it, we ran past our sisters but that didn't matter to us as we continued running on the sidewalk. I Had no Idea where we were going but I just continued to follow his side as he seemed to know the way. We turned right to a pathway that was encompassed by the forest that led to the lake. I could see the sparkling reflection of the sunlight that made the lake look like a beautiful blue gemstone.

"First to the lake loser buys Ice cream," Liam exclaimed loudly as he sprung forward flipping another gear as he took off down the path. Not being left behind I instinctively followed after him doing my best to sprint as fast as I could with my Jordans. Although I love the shoes, but they are just not made for running sports forcing me to adjust slightly and probably damaging them more.

The two of us sped down the long pathway as our shadows continued to flash past the trees on the side. We were running so fast that the surrounding scenery started to blur in our periphery vision as the wind swept past us. Halfway through the path, we spotted people who were walking around enjoying their day. However, in our eyes, they all just became obstacles for us to circumvent.

The first people we approached were an elderly couple who were walking in the middle of the path seemingly on a date. Before I could react to avoid them, I felt Liam push me to the right with his arm sending me into the forest. Not having the time to complain to him I had to quickly do an improvised spin move to avoid a tree.

That move caused me to slow down slightly but seeing Liam rushing back to the path I gritted my teeth and followed after him. Taking quick strides, I easily managed to level with his pace as we approached a group of cyclists who were leisurely riding along the path on my side of the path.

Seeing that I would be blocked off If didn't do anything I stretched out my left-hand pushing Liam out of the path and taking his lane as I started increasing my speed to the fullest. I heard him exclaim loudly trying to complain but I didn't pay him any heed simply happy about getting my revenge.

Thinking that I had lost him since he hadn't caught up to me, yet I faintly heard heavy breathing behind me sounding a little like a locomotive. We had reached the last fifty yards of the path when he finally managed to reach my side. The path was clear so we both continued to speed up as fast as our bodies let us. we were neck and neck in our race but just as we were ten yards from leaving the forested path a toddler who was being followed by their older sibling appeared in front of us.

Not having time to think about it I did the first thing that came to mind slowing down slightly as I took three big strides. My sudden deceleration seemed to have inadvertently resulted in me dogging Liam's arm which was probably supposed to push me aside. He was slightly off-balanced due to his actions, but he chose to perform a spin move to circumvent the family. As he was performing his spin move, I took to the sky jumping over the toddler who looked to be no older than 2 at most.

The toddler and I made eye contact as I soared above him causing his jaw to open wide in amazement. It felt as if the world stopped for a second as I was in the air giving me a moment of clarity before the world started spinning again as I made contact with the ground again using my momentum to increase my speed. After ten more long strides my feet made contact with the sand as I came to a sliding stop. A second later Liam also reached the sand immediately plopping down on the sand as he tried to catch his breath.

"That was crazy, I've never run that fast in my entire life," he said after a while, in which we spent the entire time trying to catch our breath. At this point, I had already plopped to the ground next to him in an attempt to stabilise my breathing.

"Yeah, that was insane, I barely had time to think whilst running," I said as I looked out towards the lake that was now before me in all its glory. The air here was extremely fresh here which helped us quickly regain our bearings from the run.

"You're not bad from now on your my friend, don't worry I will protect you," Liam said in a proud voice as he thumped his chest to show his strength. Looking at his serious expression and the sheer self-belief that he could deliver on his promises made me admire him a little.

"Haha sure we'll be friends from now on but are you sure you want to? I'll probably end up getting you into a lot of trouble," I told him as I held out my fist for a fist bump which he quickly met with his own fist.

"Don't worry I'm used to trouble so I can help us weasel out of it," he said in a tone that told me he was speaking from experience. Judging by the fact that his older sister seemed to be used to disciplining him it should be the case.

"Haha now I feel like you'll be getting us in most of our future troubles" I answered him with a wry smile on my face as I watched him slowly get up.

"Naw I don't go looking for trouble it just somehow ends up finding me, honestly it's weird how that happens." He said with an aggrieved look on his face looking as if he had been through a lot.

"(Sigh) I guess will be partners in crime from now on," I told him as I also got up from the ground and started dusting off the sand off my clothes. My comment seemed to make him happy as he started chuckling whilst walking off in a certain direction.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I followed after him taking slow breaths now that I had regained my breathing from the run.

"I lost so I owe you ice cream, I'm a man of my word after all," he said as he continued to lead the way to an area with a few scattered shops on the side of the lake. All the shops seemed to be specifically there to provide a service for those that came to enjoy their day at the lake. I spotted what looked like a bar and next to eat was an Italian pizza restaurant.

It didn't take long for us to reach a cafe-style shop called Angels Delight where a couple of people could be seen sitting in chairs enjoying their ice cream. We didn't sit down and went directly to the counter to order. I ended up getting two scoops of mango in a small tub whilst Liam got a flavour called strawberry delight.

After we got our Ice cream we went back to the end of the path and took a seat. Apparently, the girls would be heading here eventually so we just sat on a bench and waited for them. During our wait, we started talking to one another about all sorts of things. Liam's family is originally from England in a town called Birmingham. They moved here a couple of years ago and that's when Emma and Jenna became friends.

He complained for a while about how he was always dragged to go out and play with them and their friend group. According to him their friend group consisted of four girls of Emma's age and three boys who were the younger siblings of the girls. Liam didn't seem to like the other boys much saying something about them being annoying. All of the boys were seven except Liam who was my age adding to his dislike of the other two.

"So how come you are so fast?" I finally asked him as this has been on my mind for a while. I'm extremely proud of my speed so meeting someone who could keep up with me is quite surprising then again, I was running in Jordans. My words seemed to surprise him stopping his ranting about how sloppy a boy called Reece was.

"Oh me?" he asked me in surprise as he pointed his finger at his nose as if wanting to confirm I was talking about him. "I was more worried about you since you beat me, but I just assumed that the wind held me back a little more," he said with a straight tone as he was seemingly thinking of reasons as to why he could have lost to me. My mouth twitched visibly as I started focusing on my breathing holding back the urge to punch him.

Seemingly seeing sensing my gloomy expression he put up his hands in a placating manner. "The reason I'm this fast is that I was born this way," he said in a matter-of-fact tone nodding as if he had just reached enlightenment on the reason of his being. I could only sigh after watching him since I couldn't blame him for answering my question. Seeing his actions, I felt a kindred spirit that enjoys the art of triggering people.

"Anyways that's enough about me how did you get so fast? it's not easy for normal people you know," He asked me curiously as he said the latter part of that sentence in a hushed voice. Already used to his antics I didn't let it trigger me anymore and simply smiled at him.

"Oh me? I was chosen to be extraordinary," I said to him with a smile on my face as I mimicked his earlier actions.





To Be Continued...


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