Football singularity

Chapter 27 Skills And Mother

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Glancing at Rakim in front of me I couldn't help a smile forming on my lips. The look of curiosity on his face as he stared into the distance is just so cute. It took all my willpower not to pounce on him and start pinching his cheeks. I just couldn't bring myself to interrupt the look of mesmerisation that he currently had as we sailed past the coastline of Cape Coral.

"Are you serious about wanting to be my mother?" I heard him say lightly in a barely audible. Not quite sure where this came from m but the nervous look on his face showed me that he is anxious about this topic.

"Yes, I'm very serious about this decision, you will be a part of our family from now on," I answered him almost instantly not wanting him to think I was considering this answer. Hearing my answer his nervous expression lessened slightly. It was as if hearing my answer lifted a weight that he had been carrying around with him.

"Okay if you're sure I will be your son from now on," he said again still having a nervous expression which is now slightly bashful. Hearing him call himself my son I felt a warm sensation in my heart. Not holding back anymore I pulled him into another hug, which is starting to become common. I'm not complaining though Emma stopped letting me hug her saying that now that she is nine, she's too old for that.

"So are you my little brother then" we heard the voice of Emma from behind us. Turning around to look at her I noticed the slight frown on her face. She must be jealous that I'm hugging Rakim, but she will never admit it. I don't know how else to explain how much time she spent with him yesterday. It is not that she is a rude person it's just that she has little patience for people she does not like.

I still remember on her last birthday how she ignored her uncle when he tried to give her his present. He thought he was smug by trying to use my daughter to get close to his estranged brother too. His smug smile faded quickly when she asked who he was and that she was not supposed to take gifts from strangers.

"Yes, I'll be your big brother" I heard Rakim say as he struggled out of my hug. His statement confused me as Emma is the older of the two. It seems Emma was confused too as her frown deepened a little.

"No, I'm older so I will be the big Sister" Emma refuted his statement taking a step towards him. Both her hands were on her hips in an attempt to show her dominance but to me, she just looked like a kid trying to act tall.

"I'll hug you if I'm your older brother," he said as he threw me for a loop. But looking at Emma's contemplative look she is seriously considering this.

"Ok but I get to hug u whenever I want," she said having made up her mind. Looking at her serious face it seems she is a hundred percent certain about this. My mouth involuntarily twitched at how easily she agreed to that. Usually, she would argue about it for a little while and wouldn't give up until she got what she wants.

"Deal" Rakim answered with a triumphant smile as if he had won a big battle. Well in a way he kind of did, arguing with her you might as well be fighting a war. Emma didn't bother with it though as she enveloped him in a hug. She made eye contact with me and stuck out her tongue at me in a taunting manner. This girl is something else seems like she was willing to give up her argument just to spite me.


[Rakim Pov]

It took a while for Emma to let me get out of her hug which apparently, she is now entitled to according to our deal. I guess she is kind of right about it so I can't even complain when she starts hugging me. Gazing at the Land that was slowly getting closer I realised that it would take a while for us to reach land. So, I decided to try some of the skills I learned in my dream yesterday.

"Do use have a football on board?" I asked Emma and Lisa who seemed quite surprised by my sudden question. Lisa thought for a second before walking somewhere into the ship only to return shortly with a black and white football.

"Here u go," she said as she threw it at me. catching the ball with my hands I stared intently at it. However, the feeling I was looking for never appeared. Looking at the strange gaze I was getting from the two girls I'd been staring at it for too long. Ignoring them I decided to check with Ava instead of fumbling about.


'Eva, can you show me my status' I asked her in my head not wanting to look crazier than I already looked at the two girls. In order to not make them worry I let go of the ball and started juggling the ball while talking to Eva.

[Yes, right away host] She promptly answered me.


USER: Rakim Eze

AGE: 5yrs


Singularity Points: 1100

Position: RM, LM

(Evaluation: A pitiful boy with versatile talents far from becoming a professional soccer player however has the potential to become a decent player.)




[ SYSTEM SHOP (locked)]

[ SYSTEM LOTTERY (locked)]

[ SNOOPING TOOL (locked)]


Looking at how my status had not changed much I decided to go straight to my user stats tab since that's what I worked on. As if knowing what I wanted Ava instantly opened up the stats tab without me asking her.


>Physical Fitness: D+

>Football Technique: C

>Game Intelligence: E+

->Mental Ability: S


Looking down it seems that my technique did improve slightly. Seeing this a smile bloomed on my face as this meant that all my effort was worth it last night. But I was slightly confused as there wasn't a tab for my skills anywhere.

'Ava where are the skills that I have learned last night,' I asked her slightly confused by why they weren't there.

[Host since what you learned is counted under running skills it won't be on the system. This means that the host dribbling is not counted as an active skill. However, once the host gains a basic proficiency in the body feint or the chop cuts and similar skills they will show up on the system as conditional passive skills.] She went on a long monologue explaining all the ins and outs of my skill setup.

'So let me get this straight as long as I get a basic mastery of a skill it will show up on the system' I asked her to want to make sure I was on the same page as her.

[Yes, host but just like in the training session other factors will affect your ability to perform a skill move] She answered me confirming my suspicions on how much my rhythm matter when dribbling.

I now understood that the system would make it easier for me to learn skills and use them in a match. However, it's not like in an RPG game where you would just press the skills and it would activate. I would have to perform skills myself and depending on the situation things such as my balance, my speed, and my technique would be the deciding factor on whether I can perform them.

I better start grinding my technique before anything else so I can dance around players. It's much more fun being a winger that can play around the defender's nose than one who can only run. So, the most important skill that I will focus on, for now, will be balance and technique.


Snapping out of my musing caused me to lose control of the ball making it drop onto the deck. Seeing the ball drop from my barefoot I realised that I'd been juggling it the whole time subconsciously. Judging by the looks of Emma and Lisa that seems to be the case, which I can only attribute to the C-level technique.

"See I told you I was made to play the game," I told them with a smug smile showing shamelessly showing off the system's effect on my body. It is not like I'm lying my second life is basically connected to playing football.

"I guess you are Okay" Lisa muttered as she turned her head not wanting to look at my smug smile. Her reaction caused me to laugh as I got the ball and started juggling again trying to beat my record again. But maybe due to karma or some higher power messing with me, I dropped the ball after five juggles.

"Haha Who asked you to try and be smug with me," Lisa chuckled before she left men and Emma alone to go and tend to something. Looking at Emma she also had a slight smile on her face making my face heat up. Not wanting to give up I picked up the ball and started juggling it wanting to increase my feeling for the ball. This went on for the rest of our journey as we approached Tampa Bay.





To Be Continued...


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