Football singularity

Chapter 26 Land On The Horizon

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!Power stone Bonus Chapter!


"Monster" I muttered falling onto my back and looking up at the beast in human form. To think he has been teaching me this whole time. Looking at my gobsmacked expression he started laughing heartily as if what he has done was just a common skill. This moment is when I realised that I hate the way geniuses think.

"Looks like our time is up kid," he said as he looked up at the sky as if there was a clock up there that told him the exact time. Slightly confused by his words I was just about to ask him what he meant.

"The skills you've learnt here will make it easier for you to recreate them once you wake up, so work hard." He interrupted me as his body started to slowly fade. This feels a bit like one of those cheesy goodbyes in Donghua's. When the expert is dying or ascends to the higher heavens leaving his student with some heartfelt words of wisdom.

Since he is basically my master Obi-Wan, I did not speak my sarcastic comment and just nodded to his words of wisdom. That seemed to do the trick as the fading animation sped up ending this cheesy moment. Looking around the now empty pitch I started feeling drowsy as my eyes shut putting me to sleep.


"Mom, I don't think he's ever waking up" I heard a familiar young voice of a girl speak.

"You might be right, we might have to use extreme means to wake him" An older voice of a woman spoke up, her voice also sounded familiar.

"What extreme means can we take I've already tried shaking him, but he just wouldn't wake up." The young voice spoke up again with a worried tone.

"Just get a bucket of cold water that will wake him up" The older voice spoke up in a serious tone as if she were passing on valuable information.

​ Hearing their familiar voices something in the back of my mind told me that I knew them. Yes, does not that serious voice sounds a bit like that lioness who said I am her son now? Then that young voice must be Emma, but why are they talking in my dream just let me sleep. Wait what do they mean by extreme measures to wake me up?

Thinking about that scary thought my eyes shot open as my body reflexively sat up. As soon as I sat up, I heard a distinct bang of something hitting the ground. The loud noise drew my attention to Lisa who was drenched in water. Emma was on the ground and next to her was an empty basin of water.

There was a moment of silence where no one spoke creating a weird atmosphere of us three just looking into space. I made eye contact with Emma who seemed a bit embarrassed that she had slipped due to her shock. Turning my head, I looked at Lisa who also seemed surprised by what had just happened. Making eye contact with her she seemed to just be feeling the effects of the chilly water as her body shivered slightly. Deciding I did not want to deal with whatever was happening I grabbed the blanket and laid back down.

"You get up right now!" Lisa roared three seconds after I had covered myself. Attesting to her order I sat up again not wanting to anger her anymore.

"Yes, Mam" I shouted at her in a mock salute causing her lip to visibly twitch in annoyance. The speed at which her expressions changed from annoyance to anger was a sight to be held.

"How long do you plan to sleep it's already noon," she says to me visibly annoyed at my earlier actions.

"I'll wake up don't worry I was just getting my beauty sleep," I told her as I quickly got out of bed still wearing my tracksuit bottoms from the night before. My quick response seemed to make her happy, so I decided to mess with her a little.

"Why are you wet though? if you wanted a shower, I'm sure the bathroom is free" I told her with a look of contemplation. Judging by how her left eye twitched and she started visibly trembling, I really managed to trigger her this time.


Huff Just get ready and get something to eat she told me before she stomped out of the room. Maybe I took it a little too far? I do not know why I do it but every time I think about how she just proclaimed herself to be my mother makes me want to mess with her. I have nothing against her, it is simply hard for me to try and think of replacing my mother.

At this point, I think it's the idea of it all that scares me more than anything. All my memories of my mom might as well be a fictional image of what I believe she was like. It is not fair to try and put those standards on Lisa if she really becomes my new mom. I think it's because the little time I spent with my birth mother was the safest I have felt in both my life. It seems I've started to subconsciously try to guard those feelings I associate with my mom.

In reality, I probably had a mundane first year of life with a loving mother. The mind is a tricky thing, guess whoever said that was not lying. Realising how mean and rude I have been acting to a woman who has shown me nothing but care and love I hit my head in frustration. Not wanting to let this situation escalate further I quickly ran after her after making sure Emma was ok and did not hurt herself.

Following the direction, she stormed off I did notice how I ran past a man in a sailor suit. Running down the corridor I finally noticed my target as she has just exited the ship onto the deck. It seems she noticed my approach as she turned around to face me with a surprised look on her face. Not stopping I jumped at her and envelope her in a hug almost as if I was rugby tackling her. I think my charge might have knocked the wind out of her causing her to take a step back, so we did not fall.


[Lisa Pov]

'What is going on with him' I mused to myself as I made my way to the deck of the ship. Maybe I was a little forceful yesterday, Guess I would be angry if someone just decided they were my new parent. I thought he accepted it though he did not argue against me after our hug last night. Maybe I do not project enough motherly presence and that is why he rejects me. How can I project a motherly presence though, I have never read Cosmo so I cannot really be a traditional mother.

Stuck in my train of thought of how to become more motherly I suddenly heard fast footsteps approaching me. Turning around to face whoever it is I see Rakim charging at me at quite a speed. Like a deer in headlights, I froze as he jumped at me hugging my waist. I had to take a step back to stabilise my body so that we would not fall to the ground.

"I'm Sorry" I heard him mutter while still hugging me. This is surprising, to say the least, I thought he was angry at me. He might have bipolar his mood changes too quickly, but I will not complain since this means he accepts me, right?

"It's alright let's get some food," I told him breaking up our small hug. Leading him to the kitchen I quickly prepared an oatmeal dish filled with fruits. I like to prepare healthy meals for my family ever since I started my studies into the human body. By now it is almost a reflex that I prepare something healthy, as knowing the effects of bad dieting on your body is honestly concerning. Most athletes underperformed due to not having a balanced diet that fits in with their routine.

I have seen athletes get into bad injuries just because they did not take care of their bodies well enough. You might think that it is just one bite of a pizza what harm could it possibly do, you will just walk it off. However, your body will store the extra calories and over time it will create an imbalance in your body.

Anyways looking at how he is gulping down the breakfast he probably likes it. We spent about twenty minutes in comfortable silence as he finished his food. Looking at his hair it is quite unkempt it is probably for the best to just hop it down. Oh well we will deal with that later; I cannot really start cutting his hair right now, can I?

"Thanks that tasted good," he said to me as he put the bowl in the sink. Turning back towards me he stopped for a second before he rushed past me. Turning around I saw him leaning against the railings as he looked into the distance.

"Land Insight" He shouted as if he was some sort of sailor on a pirate ship. True to his words though in the distance, the outline of Tampa Bay was starting to become visible. Guess we are finally going home; I loved the vacation but there is no place like home.





To Be Continued...


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