Football singularity

Chapter 17 A Chat

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[100 Power stone Bonus!!!!]


"Hello" I heard a gruff voice from behind me which caused me to stop eating and abruptly turn my head to get a look at whoever it was.

Turning around on the chair I was met with the sight of a giant. He was the definition of huge, somewhere around 6'5. My neck hurt looking up at him, it felt like I was looking up at a mountain. I froze when our eyes met his dark grey eyes seem to draw me in with an intensity that made me subconsciously straighten my posture.

He was wearing white shorts that had a palm tree printed on them, the look was completed with a black tropical Hawaiian shirt. Although the holiday look gave him a relaxed vibe, his intense eyes on the other hand seemed to nullify the effect.

"Ben stop it before you scare him" Lisa reprimanded the giant who seemed to be called ben from beside me. Hearing Lisa reprimand him, he immediately broke our eye contact as he scratched the back of his head.

"I see you are awake," Ben said to me as he took the seat across from me sitting next to Emma. There was a light smile on his face at this moment that held a sense of reassurance. This made me calm down a little as my shoulders visibly relaxed.

"Yh thank you for helping me" I answered him sincerely as I had gathered that they had treated my wounds when I was unconscious. Judging by how the warm smile never left his face my guess seemed to be right.

"Finish your food and then we will talk," he said after noticing that I was still not done eating my food. I heeded his words and quickly finished my food not wanting to keep him waiting for too long.


After finishing our meal Lisa promptly cleared mine and Emma's dishes before joining us around the table. The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a moment as everyone around the table stared at me. The intense looks from the three of them made me feel awkward, I was as if they were waiting for me to share some secret information.

"Where should I start?" I asked them not wanting to continue with this weird atmosphere. Judging by the look of anticipation on Emma's face I realised if I didn't start speaking she might very well the answers out of me.

"How about the beginning," Ben said with a calm tone and a reassuring smile that made me want to share all my secrets with him. Dang, that's a scary superpower maybe this guy is some type of psychologist.

(Sigh) "Ok I was born in Nigeria in a city called Lagos, My mother died shortly after my birth" I started off slowly trying to remember every detail of my mother in my first year of life. I can't clearly remember what she looked like but I guess I formed my own mental image of her. The only memory of her I had left of her was her singing me to sleep and her bright smile when I took my first steps.

I took a second trying to restrain my overflowing emotions. I seemed to be a step too late though as I felt something wet running down my cheeks. Before I could wipe my tears with my sleeve a gentle hand wiped them for me using a handkerchief. Looking up I saw that the hand belonged to Lisa, who now had a sad smile on her face.

"Thank you" I muttered taking the handkerchief and wiping the tears off my cheeks. I haven't shed tears for a long time it felt kind of weird. The last time I cried like this was when I lost her in my past life. After that event life didn't really allow me enough time to shed tears.

Taking a deep breath I looked up at the three worried people stealing my determination to continue the story. So I did, I told them how shortly after her death I was taken in by her family. I told them how I spent my days locked in a room for days for the majority of my life with my relatives. I went on to tell them how I soon realised that those lonely days in that room would be the most peaceful ones id ever get.

I told them about how I was starved for days only getting some scraps that they gave me. I went on to tell them how I was battered and bruised when they needed entertainment for their boredom. Finally, I told them that my nightmare with my relatives only ended when they sold me to the human trafficking gang.

Looking up from the table I was met with the tear-filled face of Emma and Lisa, Ben seemed to have tears welling up in his eyes as well. Looking at the tears on their faces I felt as if a lump was stuck in my throat. This was the first time that I'd seen that someone was crying for my sake.

I don't know when she moved but at some point, Emma walked to my side and put me in a hug trying to comfort me. Surprised by the sudden hug from her I didn't react and just sat there as I cried for the third time in both my lives.

I eventually went on to describe my prison break from the camp. The details of how I may have set a fire underneath the toilets caused ben to chuckle a little. This was quickly stopped by a stern look from Lisa and what I assume was a kick under the table. Which caused me to slightly chuckle only to get reprimanded for my behaviour as well.

I told them how I got chased by the two bulldogs and suffered my shoulder wound. Ben chuckled again when he heard me referring to it as my tom and jerry moment. The rest of the story was uneventful after I told them that I just randomly picked a boat that seemed to have friendly owners.


There was a heavy atmosphere in the room as no one spoke. Everyone had calmed down after a while gathering their emotions. Although I was okay now Emma did not seem to believe me as she sat next to me keeping a close eye on me.

I felt like a fragile kitten being watched by the mother cat so I wouldn't hurt myself. I felt a little guilty for enjoying the feeling of being fussed over by another person.

(cough) Ben coughed lightly to get my attention from the mother cat that was still fussing over me. His eyes had softened a lot from the intense aura they gave off earlier. It seems that even a giant like him has a soft heart. Guess you can never judge a book by its cover he looks like a serious man but is actually a big softy.

"What do you plan to do now that you're free?" he asked in a calm and gentle voice. It felt a little like I was answering a life-changing question like the one the system gave me. Speaking of the system where is Eva anyways?

"I'm going to Become the Best football player ever" I answered him with conviction after taking a second to think carefully.





[Mass Release Goals]

[ 100 Power Stones = One extra Chapter]

[ 200 Power Stones = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...


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