Football singularity

Chapter 16 Another Angel

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We laughed for a long while until our stomachs started protesting causing us to stop to catch our breath. Looking at the girl who had sat up to gasp for breath I did the same trying to get some air in my lungs.

"Hi, my name is Rakim what about you," I asked her after catching my breath wanting to finally know what her name was.

"I know and my name is Emma," She said after a few seconds of catching her breath.

"Oh, how did you know my name are you really an angel?" I asked her a little surprised that she already knew my name.

"I'M NOT AN ANGEL" She abruptly shouted looking a little flustered. Guess she is still embarrassed from earlier.

"Ok then nice to meet you, Emma," I said to her smiling at the flustered expression that she was still giving me.

I struggled to sit up and lean on the backboard of the bed only to notice that I wasn't wearing a top. The only thing covering me was bandages which seemed to be different from the ones I applied.

Wanting to mess with the girl again as she seemed way too innocent. I gave her an apprehensive look before looking at my topless body. She seemed to realise what I was thinking as her cheeks turned red trying to avoid eye contact.

"Pervert," I said after a moment of silence making sure to cover myself with the blanket. This caused the girl to panic, and she started looking around everywhere for an answer that would clear up the misunderstanding.

"It wasn't me" She quickly said in her panic trying her best to look as convincing as possible. However, she just looked like someone who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I guess the doubt on my face made her panic even more as she quickly closed the distance holding my hands.

"Please, believe me, I swear it wants me," she said while tightly grasping my hand almost breaking it if I was to say no. Looking at her face I could see small tears welling up ready to burst out any moment now.

"Ok I believe you," I said to her with a defeated tone not wanting to see a girl cry. Man those puppy dog eyes are way too lethal, I don't think anyone would be able to resist them. Hearing my answer a beautiful smile blossomed on her face as she tightly hugged me.

"Ahem" was all we heard from someone trying to get our attention at the door. We both slowly turned our heads only to see a gorgeous woman sending us a teasing smile. The girl still hugging me seemed to know her. She jumped away from me as quickly as she could in an attempt to plead her innocence.

"It is not what it looks like" She shouted before the women could speak. The woman was the spitting image of the girl, the only distinction between them being that she had brown-yellow eyes. Her eyes seemed to almost glow golden as the setting sun hit her face making her seem ethereal.

"Angel" I subconsciously said mesmerised by her smile. This caused both of them to stare at me as if I had grown a second head. I feel like a broken record at this point, someone better stop me.

"Haha, I've never heard that one before," The woman said amusedly as she took a seat on the couch before the sofa. She genuinely seemed happy at my comment as the smile on her face never left her.

"Do you say that to everyone," The girl next to me pouted as she gave me a stare which looked like it could kill. She seemed genuinely mad at me which honestly surprised me if I'm being honest.

"Not to everyone just too real angels" I answered her with a smirk trying to get out of this awkward situation. That seemed to work as it stunned her making her embarrassed again. That seemed to be her default setting of either angry or embarrassed.


"That was fun to watch, my name is Lisa," the woman sitting across from me said with a happy smile on her face. Honestly, it's weird how alike both of their smiles are it's like watching the kid and the grown-up version in one go.

"Hi I'm Rakim" I answered trying to not get flustered by her smile. She seemed to notice that as her smile never left her face. "thank you for saving me" I sincerely told her, assuming she was the one that changed my bandages. Judging by how easily Emma gets flustered I doubt she would have been the one to change my bandages.

"You're welcome, it was the right thing to do," She said as the smile on her face became a sad one. Guess Emma isn't the only one who wears her heart on her sleeves when it comes to showing emotions.

"Let us go and eat something before we talk," she said as she went to the closet to take out a white hoodie for me to wear. I quickly put it on not wanting to be the only one that's half naked.

I quickly got up from the bed only to feel a little light-headed as I clutched my head. Guess I got up a little too quickly for my body to handle. It took me a second before the uncomfortable feeling in my head vanished.

"Are you alright?" Lisa asked me with a worried look on her face after noticing that I was a little unsteady.

"yes I'm fine please lead the way" I answered her after regaining my bearings. Hearing my words she quickly lead the way to the kitchen with Emma and I following.

The kitchen surprisingly looked quite high-tech considering it was on a boat. I and Emma sat down at the dining table that was also in the room eagerly waiting for our meal. At least I was eager to eat something the same couldn't be said for Emma. She was almost falling asleep in her rabbit pyjamas guess she didn't get enough sleep.

I didn't have to wait long as Lisa served me a bowl of chicken noodle soup with garlic budgets that seemed to be fresh out of the oven. I wasted no time and quickly started devouring the meal in front of me. I must have looked like a starving beast who finally got a full meal.

Looking up from my half-eaten bowl I saw Lisa giving me a sympathetic smile. Not wanting to worry her any further I slowed down and started slowly eating the food in front of me. I don't think it helped as the sympathetic smile never left her face.

"Hello" I heard a gruff voice from behind me which caused me to stop eating and abruptly turn my head to get a look at whoever it was.





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To Be Continued...


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