Finest Servant

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

Chapter 312 The Ferocious Young General in White

Atop the city walls, banners flapped in the wind and guards and palace maids surrounded in layers, their security measures were severe. Near the edge of the wall, a towering imperial palanquin was erected. Its big yellow canopy swayed in the wind. Right at the center was an enormous golden throne, cushioned with a golden satin. On all four sides were variously expressive, colorful golden dragons carved in vivid detail. Each one was wide-mouthed and dancing claws, exuding an extraordinary momentum.

Seated on the dragon throne was an elderly man with an imposing demeanor and a slightly pale complexion. He was dressed in a satin yellow dragon robe, embroidered with five-clawed golden dragons. Although his face wore a smile, there were points of icy light in his eyes. He radiated an intimidating aura, commanding without anger, and so intimidating that no one dared to meet his gaze.

"Paying respects to His Majesty, long live the Emperor, long live, long live," the ministers lined along the wall bowed down upon seeing the Emperor's imposing demeanor. They didn't dare to glance at the Emperor, fearful of desecrating the divine countenance.

Looking at the ministers kneeling on the ground, the Emperor's face remained unchanged. He nodded and said, "Rise, my ministers."

"Thank the Emperor," the ministers hurriedly bowed and stood up.

Leading the ministers on the left was Prince Cheng, who Lin Wanrong had fortuitously met in the peach garden. This Prince Cheng had a more robust figure than the Emperor, and his face wore a slight smile. Compared to the imposing Emperor, he appeared more amiable. The leader of the ministers on the right was the Minister of Revenue, Xu Wei. Given his position in the Emperor's heart, it was unanimously accepted and reasonable for him to stand there.

Seeing the nervous crowd, the Emperor faintly smiled and opened his mouth, "I heard that the flowers in Grand Prime Minister Temple have bloomed. Due to state affairs, I was unable to spare the time to attend the flower appreciation party yesterday. Did any of you ministers attend?"

Everyone looked at each other, not daring to make a sound. Today was clearly for inspecting the military exercise, so why was the Emperor bringing up the flower appreciation event? While the flower appreciation event at Grand Prime Minister Temple was renowned far and wide, there was no need to bring it up in court. What did the Emperor mean?

"Minister Xu, you are the number one scholar in the world, a man of literary elegance. Did you attend the flower appreciation event yesterday?" Seeing no minister speak, the Emperor asked Xu Wei.

Xu Wei quickly stepped forward, bowing as he said, "I was drinking with General Li the day before yesterday, and I was so drunk that I was unable to attend the flower appreciation event. I regret it deeply. However, I have heard that Prince Cheng went to Grand Prime Minister Temple yesterday to appreciate the flowers and discuss Buddhism, and he celebrated with the common people. The people's praise was very high."

"Oh?" The Emperor looked at Prince Cheng in surprise, smiling, "My brother seems to be in high spirits. How was the flower appreciation event at Grand Prime Minister Temple? Was there anything interesting?"

Prince Cheng respectfully said, "Reporting to Your Majesty. The flowers at Grand Prime Minister Temple were in full bloom yesterday, with the fragrance of peach and plum blossoms wafting for miles. It was indescribably beautiful. The people were at peace, enjoying the spring scenery together. It was indeed a good omen from the heavens, blessing our Great Hua. It foreshadows that Your Majesty's health is good, the land will prosper for ten thousand years, and our Great Hua will definitely have good weather, national peace, and people's security."

The Emperor coughed lightly, his face slightly pale, and nodded, "Good health? Very good, very good. If what you said is true, this full bloom of a hundred flowers is indeed a great celebration."

The ministers immediately praised and flattered, singing praises of the Emperor's virtues, which made Xu Wei frown deeply. Prince Cheng just smiled faintly without saying a word, appearing very stable.

Hearing the incessant flattery of the crowd, the Emperor's expression remained unchanged. He continued, "I have not been to the Grand Prime Minister Temple for a long time. Back when I was still living in seclusion, I encountered an assassin there and was injured. Thanks to divine protection, I escaped unscathed. Later, when my late father was recuperating in the temple, he issued a decree, instructing me to ascend to the throne. In a way, the Grand Prime Minister Temple is my blessed place." The Emperor seemed to be talking to himself. Prince Cheng, on the other hand, kept silent, his face calm, as if he was listening to a story that had nothing to do with him.

"The Grand Prime Minister Temple is a place of remarkable people and spiritual land, a place to expound on Buddhist doctrine. It is watched over by divine spirits and does not tolerate any unsightly incidents. The presiding master, Monk Huikong, is accomplished in his cultivation, his spiritual attainments profound. When my late father ascended to the heavens, the Buddhist scriptures were chanted there. His late majesty instructed me to cherish the people and treat all beings well. As I count, it has already been over twenty years. His laughter and his voice are still as vivid as ever. Brother Wang, if you find the time in the future, I would like to join you in chanting the Buddhist scriptures for our late father, to express our longing as his descendants," the Emperor said to Prince Cheng.

Prince Cheng's eyes flickered, and he bowed and replied, "I will heed the Emperor's decree. Like the Emperor, I also yearn for our late father's benevolence and wisdom. I am overwhelmed with emotions."

Everyone listened as the Emperor recalled the past, talking about the assassination attempt and his succession to the throne, and they were somewhat startled. As he mentioned the late Emperor's ascension to heaven and the Buddhist scriptures at the Grand Prime Minister Temple, their hearts filled with anxiety. The thoughts of an Emperor were the most difficult to fathom. There must be profound implications in his words spoken on the golden hall. But what did the Emperor mean by mentioning these incidents today? What did he want to say?

Despite being adept at figuring out the Emperor's thoughts, the officials were clueless about the enigma. Apart from a few people, no one could understand its taste.

The Emperor seemed to have realized something and smiled, "These are just some thoughts triggered by my yearning for my late father. You all just listen." His face became solemn as he said, "Today is the day of Li Tai's military drill. Our Great Hua has been harassed by nomads for years. This expedition of Li Tai is meant to eradicate the strong enemy once and for all. Now that the Grand Prime Minister Temple has auspicious signs, our mighty army of a million, grand and heroic, are sure to march forward bravely, fight the enemy fiercely, establish remarkable merit, and ensure the security of our Great Hua for ten thousand years."

"Grand and heroic, march forward bravely, establish merits, and ensure the country's security for ten thousand years," the officials shouted in unison.

A hint of sternness flashed in the Emperor's eyes as he demanded, "Li Tai, how did you arrange today's military inspection?"

Li Tai, who had just galloped over, quickly stepped forward and reported, "Your Majesty, today's military inspection is a practical test. It involves two generals fighting against each other. No matter the means or tactics, the winner will be determined in three rounds."

"Oh?" The Emperor smiled slightly, "Three rounds to decide the winner? This is interesting. Are these two men your subordinates?"

"Your Majesty, one of them is the assistant general assigned to my command by Your Majesty a while ago."

Li Tai responded with a fist to his chest, his white hair and beard, wide tiger eyes, and full of momentum. Despite his advanced age, he commanded respect and was not to be underestimated.

The Emperor's face broke into a slight smile as he nodded, "Is it him? Very well. General Li, your labors and merits are vast and your loyalty to our realm spans generations. It is heartening to see you still willing to take to the battlefield to achieve new victories for our Great Hua, yet it fills me with remorse. If there are young men who can assist you, sharing the burden, allow them to do so. This is a reflection of my appreciation for your service. Please, treat them kindly."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kind consideration," Li Tai expressed gratefully, fist to his chest.

"And the other one? Is he also an officer in your army?" the Emperor inquired further.

"The other one?" Li Tai hesitated momentarily before shaking his head, "He is not a top general under my command, but was recommended by Minister Xu Wei. That being said, he is not an outsider either."

The Emperor glanced at Xu Wei, who quickly responded, "Your Majesty, during the suppression of the White Lotus in Shandong, he was the commander of my right-wing army. He led a motley crew of over a thousand supply soldiers, killed the bravest warrior of the White Lotus on Weishan Lake, captured the White Lotus leader Lu Kanli, and reclaimed the city of Jining. His contribution to the eradication of the White Lotus was foremost."

The Emperor nodded, "Now that you mention it, I do recall. He is the unsung hero who made a great contribution but didn't seek rewards or fame, isn't he? If it is indeed him, I am indeed looking forward to it."

"Indeed, it's him," Xu Wei replied respectfully. "He is a unique character, possessing exceptional talent, yet outwardly cunning and indifferent to public opinion. He was like a fish in the water in the secular world, a perfect embodiment of the saying, 'true hermits hide in the city'. His insights into military affairs are astounding, yet he is unwilling to join the army. I had to resort to some tactics this time, and had General Li's beloved grandson put on a show to bring him out. The other party in today's real combat confrontation is this man."

Had Lin Wanrong been there and heard that all of this was arranged by Xu Wei, he would have been furious. You old man, you've done me dirty again.

Xu Wei was a formidable character with unmatched learning and shrewd judgment. Hearing him recommend this "extraordinary man", the court officials began to discuss among themselves. Even the usually composed Prince Cheng's eyes widened slightly, the light in his eyes shimmering. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.

The Emperor laughed heartily, "From what you describe, this man sounds remarkably talented. Where is he? I want to see what kind of remarkable person he is." As he spoke, the Emperor got up from the dragon couch and hurried towards the city wall. His attendants quickly supported him, and the imperial procession moved forward. The court officials followed, rushing towards the wall to catch a glimpse of this extraordinary man.

"Dare I request something from Your Majesty," Xu Wei stepped forward, stopping in front of the imperial procession, and bowed.

"Minister Xu," the Emperor said impatiently, "Are you trying to pique my interest? If you have something to say, say it quickly."

Xu Wei chuckled awkwardly, "It's not that I'm trying to tantalize Your Majesty. It's just that this extraordinary man often disregards convention and is audaciously unconventional. There is little in this world that he wouldn't dare do. I can't guarantee he won't do something outrageous during the upcoming live combat. Anything is possible with him, and whatever happens would be considered normal. I merely ask Your Majesty and my colleagues to be aware of this, and not blame him for any surprises."

The Emperor's expression was enigmatic as he gave a meaningful smile. He replied cryptically, "It matters not. All extraordinary people are bound to act out of the ordinary. The mock battle today, being similar to a real one, naturally allows for unpredictable actions. No matter what he does, I pardon him of all offenses."

Seemingly intrigued by this unusual character, the Emperor hurriedly moved closer to the wall after finishing his sentence and began looking into the distance.

There, over a thousand soldiers stood strong and majestic. After squinting at them for a moment, the Emperor pointed towards a figure within the formation and asked, "Minister Xu, is that white-robed young general the unknown hero, the extraordinary man of the marketplace you speak of?"

"A white-robed young general?" Xu Wei was taken aback. When did a man in a white robe appear? He quickly moved beside the Emperor and looked into the distance. Among the new army of soldiers clad in yellow armor, one man donned a white cloak, moving to and fro. His presence was commanding, indeed an eye-catching sight.

Although he couldn't make out the man's face from the distance, his flashy demeanor was a dead giveaway. Ah, the white-robed Lin San, Xu Wei thought with a smile, anticipation growing within him.

"Do you know who your opponent is?" Miss Xu asked Lin San, who was brimming with an impressive aura. This shook her a little, and she quickly followed with her question.

"This is a skirmish, who the opponent is doesn't matter. I trust my brothers," Lin Wanrong answered righteously. However, his face suddenly lit up with a mischievous smile. "Hey, Miss Xu, don't take what I said seriously. That's just something to say on the battlefield, to boost morale — who is that guy on the other side? Why does he seem so clueless?"

His changing moods were difficult to comprehend, which amused Miss Xu. Without setting foot on the battlefield, she wondered who was indeed clueless here.

"The one on the other side is the assistant general who was assigned by the Emperor to assist General Li some time ago. I only met him yesterday, and interestingly, you also know him," Xu Zhiqing responded with a mysterious smile.

"I know him?" Lin Wanrong asked in surprise, "It's not the Top Scholar, is it?"

Xu Zhiqing nodded, "It is indeed Top Scholar Su. Don't underestimate him. He is well-versed in military strategies and tactics, having thousands of stratagems at his disposal. He has been forming up impressive formations during the recent drills in the army, which even General Li praised."

"Really, Top Scholar Su? Damn, he's got some real talent. From wielding a writing brush to commanding the army, he's truly versatile," Lin Wanrong said with a slight smile, "Thank you, Miss Xu, for providing this vital information. However, he's out of luck encountering me. When I was fighting in Shandong, my brothers gave me a nickname, 'One with a thousand knots in the heart, employing myriad tricks daily.' Oh, 'employing myriad tricks daily,' do you understand what it means, Miss Xu?"

Seeing the mischievous smile on his face, Xu Zhiqing knew his words couldn't be anything decent. She shot him a glare and decided to ignore his comment.

"General, please instruct us," Hu Bugui stepped forward, speaking loudly. Lin Wanrong nodded, then glanced down at himself. While his brothers were all dressed in impressive armors, he had yet to properly equip himself.

"Won't you wear armor?" Xu Zhiqing asked as she saw that Lin Wanrong's troops were all assembled and ready, but he, their commander, was the only one dressed casually, which made her frown.

"I don't have armor." Lin Wanrong chuckled, turned around, and shouted, "Xu Zhen, bring me my battle robe."

"At your command!" Xu Zhen spurred his horse forward, reined in, and respectfully handed over a set of garments. Miss Xu swept her gaze over them to find a white cloak and a tattered feather fan sourced from who knows where.

Lin Wanrong donned the cloak and gave it a light shake; it billowed in the wind, giving him an imposing air. Holding the small feather fan, he swayed it slightly, presenting himself as a figure of Taoist elegance. "Miss Xu, what do you think of my attire? Do I resemble the Dragon of Changshan (Zhao Yun), the Brightness of Zhuge, or the Virtuous Minister from the dream [TL: This refers to Deng Tong of Han Dynasty]?"

"What do you mean by the Dragon of Changshan, the Brightness of Zhuge, and the Virtuous Minister from the dream?" Miss Xu shook her head slightly. This man's words were odd and hard to understand. Lin Wanrong's complexion was quite dark, so this White Cloak Young General attire made him stand out as if snowflakes had lightly dusted a piece of coal. Xu Zhiqing suppressed her laughter, asking, "Are you ready?"

‘Damn it,’ Lin Wanrong just remembered that this world had neither Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang, nor did it contain "The Legend of Sui and Tang" and Xue Rengui. Naturally, nobody recognized his outfit. No wonder Xu Zhen looked puzzled when he gave the order earlier. Damn it, he originally planned to perform a drama of the "White Cloak Young General" and the "Virtuous Minister from the dream". But now, he had made himself a laughingstock. The show-off had utterly failed.

Right now, he couldn't afford to worry about that. Lin Wanrong strolled around the front of the formation of thousands of soldiers. Seeing the expectation on the soldiers' faces, he gently waved his feather fan and softly asked, "Brothers, do you know what we are here to do?"

"Practice drill!" the crowd chorused in response.

"Hiss——" A black horse before Lin Wanrong reared, its forehooves leaping into the air, as Lin Wanrong's sword landed on its hindquarters. Its long neigh overshadowed the crowd's voices. Lin Wanrong's eyes showed a ruthless light as he shouted fiercely, "I didn't hear clearly. Say it again!"

"Practice drill!" The crowd repeated in unison.

"Hiss——" Another startling neigh echoed, followed by a burst of bloody light soaring several feet high. The neighing ceased abruptly as the war horse's head separated from its body. It was Lin General's swift sword strike, beheading the war horse.

"Drill? Is this a drill?" Lin Wanrong held his long sword, drops of blood dripping down from the blade. His eyes were bloodshot, emitting a murderous aura. "You won't find the word 'drill' in a soldier's dictionary. This is war, it's kill or be killed. Understand?"

Upon seeing the bloody scene, the old soldiers who had experienced bloody battles instantly woke up, their blood boiling. They understood General Lin's intentions at once. Lin Wanrong's gaze became calm, his face expressionless, "I'll ask one more time, what are we going to do?"

"Kill or be killed!" The soldiers drew their long swords and a shocking murderous aura erupted instantly.

Those behind Lin Wanrong, like Du Xiuyuan, were trembling in fear. While a war game was indeed meant to emulate real warfare, after all, this was still a drill. If they followed General Lin's style, it would turn into a real fight.

Only Hu Bugui and Li Wuling looked satisfied. Li Wuling was filled with boiling passion, shouting, "Damn, let's fight!"

Hu Bugui, with his mouth wide open, licked his dry lips and said, "That's right, this is how a war should be fought. Soldiers are made in battle, not from everyday fancy footwork and drills."

Du Xiuyuan worriedly asked, "Brother Hu, if we follow General Lin's style, won't it cause trouble?"

Hu Bugui shook his head, "There's no need for fear. Among all the troops, only General Lin has a real weapon in hand. The rest only have blunted spears and unsharpened swords. The worst that could happen would be a broken arm or leg, or internal bleeding from a few hits. We can't lose many men. The fierceness of the northern nomads is partly due to their valor and worship of the strong, the constant infighting has shaped their current strength."

Du Xiuyuan shook his head, "Even if few would die in this battle, the injuries will surely increase dramatically. Could this lead to a mutiny among the soldiers? Don't forget that the emperor and the officials are watching."

Hu Bugui's eyes widened, "You fool! You are regressing! This is real combat, not a drill. What I admire most about General Lin is exactly that: there's no such word as 'drill' in a soldier's dictionary. Do you think the northern nomads would show mercy just because the Emperor and the officials are watching? This is a lesson for the soldiers, so they can bleed less when they fight the northern nomads in the future."

Lin Wanrong, hearing the argument behind him, remained silent. He handed his blood-streaked sword to Xu Zhen and said quietly, "Bury this warhorse with generous rites."

Xu Zhiqing was stunned by this. His change of temperament was so swift. He had been laughing and joking just now, but in the blink of an eye, he executed the horse without moving an eyeball. If one wanted to see what brutality was, this was it!

Fighting real battles instead of drills, it was a completely different military concept, pragmatic with strong utilitarian undertones. It was both terrifying and exhilarating. Had he fought wars this way in Shandong? Xu Zhiqing was beginning to understand.

Everything was ready. Seeing Xu Zhiqing riding off into the distance, Lin Wanrong solemnly asked Li Sheng, "Brother Li, have you prepared everything I asked for?"

Li Sheng replied, "There wasn't much time, so I didn't find much. But there's plenty of hay!" He pointed around, and they saw piles of hay stacks, "These are the rations for the horses during the drill, enough for at least three days."

Lin Wanrong whispered something in his ear. Li Sheng exclaimed, "This... how could this be?"

Lin Wanrong's eyes sparkled with determination. He said sternly, "In real combat, anything can happen. Brother Li, just do as I said."

After receiving the order, Li Sheng left. Lin Wanrong finished arranging his troops, and they stood in line, ready to move.

Just as General Lin was about to give the order, a cannon sounded from the opposing side. This was followed by earth-shattering battle cries. Uncountable soldiers with raised weapons rushed forward like a tide.

Damn it, they're coming! Lin Wanrong took one glance, cursed in his heart, then felt something was off. He counted with disbelief in his eyes. Unable to keep track, he smacked his feather fan down and roared angrily, "Damn it, we've been duped! They claimed it's a thousand men, but this is clearly five thousand!"

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