Finest Servant

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Chapter 311 Such a Large Snake

When General Lin showed his anger, his momentum was extraordinary, instilling a touch of unease in Hu Bugui and the others. They became as quiet as cicadas in the cold, not daring to speak.

When it came to the matter of military strategy, Lin Wanrong was not a master. However, he held a truth applicable across all matters—if simply memorizing some military strategy could make a successful general, wouldn't everyone who read military books be an undefeated commander?

Du Xiuyuan was the only one among them who had passed the examination. Lin Wanrong, feeling somewhat calmer, asked, "Brother Du, what do you think of this military strategy test?"

Du Xiuyuan shook his head and said, "Military strategies have practical significance only when combined with real combat experience. While the format of this examination is novel, it is still teaching from the book without flexibility. By simply memorizing the texts of military books, one can pass. Brother Hu and others have been battling for many years, and their combat experience is rich. Their assumptions deviate greatly from the theories in the books, hence they were judged as unqualified."

Lin Wanrong nodded, fell silent, and gazed into the distance, deep in thought.

From afar, a little white horse approached. It was Li Wuling returning from a long journey. He had traveled quite far, crossing the entire training field, dust and sand covering his body. But his face was full of joy and excitement.

"Little Li, why are you so happy?" Lin Wanrong asked with a smile.

Li Wuling steadied his saddle, leaped down, and laughed, "Lin San, I spoke to my grandfather, and he granted me permission to participate in this military drill. But for Brother Hu and Brother Li, you'll have to wait a little longer—"

Lin Wanrong looked puzzled at Hu Bugui and the others behind him. Du Xiuyuan opened his mouth with a smile, "That's the case. We were quite upset about being excluded from the drills. Just when we were about to voice our grievances to General Lin, this kid stopped us."

"Oh, why did he stop you?" Seeing Li Wuling's round, innocent face, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but feel fondness for the child. He patted Little Li's head and asked.

Hu Bugui carelessly said, "What else could he be doing? The kid's boasting, saying that as long as you, General Lin, were here, he would find a way to get us into the drill. But now you're here, General Lin, and there's no sign of what he promised."

‘What the hell, me being here would get you into the drill? I'm not the Emperor, whose word is gold, who can do anything with a single utterance. This little Li's boast is way too far-fetched.’

Everyone glared at Li Wuling, deeply dissatisfied with his broken promise. Li Wuling chuckled triumphantly, saying, "Why are you in such a hurry? The drill has just started, and there will be plenty of opportunities. Look, haven't I already been allowed to participate? Just wait a little while, and someone will invite you to participate. Hehe, if my promise comes true, remember what you promised me. I won't go anywhere else, just find me the largest courtyard in the Eight Great Hutongs, choose some of the best looking courtesans, and let them serve me drinks."

Hu Bugui, Xu Zhen and the others all scoffed, expressing their disbelief at his words. Lin Wanrong laughed heartily. "Looking for a courtesan in the Eight Great Hutongs, huh? You're quite bold. I fear that you, a mere child, might not return in one piece." However, Li Wuling was a descendant of a loyal and righteous family, and his personality was bold and adorable, which indeed made him likable.

Everyone took Li Wuling's words as a joke and didn't pay much attention. They found the battle on the drill field invigorating. Suddenly, they heard the rapid sound of horse hooves. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw several fast horses crossing the camp square, piercing through the swirling sand of the battlefield, and galloping towards them.

Hu Bugui was the most anxious of all. After taking a look, he immediately exclaimed, "It's General Li Tai coming."

On one of the front horses sat an imposing, elder general clad in a bronze helmet and iron armor. With a long spear in his hand and his horse galloping at full speed, he was rushing towards them. It was none other than General Li Tai, who had berated Lin Wanrong in broad daylight.

What was the old man here for? Hadn't they already broken off their negotiations? Seeing the smug smile on Li Wuling's face, Lin Wanrong was puzzled.

Beside Li Tai, there was a graceful white horse. On its back sat a female rider, her face concealed by a white veil, making it impossible to discern her features. However, her figure was particularly enchanting. The horse followed closely behind Li Tai, and the woman's horsemanship was not weak. The white veil, however, was covered in a thick layer of dust.

"Little Lin San meet General Li. How have you been, old general?" Seeing Li Tai dismount, Lin Wanrong greeted him with a smile.

Li Tai glanced at him, his face serious, and snorted, "This is a battlefield, and military discipline is strict. There should be no noise or laughter. What sort of image do you think you're presenting, soldier?" With his many years of experience on the battlefield, he exuded an aura of authority and a killing spirit that made people's hearts tremble.

‘I'm not a soldier anymore, old man,’ Lin Wanrong muttered to himself, laughing and crying at the same time. This old General Li, who was so used to commanding soldiers, seemed to treat everyone like his subordinates. While Lin Wanrong was generally talkative, he deeply respected this iron-blooded famous general. After being scolded, he simply nodded in acknowledgment without arguing back, leaving Hu Bugui and the others secretly amazed. It seemed that even the fearless General Lin, who couldn't be controlled by even Master Xu Wei, behaved quite obediently in front of General Li.

"Greetings, General," said Hu Bugui and the others, who were all officers under Li Tai. They didn't dare to behave as casually as Lin Wanrong and all saluted respectfully.

Li Tai nodded slightly, his hand resting on his sword hilt. His gaze fell on Lin Wanrong. "Lin San," he said, "I heard that you volunteered to participate in this military drill. Is that true?"

‘What?’ Lin Wanrong's mouth fell open. ‘Damn, when did I say that? Don't I look too casual to participate in a military drill? Are you playing with me?’

Hu Bugui and the others were taken aback at first, then they all looked at Lin Wanrong in delight. So, General Lin had this up his sleeve. What a cool-headed fellow, they hadn't noticed a single flaw.

"Old General, when did I ever say that? Did you mishear?" Lin Wanrong hastily retorted.

Li Tai sternly said, "Nonsense, how could I possibly have misheard? It was Wuling who just now personally reported to me that you wished to lead the troops in a military exercise, to conduct a real battle simulation. That's why I hurried over. Are you trying to back out now? This is the army, there is no room for jest."

Lin Wanrong looked at Li Wuling in astonishment, only to see the boy grinning triumphantly, his face filled with smugness as he glanced at Hu Bugui and the others.

Du Xiuyuan and the others finally understood Li Wuling's intent for Lin Wanrong. This move of ‘pushing the duck onto the perch, forcing the sow onto the tree,’ was truly ingenious. The young Li Wuling had such a shrewd scheme at such a young age, truly a tiger's son, living up to his reputation.

Lin Wanrong glared hard at Li Wuling. No wonder this Li Wuling said that as long as he come, he would have a way to get Hu Bugui and the others to participate in the exercise, so he was the bait.

Seeing his hesitation, Li Tai loudly said, "Every moment in the army can affect the state. Lin San, quickly say what you have decided." His imposing authority deliberately pressured Lin San, forcing him to comply.

Damn it, there was no preparation at all for a live combat exercise, this was clearly a setup. Seeing the hopeful gaze of Hu Bugui and the others, Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth. ‘Damn it, it's just an exercise, who am I, Lin San, afraid of?’ A glint of determination flashed in his eyes, he snorted and said, "Alright, I'll do it."

A hint of amusement rose in Li Tai's eyes, but he quickly concealed it. He turned to the woman beside him and said, "Zhiqing, you can decide how these two should be assigned."

‘Zhiqing? Damn it, no wonder she looks familiar. So it is Miss Xu, dressing up in a vest and a face veil and I wouldn't recognize you?’ He laughed and said with a fist salute, "It turns out to be Miss Xu, tsk tsk, I didn't recognize you. You look even better with your face covered than with it exposed."

"Nonsense," Li Wuling retorted, "Aunt Xu looks a hundred times better when her face is revealed." His words were sincere but he didn't realize that he had fallen into Lin San's trap, while Hu Bugui and the others were holding back their laughter. What goes around comes around, and it was happening fast. This young Li Wuling had just set up Lin San, only to be played back in an instant.

Xu Zhiqing snorted lightly and smiled, "Today's military exercise, the sand and wind are strong, I, being weak, covered my face. General Lin, please don't mind. Although you volunteered to join, you can't command the soldiers on the battlefield, but you can choose the rest."

Hu Bugui and the others immediately rolled up their sleeves and snickered, their gratitude to Li Wuling was evident. The matter of asking him to visit the Eight Great Hutongs was settled. Li Wuling was also eager to look at Lin Wanrong. As an extra, only with Lin San's approval could he join as a soldier.

Lin Wanrong sighed lightly and said with a grimace, "The well-versed and strong commanders have been chosen by the assistant general, and I have to choose these self-taught wild commanders, alas, it's so unfair. Oh, by the way, Miss Xu, have you seen the military exam hosted by the assistant general?"

Xu Zhiqing shook her head slightly, "I only found out yesterday, I took a quick glance."

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "I wonder how it would turn out if Miss Xu were to take the exam?"

Xu Zhiqing confidently said, "I have read the military strategy books, The Art of War and Liu Tao, thoroughly. If the questions are from these books, I am confident that no one can stump me."

Lin Wanrong raised his thumb and declared, "Impressive! With that in mind, Miss Xu, having read through military books and being a scholar of many talents, when it comes to fighting, naturally you are the top general in the world."

Xu Zhiqing, extremely intelligent, understood his thoughts perfectly. She smiled and said, "Military books are formed in actual combat and refined into text, the hard-earned wisdom of our ancestors, with great reference value." She paused slightly and continued, "However, with the change of eras and environments, military strategy must also adapt. We must not blindly believe in books, or simply follow their teachings."

Upon hearing these words, the people like Hu Bugui felt reassured. Li Tai, a seasoned general with profound experience on the battlefield, didn't need to elaborate on his application of military strategies. He cast a deep glance at Lin Wanrong and inquired, "Lin San, in your opinion, what is the relationship between military strategy and actual combat?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Military strategies are the precious wisdom left by our ancestors and are invaluable. They are the best examples for us juniors to learn from. We are right to study military strategies. However, the method of study varies significantly. Military strategy is not just about studying, passing exams, or memorizing standard phrases. It's a profound theory. But soldiers are tricksters. As time and locations change, our battle strategies must change accordingly. Simply put, it's just like learning to read and write. Everyone can do it. But few can produce timeless verses. Although anyone can learn military strategies, few can truly master them in their entirety. So, military strategy is a basic subject to delve into but cannot be deemed right or wrong. It should be integrated into actual combat, learning from battles and battling during learning. Only when we thoroughly understand this can we truly be invincible."

Li Tai stroked his beard, nodding in approval. A glint of admiration passed his eyes, quickly masked, and his solemn expression returned. "This military exam is conducted by my assistant to select the leaders for the military exercise. The practice will be led by him. I will not interfere. All your talk is futile, mere lip service. If you are capable, prove yourself on the battlefield by defeating him."


Having started, Lin Wanrong couldn't back out. He had no idea who Li Tai's assistant was. It was almost a real battle, a genuine encounter. His heart pounded at the thought, but the thrill was exhilarating.

Hu Bugui and the others had already rushed off to put on their armor. Li Tai glanced at Lin Wanrong, a trace of anticipation showing in his eyes. "Lin San, fight well in this battle. There will be rewards."

Li Tai had rarely spoken to him, and when he did, he was always serious and stern. His current amiability was unusual.

Lin Wanrong shook his head, his expression placid. "I don't need rewards—I know you won't believe me, but there are very few instances where I don't take advantage. But if I say I'll do something, I'll definitely do it. General, I've been honest with you. I, Lin San, am content with life as it comes. But I've never backed down from a challenge. The reason I've got involved today is because I don't want to see talents like Brother Hu and Brother Li buried. They are brave and resourceful, with ambition to serve the country. If their talents were wasted, no amount of money or wives could bring me peace."

Listening to Lin Wanrong's words, Xu Zhiqing felt both touched and amused. How had this man managed to craft such inspirational speech that inevitably deviated into jest at the end?

Li Tai, a man weathered by time, had long mastered the skill of discerning one's true nature. Upon seeing Lin Wanrong's expression, a faint smile finally broke through. As Xu Wei said, this Lin Wanrong was a rough man on the outside, but warm at heart. Strip away his flamboyant, gaudy exterior, and you were left with a genuinely passionate man.

Smiling, Li Tai said, "You think I'm senile? I know gold from sand. Relax. Prove yourself today on the battlefield and you will be rewarded."

"What reward? Ten thousand taels of silver?" Lin Wanrong's habitual smirk reappeared after his impassioned speech. Xu Zhiqing shook her head, affirming that the previous Lin San must have been possessed. This one was the real Lin San.

Li Tai, usually stern and serious, couldn't help but laugh at Lin Wanrong's remark, appreciating his spirited nature. "What silver?" Li Tai's face hardened, "It's far more important than silver. Look there —"

The old general pointed into the distance. Following his gesture, Lin Wanrong's eyes landed on a flurry of yellow flags flying over the farthest fortifications under attack. Embroidered on the flags was a long, fearsome creature.

"What a huge snake!" Lin Wanrong exclaimed.

His words left the crowd speechless. Hu Bugui and the others exchanged alarmed glances. Had their general gone mad? Xu Zhiqing bit her lips to stifle her laughter, her small fists clenched and her face flushed red.

Even the normally composed Li Tai was sweating, a vein popping on his forehead. He asked in a trembling voice, "Lin Wanrong, what did you say that is?"

"A giant golden snake." Lin Wanrong confirmed earnestly.

"We've lost today's battle," Li Wuling lamented, his head dropping. With such a commander, winning would be a miracle.

"A man cannot be this ignorant," Li Tai sighed. "I have lived for sixty years, and you're the first I've ever known to mistake a golden dragon for a golden snake. Lin Wanrong, you're unparalleled in this."

A golden dragon? Startled, Lin Wanrong looked again, realizing that the flag had folded in the wind, concealing the dragon's claws. If one didn't look closely, it could indeed resemble a giant snake.

Sweat dripped down Lin Wanrong's forehead. If the golden dragon flag was present, didn't that mean the person atop the tower was— "The Emperor?" Lin Wanrong yelped, jumping to his feet.

A collective sigh of relief escaped the crowd. Thankfully, the boy wasn't entirely hopeless; he recognized the golden dragon as the symbol of the Emperor. Hopefully, he wouldn't mistake it for a "giant snake" in the future.

With his heart pounding, Lin Wanrong thought, ‘If it is indeed the Emperor, wouldn't there be an 80% chance it is my father-in-law?’

In the midst of the flying golden dragon flag, a royal chariot was raised above the city tower. Countless guards and followers surrounded the chariot, forming a solid circle. The soldiers practicing on the field, whether standing, running, lying, or crawling, all stood and bowed. Then, tens of thousands of people kneeled and bowed together, chanting, "Long live the Emperor, forever and ever."

Tens of thousands of people kneeling and cheering together, ah, what a sight, Lin Wanrong, standing by the horse's saddle, had never witnessed before. While others were bowing to the Emperor, he took the opportunity to scrutinize the figure on the dragon throne. From a distance, he could only vaguely see a figure wearing a winged coronet and golden dragon robe, but he couldn't see his face. He wondered what this Emperor, his father-in-law, looked like and whether he resembled Qingxuan.

Lost in his daydream, Lin Wanrong noticed that those who had kneeled, including Li Tai and Xu Zhiqing, had stood up. It seemed the Emperor had bid them to rise. After pretending to dust off his knees, Lin Wanrong noticed Xu Zhiqing lifting her head. Her face was covered by a light veil, but her eyes revealed a hint of amusement as if she'd noticed something.

"Now you understand," Li Tai nodded at Lin Wanrong, "As long as you perform well today and leave an impression on the Emperor, your future is limitless."

Lin Wanrong remembered what he had told Xu Wei a few days ago, about going into the palace to find Qingxuan. The only way was to wait for the Emperor to grant his wish. He had been wondering how to meet the Emperor, but today, by a stroke of luck, he stumbled upon this opportunity. For Qingxuan, this battle was necessary.

Li Tai had to meet with the Emperor, leaving the rest of the arrangements to Xu Zhiqing. Xu Zhiqing, a scholar, had been on the battlefield several times, strategizing against the northern nomads. Not only was she Li Tai's daughter-in-law in name, but she was also the strategist of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Great Hua dynasty.

"Miss Xu, how are we going to fight today? Are there any rules?" Lin Wanrong asked seriously. His mood had shifted from being forced to fight to wanting to fight, and his tone became less unruly and more serious.

"Both sides have a thousand men, with three rounds. It's all about simulating a real battle, no matter the means or strategy, the result is the only thing that matters." Xu Zhiqing's eyes emitted a calm light as she spoke.

Hu Bugui and others had already changed their armor and looked majestic as they led the soldiers. Lin Wanrong nodded. Realistic, no restrictions, these conditions suited the type of battle he wanted.

Facing his robust soldiers, Lin Wanrong felt a heartfelt satisfaction. Each one of them was robust like a calf. Old Hu and Old Du had trained his soldiers well. Most of these were familiar faces, old soldiers who had fought with him in Shandong. Many were elites who had survived the night of fierce battle against the White Lotus. Their loyalty and combat effectiveness were beyond doubt.

Lin Wanrong's palm slightly curled a few times, a subtle excitement rose within him. After suppressing his emotions, he didn't need any more words for his brothers-in-arms. He smiled faintly, "My name is Lin San, has anyone forgotten me?"

A wave of friendly laughter erupted from the thousands of soldiers. The ragtag supply troops of the past had now become the cream of the crop. Seeing the humorous yet valiant and tenacious General Lin standing before them again, many were instantly reminded of their shared experiences in the face of life and death, and the hardships they had weathered together, causing a faint sheen of tears to appear in their eyes.

Lin Wanrong waved his hand nonchalantly, asking, "Are you ready?"

"Charge—" The thousands of soldiers simultaneously let out a neatly unified and powerful roar, so potent it seemed to shake heaven and earth.

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