Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 349: Parallel Connections

Chapter 349: Parallel Connections

As we separate from the others, Xing Hu speaks hurriedly as we walk, if only to stem off the awkwardness of the previous moment.

“Master James…”

“Please, just call me James. Please.”

He hesitates before continuing again.

“…James. We are deeply grateful for what you’ve done for us.”

Right as he says that, we arrive in a covered oval courtyard, hidden within the depths of the building and beneath many panes of opaque glass. Sculptures, streams, and a variety of other objects are placed along the area. Each seeming to add something to the space to make it a greater whole. Bringing together the discordance of the structure itself to create order.

A stream of light from the sky, despite the number of layers between us and the sky, pierces through to a crystal in the middle, illuminating the entire space.

This isn’t only a decorative piece. A series of formations, set throughout the house and that could be thought to be separate, all seamlessly work together to enhance the qi in the house. Which is then all channeled to this one space.

The amount of qi here surpasses even the best place in my tower. At this sight, he waves his hand around at the surrounding structure, referencing something more.

Without your help, we would have found ourselves in a terrible situation. One we only realized the gravity of after some time.

“Most importantly, though, you gave us our daughter back. For that, I am eternally grateful.”

He starts into a bow before moving onto his knees and placing his head on the ground. While I start to move to stop him, I actually get the feeling to not do so this time.

To this man, his family means everything.

If I stop him from showing his gratitude in this way, it would be like spitting on what he cherishes. So, after waiting for a bit. I speak up.

“Xing Hu, I accept your gratitude, but it was your constant efforts that kept your family together and alive. Adding to that, we are allies.”

As he raises his head, I give him a bright smile to lighten the mood a bit.

“Things of this caliber are natural for men like us, right?”

Rather than the surprise from before, he seems to take my words in stride.

“… I suppose you are right, my friend.”

That’s the first time he’s called me his friend.

Wait. That’s the first time another guy here has earnestly called me their friend.

I thought it would happen first with He Wen or Ming… but I suppose one must earn true friendship.

 To his words, I give the only answer that I can.

“Of course. That’s what friends are for.”

There’s a silence between us, filled only with the subtle sounds of insects in this bubble of nature. After a bit of time, he breaks it with some words.

“With that said, I need to ask you this.”

His face is serious. And I already know what he’s going to say. Everything he’s hinted toward since we’ve got here has led to this.

“Do you want our family to join the contract under you?”

And there it is. The trick question.

It is not a deliberate deception, but rather an act of goodwill. However, if I were to accept this, I would give up all the hidden benefits of having them as true allies.

Keeping them as allies, not bound by a contract, will eventually forge a bond stronger than it.

Adding to it is the wildcard in the picture.

Xing Xun.

I answer Xing Hu just as seriously.

“While I appreciate the offer… we can be stronger together, side by side, rather than with you behind.”

I can’t help but give an internal sigh at the next words that are indicated from my conversation scan.

“…Adding to that, our little firecracker will need a lot of space in order to shine the brightest.”

I’m referencing Xing Xun and her explosive actions in the world, but even with my scan, I don’t expect what I see from him next.

More than any other point in our time here, I witness his mouth split open from happiness with a boisterous laugh. He swiftly closes the distance between us, slapping a hand on my back. Good-naturedly, of course.

“HAHAHAHA, firecracker, huh? I guess with the constant surprises she gives, that fits well. Seems like our families may become far closer than just allies if you keep this up!”

Why does my scan tell me to say these things?

He turns away with a rapid pep in his step. But both of us freeze in place, as I see and then sense another presence in the room. One that was physically, for all intents and purposes, a statue in the yard.

It’s as if it was suddenly possessed from afar. And there’s only one person I can think of that might be able to trick my scan into not sensing them as a person.

Her voice floats out in shock.

“You… you didn’t have us join the contract?”

Her dad snaps out of his frozen state before exclaiming loudly.

“I-I-I have to go walk the table! I’ll leave you guys to it.”

He sprints out of the room.

… I get the feeling she gave him specific instructions to push the issue.

Even as he leaves, I don’t say anything to her words as she comes close. Almost terrifyingly fast. The whole time of which, she has locked her eyes with mine.

It’s intimidating.

To which she comes absurdly deep into my personal space. All the while, still staring.

She leans in.

Right to where her lips cross close to my ear.

“… you know. Don’t you?”

Here it is. This is where I can throw her off her game. While I may not like it, there is where my suspicious scan shines!

Just as she had done, I give just a whisper in her ear. My voice an octave lower.

“And what would that be, little firecracker?”

I can see the shivers from head to toe, all before a sudden freeze. Just what I intended.

Given her extensive experience as a cultivator, in what I can only assume would be battle torn, terrifying, and sorrowful… a sweet, playful experience like this could serve as an irreplaceable drug to her. Causing her to have no defense, especially when she’s thrown off her game.

Wait. Why am I making the potential yandere regressor even more interested in me?

I feel like my scan may have miscalculated.

I tentatively step away from her, but the slackened jaw and partially glazed eyes tell me everything I need to know. This is the time to run away.

I attempt to leap backward to run, but her hand appeared on my shoulder. Like it was always there.

And I find myself frozen in place. Trying to figure out why I can’t move.

Ah. It’s fear.

With a wary glance upward, I see a dazzling smile on hers.

Yep. I fucked up.

And normally, that’s where I’d assume my life of freedom would end. However, I find myself surprised by what she does next.

She takes a breath, looks away, and her grip on my shoulder lessens a bit. Saying a few words that let me know of her thoughts.

“… It’s been so hard, you know. I’ve been fighting for so long.”

Her eyes glaze a bit, but her head orients to the direction where her dad had sprinted off to.

“I had lost so m-uch.”

Her voice cracked at the last word. The first breach of the heart that I’ve seen from her, showing her true thoughts. Confirming what I’ve suspected so far.

I decide to be honest with her as well.

“…this isn’t the first time you’ve gone through this life, has it? From the time I healed you, I could tell there was something different about you.”

Her eyes refocus back on me, grew a touch wider. Even though she asked, it doesn’t seem she expected an answer. She responds in kind.

“No. It hasn’t.”

Those words carry weight.

From the air about her and the way she’s described things… I suspect this might be her third or fourth time around.

I take a risk.

“I can’t say much… but I’m not from here. Maybe that’s why I’m able to help change things here.”

I specifically emphasize the ‘here’ to fill in the dots.

Her head snaps over to me, with her mouth opening a little.

“That’s why…”

She starts saying something, but falls silent. Then does something I completely didn’t anticipate.

She holds my hand.

How lewd.


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