Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 348: Lose Xing Touch

Chapter 348: Lose Xing Touch

Though I’ve said nothing and have kept playing songs for everyone, Ai and Lin have noticed my change in demeanor. Their eyes glance across the horizon, seeking threats.

Unlike what they are thinking, though, my mind is on the opposite aspect.

How many partnerships and connections have they made? And how will that affect our relationship?

As we get ever closer to the compound, I can see the surrounding buildings turn into villas, and villas into estates. Then, even those turn into vast tracts of land, where we can’t even see the entranceway.

After quite a bit of time, we finally come to a crossroads. One where the path would surely lead to the Xing family compound. And at that same crossroad are two Foundation Establishment experts. Both of which have uniforms displaying the same tortoise symbol I saw on the information runners from earlier.

As we get closer, I slow down the vehicle, since they clearly are waiting for us.

Seeing that we’ve slowed, they give a bow and call out to us.

“Hello Young Master James, were you looking to head to the Xing Clan compound?”

“That’s correct. Am I set to assume that they are expecting me?”

“Yes, milord. As we have been informed that you might want to enter discretely, we can lead you through some of the less observed paths, if you'd like, milord.

With a nod, they move ahead of our carriages and begin sprinting.

Considering the scan is not giving me any warning signals on them, it should be safe to follow.

Taking control of the carts’ systems, I have it keep pace behind them along the same route we were originally going to follow. All up to a random spot along the path, where we slow to a walking pace.

One escort pulls out a long cane from a space ring, before tapping it twice on the random spot, which causes the sound of moving stones. Before they put the cane back away and start picking up speed again.

From a visual standpoint, nothing has changed. However, I can sense that we’ve moved to an adjacent path. One covered by a privacy field and leading to a back entrance of the Xing Compound. Given that this compound has only been recently taken over by them, I speculate what other secrets it may hold.

But if that was surprising, then what I sense next is shocking. 

Two core formation experts stand guard at the back gate of the compound. And three more are scattered around their place.

Even though we have two core formation experts in our Foundations of Heaven group, it doesn't mean that this is a common thing. In reality, it is extraordinary.

Core Formation experts are worthy of being the leaders of their own sects, albeit small ones. For less prominent, but larger sects, it guarantees an esteemed elder position.

And she has five of them. Each of whom was on my list that I wouldn’t be able to draw over to my side. That doesn’t mean they were bad or wouldn’t be helpful to have with us… but just weren’t even an option for me to convince.

So… how did she do it?

With this in mind, I keep my face unreadable, even as I can tell that Xing Hu and his wife Xing Lan approach the gate to receive us

As per normal courtesy, we slow the carriages before the gate and step out to meet them. As I already know them, I step out to greet them. Their voices carry out across the area.

“Master James! It’s a pleasure to see you. Please come in. We’ve already prepared tea and food for your guests, as well.”

Xing Lan speaks first, with her husband adding in some additional words.

“Of course, anything you desire here is yours to use as you see fit.”

Oh no, we are absolutely avoiding that route.

“No, no. This is your house, and while we are allies, we are but guests. Nonetheless, thank you for your hospitality.”

It's subtle, but the instant I say that, the air between all of us undergoes a slight change. They glance up at my words, as if they didn’t expect that. Xing Hu looks especially shocked before he recovers.

“Right… of course. Well, please follow me inside. Our staff will bring in your carriages to an accessible location inside.”

With only a few movements, we are almost at their home, something that’s the size of a large factory.

Honestly, it’s surprising how close to the house this back entrance is. If we came through the front, we would need to ride the carriages in to make decent time.

Even with the close proximity to the house, it still takes a few minutes of travel to get inside. The moment we get to the doors, they open automatically for us, by two more cultivators, seemingly in late Foundation Establishment. Making me wonder how many cultivators they actually have as part of their staff now.

The exterior, to be frank, wasn’t much to look at. A generic eastern housing style.

The interior, in contrast, reveals a completely separate narrative. The design style embraces deconstructivism, with wild shapes and figures patterned along the walls. No wall or ceiling is completely flat, with the only constant being a winding path throughout the house. All leading to a central space, oval in shape.

This is where we all pause and our hosts direct their attention to us.

“Let me welcome you to our home, created by our dear Xing Xun.”

… no wonder this house seemed different from all others I’ve seen.

It makes one wonder how long Xing Xun must have lived before she regressed. Because I know for sure that even in the current world’s most technologically advanced areas, this style isn’t prominent. Of course, it is out there, but not popular.

Adding to that, there are amazing cultivation and defense benefits from how qi will flow through the building.

“Well, no wonder this house has such an innovative design. I’m sure that there are plenty of benefits to it, if she is the one that made it.”

At this praise, I can see both of them beam a bit. Almost no parent doesn’t like to hear their treasured child get praised. Xing Hu steps forward with a little more bound in his step. `

“Yes! Actually, there are a quite a few cultivation benefits when you head deeper inside. Of course, if you are interested, I can show you now.”

As he says that, his wife does an immediate follow-up.

“For the rest of your guests, allow me to serve you tea and show you around.”

Everyone looks to me for guidance on what to do. Even though I've already briefed everyone on most of the information regarding the Xing family, they still don't know them on a personal level.

“You guys relax. We’re safe here.”

At these words, Ai, Lin, Mei Lin, and Shi relax, as they know about my scan. If I say it’s safe, then I’ve already taken everything into account. The others notice this change in them which causes He Wen and Jin Chin to nod, moving behind the others.

However, Yalei isn’t one to fall in line. She confronts me, speaking her mind openly.

“I should stay with you for your safety. No matter where we are.”

She came along to be my bodyguard. If I wanted it or not. In this case, for what we need to talk about, I will need to be alone with Xing Hu.

…I didn’t want to use this, but I need to take care of this.

“Yalei, I understand where you’re coming from. Could you trust me?”

As I say this, I look her in the eyes. Doing my best to convey sincerity to her.

She flinches at this. Though not in disgust. Her face flips through thousands of emotions in seconds before landing on one. Resignation.

“…okay. I do.”


That stings to do to her. I’ll make it up to her later.

Turning Xing Hu, I make the motion for him to lead the way.

With that, our two sides split up in this fantastical mansion of a place.


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