Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 346: Due Rewards

Chapter 346: Due Rewards

Pushing aside the strange feelings from before, I complete the finishing touches for the pills and things needed to be completed before I leave the fortress. Whether pills, talismans I've learned from the Elders, or tools to make my life easier, I cram everything into my spacial ring.

 And the whole time, I create spirit stones in between actions to increase finances and provide additional rewards for the group while I’m gone. Since I’ve been working on all these different things for the past few weeks, while teaching others how to do them too, I find myself in a pretty excellent position.

…You know, they might be able to keep things going without me.

Even with that being the case, I’m still worried that we might be vulnerable to other actions from groups. There’s so much that can go wrong in this situation.

But we are pretty prepared.

I’ve done what I can.

The day flies by.

Right as it reaches nighttime, I call everyone out to the courtyard, after they’ve gotten their rest and finished their actions for the day. The countless faces here show a variety of looks, including worry, hope, and excitement. Standing before them, at an elevated podium, I speak out.

“Thanks for coming down here. As I’m sure all of you were hoping, I have the previously promised pills here, corresponding with your cultivation realm.”

With a wave of my hand, I cause all the created pills to appear and launch toward each of the surrounding members. A simple action with my movement and scan to predict trajectories.

They don’t even hide their happiness, as screams of joy ring out around the courtyard. I speak out to them before anyone takes it to avoid any issues.

“Okay, okay. I know everyone must be raring to use them. Let’s have each of you take some actions first. Spread out with at least 50 meters of space between everyone else.”

Everyone gets into position. 

“For those in Qi Condensation, circulate your qi and practice your cultivation methods as you absorb the energies from the pill. This should allow you to progress to the next tier.

“Don’t worry about the tribulation, for those who will ascend to the next level, as it will be simple for you all to overcome. Just make sure not to interfere with anyone else’s tribulation.”

With a look over the large number of Foundation Establishment members here, I direct my words at them.

“For those in Foundation Establishment or further in their cultivation, you have a choice between being able to better resist spiritual pressure or soul-based attacks; or connecting with a soul spirit beast/creature. If you end up choosing a soul spirit beast to accompany you, you will find that there are some creatures already ready and waiting in the area.

“As promised, here is your second batch of pills as well. Do what you wish with the pill, though I must warn you, these pills are precious. So, while selling them may net you a large amount of money, it will also bring danger upon your and possibly our heads. Be careful.”

With these words of warning, I toss out the second batch of pills.

 And thus, this starts the second reason I opened the soul realm.

Since all the people here have just come into contact with the soul realm from my attacks, they now can have an easier time of reaching out to creatures within their own soul realms. And with how I brewed the pills, there won’t be any demonic influences that can come through.

I go into training mode, first telling the different groups to wait, based on their choices and guiding everyone on how to navigate it.

I have the first batch take their pills. The Qi Condensation members.

Instantaneously, a wave of excess qi shoots out from every person who has taken it. Considering the constant training and practice they’ve had with their methods, it’s only a matter of time before each person draws it back into themselves.

Normally, they would keep this energy in themselves for more efficiency and retention, but I wanted to stay safe with such a large group. Especially, as the loss will be negligible with a second pill in the mix.

After around 20 minutes of this, I can see tribulation clouds beginning to form all over the courtyard. Small ones, but very dense.

And that’s when lightning and thunder pour down like rain upon the group. I can sense three extremely powerful presences arrive at the courtyard.

The Sect Patriarch and two elders. One of whom is Sister Nuan’s ‘brother’, Elder Gu. With my increased cultivation, I can now sense his sword aura in even deeper clarity. He’s grown even stronger in the small time since I visited him and his disciples with Sister Nuan.

The other elder, I actually don’t know that well. Covered in all black, it seems they are hiding their identity. However, the nonchalance of Sister Nuan, Elder Gu, and the Patriarch in their presence sparks my interest in who this could potentially be.

Using my scan on them may not be the best idea right now.

To my surprise, the three of them look around and do a brief sweep with their scan before glancing over at Sister Nuan.

And fly back off into the distance.

It's incredibly anticlimactic.

While I know Sister Nuan has likely been communicating with all of them this whole time… it’s still unsettling to see powerful people show up, and then just leave without a visible word to anyone.

Especially when you don’t know what they discussed.

While this has transpired, the tribulations continue to rain down on the group. Only targeting those who are going through the tribulation. With the 50 meters of space around each person, there isn’t any issue of anyone else getting involved accidentally.

An experienced cultivator is explaining to their friend who absorbed energy but didn't face tribulation.

“…you see, the tribulation energy is both a test and an opportunity. Look over at that person. They are absorbing the energy to mold their foundation in the next realm. Melding it with their cultivation method to make it far stronger than it would be alone. It’s definitely painful, but worth it.

“While surviving is the most important part, take risks in order to grow stronger. At least here, we know we are strong enough to withstand it.”

There’s a few more details that they didn’t mention, but close enough. Looks like it’s ending.

It’s only a few more minutes before the tribulations end and we have quite a few more Foundation Establishment members on our team.

With the first round over, I have the rest of the Qi Condensation members take the second pill and start the process again. With a whole new slew of tribulations incoming.

But I notice something curious that I always wondered about when I read novels about worlds like this.

It’s been over 40 minutes of waiting for everyone else.

Just standing there, as other people cultivate in silence or with sudden blasts of thunder and lightning. It’s easy to overlook as a reader, but now I can see how they handle the long periods of waiting.

Tons of fidgeting. Loads of it.

And of course, them cultivating as well.

The mere act of cultivating is engrossing, having you dive deep within yourself to find out and using the energies within and around you to build something new. So, time passes quickly.

Though, for those that aren’t cultivating, for whatever reason, it really is just a ton of fidgeting.

Once everyone has finished their pills and gone through their individual tribulations and contracts, I now turn toward the original Foundation Establishment members. Giving those who plan on fortifying their cultivator souls the go ahead to start.

Which doesn't require much time, since the pill does most of the work. We can all see that their eyes go blank for a moment, before returning to clarity... but with a slightly more intense look in them.

Outwardly, it doesn’t look like much, but on the personal side, you take on a journey within yourself, like a wandering ghost. Helping you to confront aspects of yourself you may have never known existed. All while it adds a layer of protection over your cultivator soul. Strengthening from the outside and inside.

It’ll be tougher to subdue them with spiritual pressure now, besides other things.

The last group, who will use the pills to connect with a soul spirit beast/creature, then take their pills. Most of whom already took the first pill to strengthen their soul.

There are no apparent signs of something happening with this action. Not even a glazing of the eyes. This is to be expected.

What we see, is several surprised looks. Since all of them likely just found a nice new presence in their cultivator souls. What that looks like for each of them depends on the individual.

Everything from here for them will be a personal experience until they nurture the spirit creature enough to manifest physically.

… but once they do, they’ll be the envy of the sect.

I feel myself looking forward to seeing the first manifestations of their creatures. However, the show must go on.

I direct my attention to the group as a whole. Causing everyone to stop and listen to my next words.

“As you all know, several of our Foundations of Heaven members and I will head to Monchon City to take care of a few actions. If you have questions or encounter any issues, check in with any of the leaders here. They’ll be able to assist you and, if necessary, bring the situation up to me remotely.

“In terms of competitions, work, and rewards, there will still be the training rewards and other benefits while we are gone. Keep working hard and supporting each other, and you will see great gains because of it. Let today be an example of the little available to assist you on your journeys to be amazing cultivators!”

With a bunch of cheers, I hurry to leave the stage.

And behind me, I can see those coming with me following.

Ai, Lin, Shi, Mei Lin, He Wen, Jin Chin, and Yalei.


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