Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 345: Reasons Hidden Within

Chapter 345: Reasons Hidden Within

There’s an awkward silence, before the first of the group before me speaks up.

Mei Lin.

“…Brother? Why did you hit me so hard?”

I feel the air leave my body, as if hit with another blow, harder than the one Jin Chin threw at me. But, it’s not long until I can see the smirk on her and the others' faces. Looks like this was their way of getting back at me for the latest ‘joke’ I had done, as well as this entire scenario.

A nice way to lighten the mood, in a sense.

She rapidly shifts to a more serious tone to address the elephant in the room.

“So, Brother? Why did you have us fight you… in such a way?

The people assembled here are all of those who either care about me enough to ask, noticed something off, or wanted to hear more about what my ominous words during the fight meant.  

Of course, everyone in my close personal group is here, as well as all the people I met at the library. From what I can tell, Sofia, Jin Chin, and Yalei are here representing the victims. Mostly because I can sense a large group of them hovering just outside the arena, waiting for an answer from them.

And last, an assorted number of other, astute members of the group, who noticed there was something else going on.

It’s clear that this ordeal has unsettled almost everyone here. I need to answer their concerns.

“There are a few reasons.”

I turn to the side and start pacing in a way that will keep the conversation moving.

“First, as many of the leaders here may have noticed… there is a significant gap and difference between many of our people. Both culturally, socially, and in terms of cultivation.”

There are a few nods at this, as this is the obvious situation.

“Not only that, but we are currently in a sect that a huge number of our members are not a part of. This will eventually cause issues, if not addressed, both inside… and outside our group.”

I can see a few eyes light up, as some are understanding what I’m getting at. Some still don’t, so I make it clearer.

“With 800 plus cultivators, we are now in direct competition with the most influential core disciples and, in some cases, families in the sect. There are only 4 other core disciples in the sect that currently have comparable or greater power directly under them. And each of those have multiple core formation experts directly under them, rather than lower-level cultivators.

“…Even so, we’ve gained attention. Others have found out that our entire group had every member become cultivators and with many that had been previously only of the sect servant level. An impossible situation.”

As I turn to face the group, it seems my message has gotten through to them.

“Demonic cultivators are not the only threat to us.”

That’s when someone who I never expected to step out, especially because of their typical muted, private personality.

Ming, whose size towers over everyone.

But rather than a question, he says something surprising. Something straying from what we were talking about.

“Young Master, many of us were… thought we were trash before we met you. That our circumstances were irreversible, no matter how we struggled. And that there were only a few ways we could move forward in our lives… or not at all.

“But you helped us to see differently. That we can be more.”

He looks over his shoulder for a moment, locking eyes with a lady here, someone I recognize from the victim crowd. His eyes linger on hers before moving them back to me.

“With all you’ve done already, I know I’m not alone when I say that we are here to fight for you. No matter who or what the threat is.”

Shi Ji decisively steps forward beside him.

“As am I.”

Which is when several other people step forward, doing the same. Until every single person here has said it.

And to my surprise, my scan shows it’s all genuine.

Every single person here.

Although commitment levels may differ, they still honestly mean it.

Ming gathers my attention back to him with his powerful voice.

“I thought I could only be a brute. That it would be my role to intimidate others, yet be in pain for the rest of my life, because of my size. Now? I’m able to help others to recover from horrific experiences, letting them experience a new life. And share that gift with others.

“Being kind to them and reminding them, too, that there is more to life. So, thank you, Young Master. My apologies for taking up your time.”

He lowers himself before stepping back into the crowd.

I needed to hear that.

It reminds me that despite the hard situations and constant issues, there is good I’m doing here. And even with the sacrifices and pain, it’s worth it.

This soul-tearing operation was absolutely excruciating. And I never want to go through such a thing ever again.

But I will. And I'll eagerly do it again, if it will help protect myself and those around me.

What's even more significant is that there is someone present here who genuinely grasps the message I've been attempting to transmit to this world from my own.

It is permissible to exhibit kindness, even as we progress as cultivators.

I just hope that we can maintain that… since tragedy is a big killer of hope. As someone from my world had once says, “It only takes one bad day…”

And that’s why I’ve done this today.

I step forward, my eyes on Ming, but also looking around at everyone.

“Thank you, Ming, and you don’t have to apologize. You all don’t know how proud I am to have you all by my side. I look forward to seeing how we all grow together and I hope that everyone here continues to show kindness and love to others.

“With that said, I’ll continue with the other reasons I had us do this training.”

I wave a hand over to one of the demonic pillars.

“Even though I had said that there are other threats we need to be keenly aware of, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t facing a demonic incursion in the near future.”

A few breaths are taken in by people, as these are strong words.

A demonic incursion is a full-on attack by demonic forces. It may not be on the level of an invasion, but it is a harbinger of much larger attacks.

I look over at Sofia, as she already knows what I’m getting at.

“Sofia and I had to handle a sudden demonic plague victim that mysteriously showed up in our hospital.

“This was no accident.”

There are some whispers, but I wave them away.

"Of course, the sect occasionally deals with these things, but the structure of this plague was customized to spread quickly among cultivators who practice light-based cultivation methods. While that is uncommon, what makes this evidence for something larger is the complexity of the plague.

“For something that complex, and thus difficult to heal, it would be used for important occasions. Like softening up a sect before attacking it. Obviously, I’ve already informed the sect patriarch, who is taking appropriate measures. However, we need to be prepared ourselves.”

I can see hardened looks, as I can tell that at least some people who are in Foundation Establishment have seen the works of the demonic cults. Just the thought of the horrors they can and do unleash is reason enough for the training.

Many people are nodding and are satisfied by this, and for those who don’t seem to understand, those around them are explaining. I continue to wrap this up.

“The last reason is two-fold. Because of the differences in statuses amongst us, it is important to build teamwork and coordination before an actual emergency happens. You all can consider this a practice run for the real thing. Adding to that, I think it’s just as important that you all see what I’m capable of.”

I pause, putting on a mysterious air.

“Well… a part of it, at least.”

This caused some hushed whispers, as it is well known by them I am still within Qi Condensation.

To cross realms like I have and fight low core formations is unheard of. To hear that it isn’t even the peak of my power, even more so. But it’s only a good thing for them, so as I wrap things up, everyone disperses promptly.

Except for the Ai, Lin, Mei Lin, and Shi.

“But really, Brother James… did you really have to hit me so hard?”

“… I’m sorry.”

My conversation scan tells me there is no winning this one. There's something else on their minds, aside from just that.

There’s an awkward silence here.

Even Ai, who is usually straight to the point, doesn’t speak up. Shi steps in to save the situation.

“So, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then? Have a good night, James.”

Or not. I guess even she doesn’t want to talk about my appearance and the demonic phase. It doesn’t seem like it would be a good idea to push them to bring it up.

This will have to be something that we talk about over time.

One thing is for sure… tonight we won’t be doing anything. 

After a few more goodbyes from them and us leaving in different directions, I hasten to the alchemy section to work on the various pills I promised to the group.

Pulling out the giant cauldrons reserved in our alchemy section for it. With my scan in full force and a surplus of ingredients available, it is almost disgusting how quickly I’m able to make the pills for every single person in the group. In fact, I’ve made three times as many as needed.

Which should be good for future needs, at the very least.

But even with the statement from everyone after the fight, something today felt a little unsatisfying. Like there was something lacking. Something that I didn’t do or say. Even my scan isn't helping me find out, though it's probably due to how I'm asking.

I’m sure I’ll figure it out later. Hopefully, not too late.


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