Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 326: Trauma Team

Chapter 326: Trauma Team

As I view the confused faces in front of me at my words, my mind drifts back to a cyberpunk style game I had played before coming to this world.

Of the medical group that would go into dangerous situations, eliminate enemies, with a priority on extracting victims. Primarily those that subscribed to their insurance plans.

In that game, they utilized heavily armored flying vehicles to transport armed medical personnel with an array of gadgets for support.

Taking into account the existence of the carts from the library and flying cultivator ships in the sect, I'm confident I can create advanced technology using formations, spirit stones, and qi treasures.

Hmm from my very first scan of this world, I was able to find out that there are areas of significantly advanced technology in this world. Some of which have a basis in qi, while others dont.

Each of which ties into the battle within the heavens. Something that this area of the world isnt close to being involved in.

With that said, this is a great opportunity to level up the sects abilities and my own faction.

Which I havent formally named yet. Either way, in order to create such objects, I would need to be at Foundation Establishment, at the bare minimum. Considering the waiting periods between ranks, that will mean that I need a proxy to create these for me.

Looks like Ill be leaning on Sister Nuan, Senior Tian, and their contacts.

Senior Tian was able to help me reinforce the formations on the towers previously, but his true specialty is in talismans. While we could brute force the updates for the towers, the changes needed for creating advanced technology with cultivation will need to be handled by a specialist.

Theres too much that can go wrong otherwise.

Even with that, we would need certain materials refined and created for those uses. Just like how for technologies in my world needed specific alloys for different operations. Something I would have to check for quality and the specifics.

If I had to guess, it would take about a month to set up. Obviously, its not something that I can do within the next week while Im here.

Hmm but maybe Im mistaken about that.

I could put a few blueprints and step-by-step instructions together, to at least get the materials needed and forged. I could create additional information on prototypes that would assist in achieving the correct formations for the final product.

That only leaves the most important aspect, though.

The cost.

Just to hire on a formation expert capable of this for a stint of time would be a costly endeavor. What Im proposing would have them constantly working and building a stock of weapons, equipment, and vehicles.

This could be eased by having them on the elder contract, with an unending healing buff on them.

But theres still the cost of the materials and spirit stones to power the equipment. All of which cost even more spirit stones.

I need another way to get more stones

I speak out, to avoid confusion as I speak.

Give me a moment. I wish to consider something.

Everyone falls silent and keeps their head down. Something I normally mind, but in this case, I need the time to scan up a solution.

It takes only a little time to find a hidden, but also obvious one.

If I dont have the necessary amount of spirit stones, then Ill just condense them myself.

Such an easy thing to say, but this is something that goes against all common sense in this area.

A normal thing for a new cultivator to learn is how to combine 1000 normal spirit stones into a superior one, or the other way around. Once you get to the tiers higher than regular spirit stones, it gets more difficult to combine or disassemble correctly.

Condensing a spirit stone from qi, however, is based upon the skill, amount of qi, and realm of a cultivator. To condense a stone, a cultivator needs to be at least Foundation Establishment. At least, that is the common understanding.

On average, for a Foundation to make a normal spirit stone, containing 100 qi, it takes 10x the qi.

So, 1000 qi. Remarkably, that is equal to the average amount of total qi that an average Rank 1 Foundation Realm has.

Now for a Core Formation to make a normal spirit stone containing 100 qi, it only takes 5x the qi. So, 500 qi.

For a Nascent Soul to make a normal spirit stone containing 100 qi, it takes 2x the qi. So, 200 qi.

Above that realm, it gets closer and closer to a 1x ratio, depending on skill.

For a person in the Qi Condensation, it takes 100x the qi, to make a normal spirit stone containing 100 qi. So, 10,000 qi.

This explains why it was deemed impossible, because even at the highest level of genius, Rank 11, their qi would only amount to around 225.

Not only that, but even if they had the qi to condense one at Qi Condensation, unlike Foundation Establishment, all the qi in their body isnt anchored to them. They would be using all of their qi for a single spirit stone. Their cultivation base would be used up and would have to be rebuilt within that rank.

The reduction in cost from realm to realm is all about the quality and purity of the qi. Even my abilities dont change those aspects. Though Wei, my new ally, has such an ability. But shes already in Foundation Establishment, so it wont matter to her as much, except for the added benefit of reduced cost.

Turning my focus back to myself, since I reached Rank 3 in Qi Condensation with my increased qi amounts, I have 10,000 qi. So, in all technicality, I could create one now.

Though, I would lose part of the cultivation base that Ive built in the process, leaving me back at the beginning of Rank 3.

That is, if I didnt have my healing constitution, aura, and cultivation technique.

Considering how fast I can refill qi in both myself and others, it should only take 15 seconds each time.


Now I have a path forward for this.

Thank you all for waiting. What Im planning is a medical group that would go into dangerous situations, eliminate enemies, and extract victims from said situation.

I fall silent, allowing them to build this out a bit in their heads, before explaining further.

As some of you are likely imagining, this will require a few different aspects and specialists.

Each and every one of you that would want to join that team would need to be trained in all things medical, regarding stabilizing patients. Additionally, all of you will receive combat training, to protect yourselves and others.

The room is filled with audible excitement and joyful whispers among the people present. A normal occurrence in large meetings, but I pause before lowering my voice to convey the seriousness of the next words.

With that said, the priority will always be on saving the patient and getting your team out of the situation safely, NOT eliminating targets. We will not be a hit squad.

Our focus will always be centered on getting your teammates out safely and saving victims.

The area falls silent after this. Some of the combat-oriented people are disappointed, as this might have been an avenue of revenge for them. Soon after, though, I can tell many of them cheer up.

After all, I simply said it was the priority. Part of saving the victims, usually means that the people trying to stop you will be the same people torturing them. Thus, allowing them their revenge.

Alright. With that said, youll first be learning the medical side and then will begin the combat side once I come back from my trip.

Just as Im about to finish up, Sofia actually steps forward apologetically.

I apologize, Master James, for my interruption. Would I and others here be allowed to join your group in the more traditional areas? I dont think I would be a good fit for the Trauma Team. Instead, Id like to heal those who come back, considering my prior experience as a healer.

Also, all of us have lost our cultivation bases but Im sure youve already considered this, so my apologies for stating the obvious.

Right. She did mention in our therapy sessions that she used to operate as a healer, but didnt go into detail. It also wasnt the time to dive in with my abilities to find out more.

Adding to that, she has an enormous amount of talent in the healing field. Something that might even be enhanced by her symbiosis with that plant in her chest.

She is the only one here with actual medical experience, other than me and a few of the Yellow Sash members.

It also seems that she is the best choice to lead the hospital. I might just have found my hospital administrator.

Ill place her question about the lost cultivation bases to the side and address her first question.

Sofia. Thats totally fine, and I appreciate you coming forward with this. Considering your experience and abilities, Id like you to take on a leadership role here. Would you be willing to?

All eyes center on her, whose eyes are the widest Ive seen them.

Despite her normally calm and collected air, she seems a bit flustered at the job offer. But it only takes a second for her to recollect and answer back with a bow.

I would be pleased and honored to do so, Master James. Thank you for your trust in me.

As she finishes her words, I feel like something in the air shifted a bit. Something that I cant identify, and perhaps shouldnt.

Either way, I see nothing amiss as she rises back up.

Her past and possibly present is mysterious. But, like Ive decided with some of the other people in my life, Ill give each of them space to reveal it to me in their own time, and if they wish.

As long as it wont cause us harm, of course.

Which, in this case, there shouldnt be any major concern.

Man, I love my scan.

The next hour is spent working with the victims, setting them up in the contract, and finding out where they want to go.

It seems all of them wanted to stay together in some sense and separated into three major groups: the Trauma Team; the Hospital team; and the General Population.

The first two are self-explanatory, while the last just means they wont join either group, but are staying in my faction to do other things.

Surprisingly, its a generally even split with each group. Around 100 to Trauma Team, Hospital, and General Population each.

Since thats all sorted out, I try to finish out the day by taking them out to the hospital courtyard to optimize them and restore their cultivation if they had it.

To which I encountered both a positive and negative situation.

As my cultivation method extended its branches to each person and healed them, I found myself stopping the optimization for some of them.

Once I look at their cultivation bases of these members, its obvious that over 100 of these torture victims would move into a new realm, once I optimize them.

With two of them becoming the strongest under my servant contract yet.

If I optimize them, I will now have two Core Formations as servants.


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