Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 325: Status Change

Chapter 325: Status Change

A look at the tense three women before me paints an interesting picture, as Ive already healed and worked with all of them during their treatment.

Jin Chin, now completely healed, seems to have found some clothes that fit her previous style. Form-fitting black leather clothes, with metal and fur adornments, all give her the feel of an assassin warrior type. Adding in her black hair in a long pixie haircut, pale skin, and red eyes, she fully seems to lean into that image.

The second woman, named Yalei, is the person Jin Chin cant seem to help to glare at.

Despite having cute black bangs with a long jumbo ponytail and an enchanting heart-shaped face, the apathetic, cold look she has makes one keep their distance. Somewhat similar to Jin Chin, her silk qipao outfit makes me think of the femme fatale type of assassins. 


She was one of the people with primary psychopathy. What is strange, though, is that I found that she definitely showed more emotion than that to others before her torture.

After I healed her of her condition, she didnt display fake feelings as much. Contrary to my expectations, she wasnt being more expressive, but rather much less expressive.

Could it be that she decided to not fake her emotions anymore and has a naturally inward personality?

Outside my thoughts, they continue to glare at each other, with Jin Chin being more open about her irritation, while Yalei has a muted, condescending look. However, when they notice my looks toward them, they both look back forward at me. Staying silent, but choosing their words to say.

The last person here is actually the first other foreigner that Ive formally met.

Sofia. A woman from the Exalted Shores, a country to the north of this Chiu Continuum. As could be expected, it borders a massive ocean. Regarding how she got here, my scan suggested to not dig too deep and that it wouldnt hurt, if I didnt know.

Ive learned to listen to that warning.

In terms of the woman herself, she looks like an attractive, blackish brown haired Dutch woman. With some major additions, though. Unlike the other two, she was one of the people that were experimented on, likely because of her status as a foreigner, already being unique.

When I was healing her, it was evident that plants were integrated into her body as a form of torture. They kept her body stitched open while having it snake around her organs, using large metal nails and bars. Adding to it, she had the normal experience of being turned into a sack after they were done playing around.

After healing, though, her body actually developed a unique constitution that worked with the plant in her body as a symbiotic relationship. The giant nails and metal in her body, surprisingly enough, actually integrated with her body and reinforced it. Now, she has an open crevasse in her chest where the metal sticks out and plants can worm out from time to time.

I find it simultaneously creepy and cool.

Contrary to this metal appearance, she seems to be a cool and quiet person.

Shes actually the one to speak up first. Her soft voice quiets down any background murmurs in the room.

Master James. I want to first thank you for treating us. We have no way of repaying you for what youve done for us.

As she says this, she gives a slow, but deep bow.

All the others in the group, including Yalei and Jin Chin, follow soon after. Its easy to tell, despite the clear sign they have additional things to say, that everyone here has deep feelings about this.

Is there anything you were hoping to have from us?

All eyes turn from her, over to me.

There are a few things I could say. However, I am convinced that there is only a single correct response. To let them be free to leave, but provide options for them.

Considering that I didnt restore their cultivation and likely wouldnt know that I can this could be both an opportunity for them and myself.

Even though they aren't at the hospital right now, my eyes automatically gaze towards the direction of Ai and Lin, at the other towers. I repeat what I said to them when they asked something similar.

"My wish for all of you is to live happily."

I stay silent for a bit, as I can see my words impact them a bit, causing more confusion. The best thing to do right now is to let them ask the next question.

Jin Chin moves forward, speaking for the group.

Master James there must be other things you wish for from us? To spend this amount of time and resources on us, is there truly nothing that you want?

Now heres where I can take an alternative approach, then what I did for Ai and Lin.

I shake my head.

No. I come from a place that taught me to help those I can. While it may seem absurd to the people here, it is a part of who I am and who I wish to be.

Each of you is free to live your lives as you see fit from here. I had my own personal reasons for coming across your group and since I could help you guys out of that situation, I did. But ultimately, whatever comes next for you is your decision.

I can see some amount of skepticism falling off the group at my words, though, as is natural, some still doubt it.

My eyes drift over the group, moving to the two individuals that lead me to clash with Long Heng and his father.

Ao Jins wife and daughter. Saving the demonic cultivators family, who fought me in the jungle just to save his family. Even after 8 years, he didnt stop fighting.

Unfortunately, they had long given up on him. And grew a bitter anger toward him. Even after healing and going through therapy sessions with me, it will take a long time to bring up more of the details about him with them.

I wish I could help them.

Long Heng mercilessly pitted them against Ao Jin at every step during his torture sessions.

Even with my conversation scan, sometimes only time can help a person deal with some wounds. I could use my healing on that, but it wouldn't truly help them grow stronger from it.

For now, Ive done what I can for Ao Jin. And will support his family the best I can, while trying to allow them space to forgive.

Even with this, I still feel conflicted. I strongly want them to understand now, though.

doing the right is tough.

To allow myself some time to think, I allowed some of my conflicted emotions to show. The group remains silent, wondering what it may mean.

I speak back up to ease any concerns.

I understand it may be difficult to believe. Just know that my role here to you all is to help you put what you went through in the past and grow from it. That there is more to life than that prison that Long Heng put you in. Just like we talked about in group therapy.


These people have lost everything in their lives. Their torturers were thorough in closing loose ends.

In some ways, it could be harmful if they dont have something that they can work toward while they rebuild their minds and lives.

If theres something that you think might help with that, let me know and Ill do what I can to assist. Im sure you all have an idea of my personality by now, so please dont be afraid to speak up.

The only exception is that I wont be able to help you get revenge on Long Heng. There are already forces moving to do so, which we shouldnt disturb.

I see a few of their faces tense up at my added exception, but the disappointment shown is quickly moved into a sad understanding.

Yeah. Normally, you can't strike out at such people. I just hope they take heart in the last part of my words.

After I say that, things are silent for a bit. Some out of aimlessness, others out of thought.

Jin Chin is the one to step up with an idea first.

I know I speak for all of us when I say we dont want others to go through what we have. This may be too much to ask, but, if possible, I want to find a way to retrieve those who have been taken like we have.

The look in many of their eyes changes. All of them are in agreement.

Yalei actually speaks up affirmatively, causing Jin Chin to look at her in surprise.

Shes right. Though we dont want to implicate you in our actions.

Everyones eyes dip down as they realize what theyre asking. But her next action truly shocks all the women here.

Getting to the floor, she places her forehead to the floor. Her voice straining with some emotion.

Please teach us how to heal others, so that we can save them. I know this is impertinent and we cant ask you to support us as we go against other nobles, so well distance ourselves from you after. You can disavow us as you wish afterward. Ill give you my body, my future, if you can do that for them.

Wow. Considering her personality before, I guess the healing must have truly worked. Even the other victims dont seem to recognize her.

Her words only float in the air for a second before all of them drop to the floor in a similar position.

I rush to raise each of them up, but unlike the other times, none of them are moving.

You dont need to bow like this!

They remain unmoved.


I should have known this would turn out in this way.

But maybe they are on to something here.

I pause in trying to lift them up. And start thinking. Causing me to do something I havent had to do in a while.

Pacing and thinking.

While doing this, Im investing enormous amounts of mental energy into my scan. Stretching the limits to see whether my idea could work.

its just crazy enough to work. I have all the knowledge to create what I need. And there are a few perfect excuses for my actions and knowledge. Therere resources and people here willing to make a change.

I even have a hospital base.

I stop pacing.

I understand all of your convictions. I accept with some major provisions and adjustments to your ideas.

Their heads rise with a hint of hope. I continue with some additional words.

I wont leave you alone. If you join my group under a strict contract, Ill take that risk alongside you. But you all will have a special role in my organization, if interested.

A special combat medical extraction team.

I can feel a grin spread across my face.

Have any of you ever heard of a Trauma Team?


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