Femdom Island

Chapter 230 Humans?

Alva and Usha stood side by side, their gazes locked on the grotesque monster that had mysteriously transformed into a human form. Disgust twisted their features as they struggled to comprehend the impossible sight before them.

The other girls, perched atop the stone wall, watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation, their eyes wide with astonishment.

The monster in human guise surveyed its surroundings, its dark blue skin standing out amidst the crowd of monsters beneath the wall. Though its appearance was undeniably human, confusion clouded its eyes, betraying its unfamiliarity with its newfound form.

It resembled a puzzle piece forced into the wrong picture, an enigma that defied explanation and Usha wanted to notify Nikol as soon as possible about this abomination.

Usha's mind raced, her thoughts reaching out to Nikol through the channel of telepathy they shared. Her voice echoed in his mind, urgent and tinged with worry. "Nikol, something unimaginable has occurred! The monster... it has transformed into a human! We need your guidance! It looks like something strange is going on here,"

Nikol's mental response conveyed his surprise and concern. "Usha, this is not something I expected. Stay vigilant and observe closely. We must ascertain its intentions and capabilities. Be cautious, I will be there in a few minutes,"

Usha nodded, her eyes never leaving the transformed creature. The air crackled with uncertainty as the others whispered among themselves, exchanging words of confusion and speculation.

Alva, her voice a low murmur, broke the tense silence. "What could have caused such a transformation? Is it possible that the monster possesses abilities beyond our understanding?"

Usha's brow furrowed as she pondered Alva's words. "Indeed. There are forces in this world that lie beyond our comprehension. We mustn't jump to conclusions. Let us observe further before passing judgment. Nikol will decide what's wrong here"

As the transformed monster continued to survey its surroundings, its eyes fell upon the girls standing atop the wall. A flicker of recognition danced across its features as if it sensed their presence held some significance. It approached them cautiously, curiosity mingling with its confusion.

The girls on the wall exchanged nervous glances, uncertainty etching lines of worry upon their faces. The transformed monster stopped a few paces away, its gaze shifting from one face to another. It opened its mouth, but no words emerged, as if it struggled to articulate its thoughts.

"Is it trying to talk? What's happening here?" Emily asked guessing that things were not good for them.

The transformed creature's lips quivered, its attempt to speak stifled by the weight of its new form. Yet, amidst the confusion, a spark of understanding flickered in its eyes. It raised a hand, and everyone thought it was trying to communicate but, just as they expected a monster to act, suddenly he started attacking the wall like a madman without even stopping for a single minute.

"Tsk, I knew monsters wouldn't change," Alva said and pointed her fire to the base of the wall, and aimed it directly at the sexless-looking person, that was attacking the wall.

Her voice steady yet filled with compassion, Usha took a step forward and allowed her daughter to do whatever she wanted, as she wanted to see how effective their attacks would be on these types of beings.

her determination burned brighter than ever. Flames danced within her palms, eager to be unleashed. With a confident flick of her wrist, she directed her fire towards the base of the wall, aiming directly at the mysterious attacker.

The air crackled with raw power as Alva tapped into her fire magic, a talent inherited from her lineage. A torrent of scorching flames burst forth, roaring towards the figure like a vengeful inferno. The searing heat consumed the air, twisting and warping under the weight of Alva's formidable power.

As the fiery onslaught collided with the figure, a tempest of force erupted, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the surrounding area. The figure was thrown backward, its form spiraling through the air in a chaotic dance of agony. The wall trembled, relieved from the relentless assault for a fleeting moment.

But Alva's triumph was short-lived.

To her astonishment, the fallen figure, bathed in the flames she had conjured, started to change.

Its grotesque appearance morphed into something more sinister. Limbs twisted and elongated, flesh melded and reshaped. In a grotesque display of transformation, the figure returned to its original state.

Alva's eyes widened, witnessing the figure's insatiable hunger for flesh. Horror mixed with curiosity in her heart as she observed the being feast upon the remains of its fallen comrades. The revelation sent shivers down her spine, for she realized that these monsters possessed an unexpected resilience.

The tranquillity that once hung in the air shattered like fragile glass as a horde of monsters emerging from the depths of the hollow. The ground quaked beneath their monstrous weight, and the forest above seemed to darken in response. Alva, Usha, and the other girls gasped in alarm as chaos erupted before their eyes.

Amidst the turmoil, some of the creatures turned upon one another, their primal instincts overpowering any semblance of reason. Teeth gnashed, claws slashed, and the stench of blood permeated the air. A sickening display of violence unfolded, as some monsters ruthlessly devoured their own kind.

The girls on the wall recoiled in horror, their faces etched with revulsion and disbelief.

They clung to one another, seeking solace in their shared fear. Usha's voice was not showing positiveness as she spoke, her words filled with dread. "This... this is beyond comprehension! How can they resort to such savagery? Ugh~"

It was impossible for them to look at as blood and organs were get teared up by the monsters.

Alva's gaze darted from one brutal scene to another, her voice tinged with desperation. "We must not let panic consume us. Remember, our strength lies in unity. Stay focused and vigilant. Make sure they don't do anything to actually break the walls,"

As if spurred on by an unseen force, the remaining monsters abandoned their violent frenzy.

Instead, they converged upon the fallen bodies of their fallen brethren, their actions shrouded in macabre purpose. The grotesque feast began, and a palpable unease settled upon the girls, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Usha's eyes widened with a mix of horror and realization. "Look! They are... consuming the fallen monsters. Could it be that they, too, will undergo a transformation?"

She couldn't even finish her words, as the others also started turning into humanoids figures.

It wasn't unique to any race as Alva noticed that different type of monsters, who consumed other monster started turning into these figures.

Alva's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation, determination reigniting within her. She knew she had to find a different approach, a way to strike at the core of this resilient enemy.

While they were thinking about all these things, a familiar voice cut through the chaos, causing the girls to turn their heads in unison. Nikol stood before them, his presence a beacon of hope in their darkest hour. With urgency in his eyes, he listened as the girls pointed towards the base of the wall, drawing his attention to the unusual human figures.

"Ohhh~ so they are the things," He carefully looked at them and no matter how much he looked, he couldn't help but think this was Jormungand's work, as he was the only one that should be responsible for something like this.

Nikol's keen intellect analyzed the situation, his mind racing to decipher the enigma that stood before them. Without hesitation, he made a decision, knowing that he must confront the unknown.

After all, he was the only one that is capable of doing that.

Turning to the girls, he spoke with unwavering determination. "Remain vigilant on the wall. I shall investigate these figures and discern their true intentions. Trust in me, girls."

The girls exchanged glances, a mix of concern and trust crossing their faces. Usha stepped forward, her voice laced with worry. "Nikol, be cautious. We cannot fathom the depth of this mystery. Return to us swiftly if something happen, I believe you, but we don't want to risk anything."

Nikol nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Fear not, Usha. I shall exercise caution, but we cannot ignore the potential threat these figures may pose. Our strength lies in our unity, and I shall ensure our safety."

He wanted to tell that these things might be the effects of Jormungand's work, but he decided not to because they would have been even more scared, but some of them were already able to guess that from all the evidences.

With resolute determination, Nikol leaped gracefully from the protective walls, his agile form landing amidst the transformed human figures. His eyes narrowed, observing their relentless assault upon the sturdy barrier. It was as if they sought to break through and claim the territory beyond.

The transformed figures turned their attention to Nikol, their gaze fixated upon this newcomer amidst the chaos. Their eyes, once wild and untamed, now held a flicker of recognition, as if they sensed something familiar in Nikol's presence.


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