Femdom Island

Chapter 229 Immortality Or Death

Both Leviathan and Phoenix couldn't help but look at each other with their eyes showing confusion, as Nikol asked the question that he was dying to ask.

"What are you two going to do now? Are you going back to your immortal lives or do you want to disappear like Fenrir,"

He didn't hold back because he knew death is something far more lovely and peaceful for them, than the idea of living forever without having any idea why they even exist and being unable to associate with the other lower races and make their lives interesting.

"No, I want to live, at least until I find the meaning of why I came into existence," Leviathan said showing she wasn't the type of person to give up.

But on the other hand, the idea of death really appealed to Phoenix, who was actually thinking about it as she wanted to end this pitiful life of having to live forever.

"Please give me some time to think," She said and went ahead to the corner of the room, but she couldn't think about it yet, as Nikol dropped another bomb on them.

With a solemn expression etched upon his countenance, Nikol continued his revelation.

"I also killed Jormungand," Nikol's voice reverberated through the ethereal expanse as he began to unveil a truth that had been hidden for eons.

"He was not any different, his whole purpose of creating all these problems was so he can make sure someone like I will take his place, after all even after he died, he can't enter nothingness because he is still bound to the universe,"

He explained to them everything that happened after they went unconscious and they were surprised to hear that Jormungand wasn't any different from them.

Leviathan's glimmering eyes shimmered with intrigue. "But why would Jormungand turn to you, Nikol? What purpose could you serve in his goal?"

A melancholic sigh escaped Nikol's lips. "He wanted me to take over his position so he can erase himself from existence," A flicker of sorrow shadowed Nikol's piercing eyes.

Leviathan, intrigued by Nikol's revelation, gazed upon him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "And what path shall you take now, Nikol?" she inquired, her voice echoing through the hallways.

Nikol's expression hardened, determination igniting within his eyes. "I shall get on a quest to eradicate the remnants of Jormungand's power that linger in this realm," he declared.

"I will unravel the threads he left behind and witness what unfolds in his wake. If the universe insists on challenging me further, I shall face it head-on, regardless of the consequences."

Phoenix's flames flickered with a mix of admiration and worry. "But Nikol, such a path carries great risk. The universe has shown its unyielding nature, and its trials can be perilous. Are you prepared to face the consequences? It's not something that we should be going against? We don't even know what it looks like or how to face it,"

A fierce smile curved Nikol's lips, reflecting his unyielding resolve.

"I refuse to go down without a fight, Phoenix," he declared. "This world where my loved ones reside shall remain protected. I will not allow anything to befall it. The universe may be powerful, but I am not without strength. I shall confront it with every fiber of my being and make sure that things won't end up in a disaster,"

He knew this was a foolish decision after all, fighting with the same thing that might be giving you the power and holding you is not something a wise would do, but he had no choice after all it had already begun and the only choice Nikol had was to move forward.

Leviathan's massive form undulated gracefully, conveying a mixture of admiration and concern. "Nikol, your courage is commendable. To challenge the very forces that shape existence requires great fortitude. But remember, even the mightiest can be humbled."

Nikol nodded, acknowledging Leviathan's wisdom. "I hear your words, Leviathan, and I appreciate your concern. I shall tread carefully, mindful of the dangers that lie ahead. But I shall not falter. This land, this world that holds my loved ones, deserves protection. I will fight for it, whatever the cost."

Leaving those words with the two 'sisters' Nikol left them to take their decisions and he didn't want to release them just yet, because he knew they still had hostility toward him.

While he was doing this, things were getting rather interesting near the hollowatch as the girls started bombarding the monsters that approached the wall like crazy flexing their new increased powers.

"Look at this!" Emily suddenly touched the ground and suddenly the monsters that were approaching them got thrown away by a huge boulder that appeared below it showing how her powers increased by several folds.

Alva wasn't going to let her play like that as she wanted to flex her own powers, so this time she aimed more accurately at an enemy and shot her own fire, which didn't explode like earlier instead it landed straight on the wolf-like monsters that kept coming in their direction attracted by their scent and powers.

"You two! Don't go overboard with your powers," Usha shouted while carrying her baby and making sure she was having a rather good time.

"Nikol told me that soon you two will also get pregnant so don't fo using powers like crazy,"

Alva went ahead and looked at the baby in her mother's embrace and gave her a finger which the baby quickly caught showing she identified her sister.

"She is so cute~," Emily said as she remembered about these past few days.

It would have been rather annoying for them if they didn't have experienced women to take care of the children after all, for newbies like them feeding their kids and taking care of them was an absolute nightmare, but it is something that everyone did gratefully.

"Is it really okay to bring her here?" Alva questioned as she watched the outside of the wall filled with monsters.

But Usha just smiled as she pointed at the wall, which was the first thing Nikol made in this town.

"I have faith in his power, I don't think any monster can break that after all, look the base is filled with slug type monsters and goblin-looking things, but none of them can even climb this wall,"

Alva just nodded her head agreeing with her while playing with her little 'sister' or stepdaughter. She didn't really understand what their relationship was and she didn't even care because she knew she loved her.

After all, if she had a child with Nikol it will be really weird if they try to go by the normal standard relationships.

But their focus abruptly shifted as a monstrous figure loomed in the distance, heading towards the fortified wall surrounding their base.

It was rather intimidating as it looked a lot bigger than an ordinary monster and it really showed how many unknown things there are even though they were living in this land since their birth.

Alva tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes narrowing as she observed the approaching giant. "Mother, be prepared. We don't know what this creature is capable of."

Usha nodded, her expression resolute and she handed over the baby to a random girl and asked her to take the baby to a safe area. "We'll face it together, Alva. Whatever it takes."

The monster was rather slow, but slowly it got close to the wall that Nikol built.

As the monstrous figure drew nearer, their initial fear turned into puzzlement.

The creature seemed to be ignoring them, instead targeting the other monsters that roamed near the base. The ground trembled with each monstrous stride it took, creating a chaotic scene of destruction and carnage.

Alva's voice wavered with curiosity. "Mother, do you see what I see? That monster isn't attacking us. It's devouring the other monsters!"

Usha's eyes widened in disbelief, her voice tinged with awe. "By the goddess, you're right! It's... changing. It's becoming more human-like with each kill."

They watched in amazement as the creature, its massive form once terrifying, began to take on a more recognizable shape.

Its monstrous features softened, replaced by the contours of a humanoid face. Muscles rippled beneath its skin, transitioning from grotesque appendages to a more refined human form. It was a rather creepy thing to look at, as it looked like it was a human without its skin and Alva almost felt like puking seeing that grotesque scene.

Alva lowered her sword, her initial battle stance fading.

"Mother, we should report this to him, looks like this is something strange," She shouted, and Usha couldn't agree more.

"Agreed, Alva. We must not rush into any rash actions. There may be more to this than meets the eye."

As the monster continued to devour its fellow beasts, its transformation reached a critical point.

The once-horrifying creature now stood before them, unmistakably human, albeit with remnants of its monstrous nature still evident. Its eyes, filled with a mixture of confusion and gratitude, met Alva and Usha's gaze.



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