Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 60: Thoughts in the Dark

Chapter 60:Thoughts in the Dark


He was woken by pain in his side when he tried to roll over. He groaned and rolled the other way, running into a warm body that jerked awake.

"Reth? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Hush love, I'm fine," he said, reaching with his good arm to brush the hair back off her face and over her shoulder. "It's good to see you," he rumbled.

She sighed. "You too. You scared me."

He grimaced. "Yes. I'm sorry about that. It was instinct to get to you and in my beast form I don't really think the same way—"

"No, Reth, I meant when you collapsed. Aymora said you kept shifting even when you shouldn't and it's made the injury worse. She's worried you'll get an infection."

Reth grumbled a few choice words. "I'll be healed in two days and she knows it," he muttered.

"Not if you keep shifting. You have to be careful, Reth. She said you're re-injuring it every time."

He considered his body then. The itch was still in his skin, but not difficult to deny. And she was laying next to him, barely clothed. If he was this solid now, he was going to be fine. "I think the worst of it has passed," he said, then touched her face. "How are you? I missed you."

Her face softened and her cheeks bloomed with that heat that he loved. "I missed you, too," she said softly. "I even offended Behryn by accidentally startling him when I was trying to find out when you'd be back. I had to go back and try again. Why didn't you tell me that the Anima teach by showing? Apparently, everyone's been trying to show me how to act correctly and I've been offending them by apologizing and leaving instead of trying again! I had no idea. I'm so embarrassed."

"Let them be offended, Elia. They need to learn that change—or being different—isn't always a bad thing."

"Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black," she said dryly. Reth didn't understand the reference, but she was leaning on his good side so her hair fell over his chest and her scent washed over him. Reth nearly groaned. Instead he twisted his fingers into her hair and pulled her in for a kiss. She came willingly. So willingly, Reth pulled back and stared at her.

"Aymora said something to you about the mating, didn't she?"

"Yes! I can't believe you didn't tell me, Reth! Why do you keep hiding these things from me?"

"Because I didn't want to press you. You'd been through so much. I felt like you needed time to adjust. And I can wait."

"Oh, really?" she said, one eyebrow up in a skeptical expression that reminded him so much of his late mother, Reth lost his breath for a second. "You haven't been having any trouble because we put it off? None at all?"

"Well, maybe a little," he admitted. "But I always knew it was just a matter of time. I told everyone else to stop pushing. We'd get there. I knew we would. And really, when you think about it, this is Behryn's fault for interrupting us when—"

Elia groaned and rolled away, onto her back, her head still resting on his arm, but her hands over her face. "So, freaking embarrassing," she groaned into her palms. "They all saw—"

"They saw nothing," Reth growled. "I made sure of it."

She snorted, but didn't argue. "I had no idea how it was affecting you, Reth. You should have told me. You should have told me all these pressures you've been under."

His eyebrows popped up. "Why? They are my loads to carry, not yours. I am King—"

"Oh, cut the crap, Reth. I'd swear, you act like you're more than human or something." They both froze for a second, then he snorted a laugh and Elia groaned. "You know what I mean."

"I know, I know. And I love that you care, Elia. You are diamond among females and I'm so glad the Creator brought you to me." He'd meant the words to sound sweet, but there was a breathlessness in them that he hadn't intended and she heard it.

She rolled over again, leaning on her elbow next to him to meet his eyes, though he suspected she saw very little in the deep darkness of the cave.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this," she said softly, "But I'm glad I'm here. I mean… I mean, I wish it hadn't taken the Rite. I wish you'd come to find me and we'd come here together and I had time to prepare. And I wish I could have said goodbye to my friends. But when you were gone all those days, Reth, it wasn't my world I was thinking about. It was you."

Reth's heart swelled. He hadn't expected such a declaration from her so quickly. He pushed up onto his elbow to face her, groaning as he pulled his sore side up, and she hissed. But he got there and after a breath, could relax. She was so small next to him, but she had her face tilted up to look at him so they were nose to nose.

He, very gently, took her face in his hand. "You were all I could think about, no matter what form I was in," he said hoarsely. "Elia, can I kiss you?"

"You can always kiss me, Reth. You don't have to ask. Unless I'm mad at you. Then it's probably better to—"

But he took her lips to stop the words and she sighed into his mouth, her little hand sliding up to cup his neck. And he let her, stunned by the fact that he felt no urge to move her hand away. Usually his every instinct screamed against letting anyone near his neck—where his lifeblood flowed so close to the surface. The jugular was an Anima's most vital, most vulnerable spot. Certain death if exposed to the wrong person. Yet, she'd offered hers to him the first time they'd kissed. He'd been humbled.

Now, her touch flamed on his skin and his breath came faster as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

Elia whimpered in her throat and clung to him. Reth, ignoring the spear of pain in his side, rolled her back so he could lean over her and kiss her properly.


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