Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 59: Vulnerable King

Chapter 59:Vulnerable King


Tension rose in the clearing as Reth scowled at the men bowing in front of him, and they stayed frozen under his disapproving gaze.

But before Elia could try to make peace again, Reth tensed and the others all turned to look back towards the path into the clearing.

"Who's coming?" Reth asked, and Elia was surprised—first that he didn't know, and secondly by the edge of fear in his voice.

Behryn made a strange whistle and one of the men behind him leapt to his feet and ran swiftly towards the path, his spear drawn. But he was gone bare seconds before he came jogging back. "The guard returning," he called as he rejoined the men in the bow before Reth, "And Aymora."

Reth gave a little grunt and pulled Elia tighter to his side, kissing her hair as the people emerged from the forest. "If they say anything to you, let me handle it," he whispered in her ear, his body swayed against hers.

Elia frowned, but nodded. "Reth are you alright?" but her attention was distracted by the appearance of new people.

The guards arrived first, and Elia recognized a man—she thought his name was Faryth—near the front. As they fanned out to surround the clearing and positioned themselves watching the woods, Aymora walked straight towards Reth, her strides quick and purposeful.

When she reached them, her brow lined with worry, she nodded once at Elia, then spoke straight to Reth. "How bad is it?"

"The shifting and running…" he trailed off, then Elia felt him sway again and she gasped, turning to grab him, but there was nothing to hold onto as his massive form crumpled to the ground.

"RETH!" she screamed.


It took three of the guards to carry Reth into the Cave, and even then they struggled. Aymora issued calm orders for them to place him in his own furs, sent a fourth runner to the city to call a helper, and asked Behryn to describe exactly what had happened.

"He beat us here," Behryn said, his tone sheepish. "by the time we got here he'd already put the wolves down."

Aymora looked at Elia. "He came out of nowhere," she said, one hand on his thigh as the men laid him down and covered him with the furs. "He landed between me and the wolf that was attacking me and hit her to the ground—"

"They actually attacked?" Aymora said, her eyes wide with shock in the first real expression she'd shown in Elia's presence.

Elia nodded. "One did, and he hit her so she fell. Then all three of them bowed and didn't move. Then Behryn and the others arrived and—"

"He stalked the whole clearing before walking into the forest to transform. When he came out he wasn't walking free," Behyrn said darkly.

Aymora sighed. "At least the tonic should keep him in this form for a while. But he'll need to keep taking it until he can complete the mating."

Elia blinked. "I'm sorry… did you say—"

Aymora turned on her, her face determined. "He was wounded in the fight with the Silent One." Elia covered her mouth with her hands. "He will heal. But he must stop shifting to allow his blood to work. Right now, his Anima instincts are pressing him to his beast form because the mating bond hasn't been completed. He knows until you're his, you could be taken by another male and it's forcing the beast out to protect you—and to take you."

Elia's mouth opened and closed and opened again. "I… I didn't know…"

"Now you do. For the Creator's sake—for Anima—take your husband as soon as he's able. Do not leave him vulnerable to his own fear for you. Do not embolden his enemies."

Elia swallowed and nodded, avoiding the eyes of at all the men in the room hearing this conversation.

"Until then, he must take two spoonfuls of this at sunrise and sunset," Aymora went on, as if her instruction were nothing of note. She passed Elia a green bottle. "It will help him control the shift until he's able to complete the mating."

Cheeks hot, Elia took it and nodded again. "I'll make sure."

"Good. When things have… settled, come speak with me. The woman's council would like to know our Queen. And we can help you navigate these waters better than the men."

Behryn straightened from checking Reth's eyes and pushed out a breath.

Aymora rolled her eyes and flapped a hand at him. "Alpha-male bullshit," she muttered. "So busy knowing everything, they forget that some of us used to wipe their asses before they could do it for themselves."

Behryn's face colored and Elia stifled a laugh, delighted at how easily the woman set these men down. Aymora's eyes lit with humor, though she didn't smile. She leaned into Elia's ear and whispered easily loud enough for the men to hear, "The secret is to compliment them all the time, for everything. Then they don't pay enough attention to see how you fixed everything while they were busy strutting."

Elia choked as Behryn's shoulders crawled towards his ears and Aymora turned back the furs over Reth's body to reveal an angry red wound on his ribs.

The urge to laugh disappeared as Elia caught sight of it and rushed closer. But Aymora already had a basket of salves and bandages out. "Let's get this wrapped while he's still out. It won't feel good and the pain will press him toward the shift again."

Elia swallowed hard and stepped up, following the wise-woman's instructions as best she could, and trying desperately to remember all the things the woman was showing her.

Elia was still swallowing the pinch of tears when, between them they got the wound cleaned and dressed before Reth started to stir. She rushed to his head as his eyes fluttered, and held his shoulder down, along with Behryn on his other side, when he tried to sit up.

"Rest, Reth, please. You need to stay laying down."

He blinked a few times before his eyes locked on hers and he sighed. "You're safe," he said foggily.

She nodded, biting her lip. "I'm fine. You kept me safe. Thank you. Now you can rest. The others are here and they'll make sure we're both safe until you're better."

Aymora caught her eye for a moment, grinning, and Elia's heart lightened.

"Behr?" Reth rasped.

"I'm here," he said, stepping closer to the platform so Reth could see him.

"The wolves?" Reth growled, his body tense under

"They went to the elders as you instructed. The elders will bring them to the next Security Council."

Behryn nodded, his face dark.

Elia took Reth's hand and wound her thin fingers between his thick ones and he sighed. "So glad you're safe, Elia," he breathed.

"I'm fine. Just rest. Please."

He nodded and slipped back into sleep.


WANT MORE? There's a NEW book in the BEAST series available NOW! Find "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library today! (And it's entered in the Spirity Awards--so share your votes if you have them!)


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