Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

It took him almost a minute to reach the hole in the wall. The most difficult test was already ahead. It was necessary to manage to crawl through a small hole on a hill from a pile of stones, and at the same time to hurry. In the last minute, almost the entire ceiling collapsed, the boy was clearly lucky today, any stone could have been killed, but they seemed to bypass him.

Stepping his hand on the stone, the guy began to climb slowly, in his teeth he clutched a folder with papers rolled into a thick tube. To some extent, it was even easier for him, the pain from the exertion pierced the whole body, so this way of keeping everything under control was not bad at all.

Step by step he made his way out. Over the years, a small and weak body developed much slower than that of ordinary children, so that he managed to crawl into a small hole in the wall without much difficulty, and then finally freedom ... Suddenly, the hand slipped, and the guy immediately flew down. Having flown about two meters, he sprawled on the stone ground and began to roll over slowly with pain in his eyes. The pain felt different, not as much as it could have, so he continued. Now he could see the situation in the area more clearly. The huge building collapsed, and most of it disappeared into flames. This building looked more like a huge factory with a pair of stone towers, it was from such a tower that he got out. She turned out to be the only one who suffered least of all, even the nearby forest had not yet been subjected to fire, on the other side even the earth had collapsed, along with the trees, and even further away the forest was blazing with fire, the smoke from which closed the already black skies. The piercing smell of burning mercilessly hit the nose, which made the boy dizzy. He raised his hand to his face in surprise, and it immediately became covered with fresh blood.

"Not even better ..." - the head ached again, the air grew heavy and nausea surged. But now is not the time to switch off or give up! He gathered the remaining strength into a fist, tightened his grip on the folder in his teeth, and crawled on. There was no strength left, in this ridiculous position, with bruises on his back, he continued to crawl, his face was already covered with blood, his long hair hid his eyes filled with determination, in this night against the background of a flaming forest, the guy resembled a wild animal clinging to life with his last strength. His bloody fingers cut deeper into the ground, and he continued to crawl, continued in spite of everything ...

After a while ...

The sun rose, the smoke cleared long ago and the fire finally extinguished, or perhaps it simply burned out everything in its path, leaving these lands. The shaking also ended, the only thing that remained was a huge burned-out area and a deep hole in which the debris of destruction rested - only ruins remained. At the same time, almost a kilometer from the center of the magical explosion, under the shadow of a tree, a young man lay in a heap of leaves. His hair matted, dirt and soot all over his body. On lips and fingers, clotted blood, even pale skin did not seem so clean anymore. Last day, the boy crawled until he simply lost consciousness, at the end he just fell exhausted and passed out. A battered gray file covered with caked blood drops lay to one side.

The dawn rays of the sun touched the child's dark hair and then their true color finally showed itself. Dark purple, silky and shiny, surprisingly long, largely thanks to them that night he did not get so cold, because they completely covered his head and back.

And finally, bright rays touched his face, passing over dirty legs and skinny back. Touching her hair, the sun broke through and intervened in a serene sleep. Slightly squinting, the boy turned unhappily on the other side, but even there the bright rays were not going to allow him to dream for a long time. Finally, the boy had to open his eyes and crawl into the shadows. My teeth were trembling, my body was covered with goose bumps. This morning turned out to be rather cold, especially for the almost completely naked child. The small fabric almost did not cover his back, due to the fact that strange threads were attached to his body, the fabric on the back was removed.

Yesterday he did not notice the cold because of the heat from the fire, but now he is faced with an unpleasant phenomenon. The human body was still frozen, and in his case, without much strength it will be even more difficult to keep warm.

With a heavy sigh, the guy finally looked around, there was no time for that yesterday. It turned out that he somehow crawled to some edge. Here two dirt paths crossed and several bushes with black berries grew. Otherwise, the place is the most common, and in the distance there was a dense forest. Although palm trees and plants, strange for these places, were very surprising.

"Judging by the tracks, I crawled along the road ..." - paying attention to his feet, the guy picked up a battered folder and straightened it a little. She still had teeth marks and some nosebleeds. Remembering this, the guy rubbed his lips, and the dried blood immediately crumbled. Pushing the long hair from his eyes, the boy opened the folder. My arms were already working better, although they ached, and my legs moved noticeably better.

"I ought to wash the wounds, I can hear a stream somewhere ... Then I need to treat it with something" - looking around the grass, the boy immediately noticed that most of the plants seemed unfamiliar to him. This again made me think about the situation. Everything around seemed too alien: a weak child's body, a different air and something incomprehensible in the body. Even now, the guy felt like some kind of force was flowing throughout his body. She gave lightness and seemed to heal all wounds.

"If another body, then the world can too ... I did not think that this is possible in reality. Everything around does not seem somehow invented, the pain is for sure. If there is a problem, it's more in my head. If so, then there is nothing you can do about it "- for the first time grinning, the guy again drew attention to the folder. On the cover there was the same symbol of a red heart with fangs. This time, after a long night, the boy's mind had more or less recovered, so that now, as he looked at the symbol, he finally remembered the reason why it seemed so vaguely familiar to him.

- Heart of Grimoire! - the guy knitted his eyebrows: - It can't be ... It's even harder to believe in it than in rebirth. Although, why now be surprised ... Let's see, - finally opening the folder, the guy's face once again underwent changes, a misunderstanding with a mixture of surprise clearly appeared on it. He stared at the page for a few more seconds, and then frowned again.

- This child in the photo ... I seem to begin to understand - with a thoughtful expression, he continued to turn page after page. Basically, they only showed incomprehensible symbols, sometimes strange diagrams and some kind of runes, and some had photographs. It was they who most of all attracted his attention ...


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