Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The boy continued to try to open his eyelids and at some point he began to work. Bright, red eyes ... The flame gleamed playfully in them, and the boy slowly began to come to his senses. Breathing began to level out, the bizarre images in my head fell into place. He finally became aware of himself and remembered the past. Perplexity, mixed with a sense of fear, filled his mind, but the experience of the past years did not allow him to panic. Slowly, but he began to move his arms. The muscles atrophied, they were not used at all for a whole decade, and most importantly, the body was different from the past! Even the feeling of a strange power hidden in the veins was frightening, but for some reason it was this power with the desire to escape and get out of this scrape as if it affected the entire body and slowly gave it strength. As if the spirit itself lifted the weakened muscles and breathed into them the strength to go on!

This feeling was intoxicating, it even slowly dispelled the accumulated fear and misunderstanding. Finally, vision focused, and the guy was able to inspect what was happening around, his hearing slowly returned to normal. It turned out that he was with him all the time, rather all the sounds just faded into the background, hiding from his attention.

The starry sky spread out before the gaze of the young man, his beauty mesmerized. The earth trembled, several burned corpses at the moment fell into the opened abyss, disappearing forever. Flames flared up around him, and already slowly overtook the boy. Of his clothes, he is wearing only a torn piece of fabric, barely hiding an important place, and his tousled hair fancifully covered his forehead and face. The huge head of hair could almost completely hide the whole body. Only two bloody eyes peered up into the sky. He has never seen such beauty! The world seemed to have acquired all the colors, the air turned into nectar for the lungs, the blood burned with energy throughout the body. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Even in this dangerous environment, he was amazed at all the amazing features of the new world. He still did not understand where he was, but he clearly felt how his life had changed. Death was not the end, but he was sure that he died then ... Now, he is alive again and is able to breathe!

Stretching out his hand, the hair slowly flowed between thin fingers. Raising a pale palm in front of him and hiding the bright moon, a slight grin crept out on the young man's face:

- Child ... - to understand that this child's hand turned out to be not so difficult, but to accept that this hand belongs to you now, after just a moment ago you were an adult, is a completely different matter. But, he did not even try to start, if the body is new and weak, the sense of danger is still old. The experience of past years allowed him to think sensibly. No longer indulging in feelings, he with difficulty, but was able to roll over on his side. When he saw the shaking earth and slowly spreading cracks, dead bodies and crumbling walls, a blazing laboratory, he finally realized what an unpleasant situation he was in. He unconsciously felt that years had passed since the moment of "death", even scraps of some memories confirmed this, but still, it seemed as if he had fallen asleep only recently and now he is again in the midst of some problems. There are chances that this is some kind of afterlife, but the pain and sense of reality are quite real. If so, then there is no point in doubting whether this is a dream, at least not now. It is important to be saved and as soon as possible!

The earthquakes only intensified, it felt like the earth was trying to take everything on the surface. Magic equipment and the bodies of dead mages fell into cracks. The surviving boy with great will to live continued to crawl. The legs and arms were so weak that the chances of escape decreased every moment. The only luck was that the cracks and destruction did not touch the central part of the laboratory, the place in which he was located. But this is definitely not for long, the cracks have already touched this land and very soon even this safe island will fall into the ground.

- Come on, damn it ...! - with bloodshot eyes, the guy kept climbing. He had no idea how to escape, where there was a way out. There seemed to be only one way to get out here, and this is also the most dangerous choice.

Stopping by the corpse of some dwarf, the guy scowled at his bearded face. Wrinkled and pale, gray beard and crooked nose. I was surprised by the color of his unusual eyes, which were still open - pale yellow, the color of wheat. This was the first time he had seen such bizarre eyes. Though they didn't express anything else, there was a distinct fear on the old man's face. The boy was about to continue to save himself, but suddenly noticed something strange ...

Reaching out to the dwarf's clothes, the guy frowned and looked at the symbol on his chest:

- It feels like I saw him ... - he tried to remember, but his head still ached and his thoughts were a little confused. The red heart looked like something, but that's what ... Suddenly, another crash thundered, the nearest wall collapsed at the same moment, from which a spark of joy flashed in the boy's eyes.

"Output!" - although the wall crumbled, but stones filled up almost everything, except for a small hole. Freedom could be seen right there. Some kind of dark forest lit by flames. The explosion did not spare the surrounding land at all ...

The guy returned his gaze to the old man and again looked at the symbol on his chest. There was a feeling that this was something important, something that should not be forgotten ...

- Okay, to hell with him ... - trying to get down on his knees, the guy lowered his head and strained all his strength in his hands, when he suddenly noticed something else: a gray folder with the same heart symbol. At that moment, the ground shook again, and then the ceiling began to collapse. A huge stone fell just a meter away from the guy, and several fragments even flew into him. Grimacing with pain, he rubbed his shoulder and still resolutely got up on his knees, grabbed the gray folder and quickly crawled to the exit. Now is not the time to be distracted by something - instincts told me that you need to run now and faster. One unsuccessful shake and a stone from the ceiling can land on your head or even close the hole in the wall.

Gritting his teeth, the guy continued to crawl out of the laboratory. Bones and muscles were already functioning much better. In fact, a normal person would not be able to walk at all after so many years, especially when he has never even used muscles in his life. Perhaps this can be attributed to magic and a lot of experiments on his body, otherwise it's hard to believe in this. But, the memory slowly returned to him, so the young man remembered how to move ...


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