Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

On that day, as the couple left the forest, Aidan was finally fully convinced that they had finally reached the right place. Even then, watching the huge desert on a high rock, looking at Wendy's smiling face, he decided to take her with him. Even if it was dangerous with him, he still succumbed to this desire, succumbed to the feeling that arises every time he hears her gentle voice or sees this innocent smile. Perhaps this is called the feelings of a brother for a sister. He really did not understand, because he never knew it. He decided to take her with him to Fairy Tail. Aidan was sure that such a cutie would find many more friends. Even the moment of jealousy he still extinguished for the sake of this, nevertheless he understood that she was still a living person, and he had a business in this world, a family business. He just can't carry Wendy with him always, that moment due to death magic showed a lot ... Therefore, Fairy Tail is the best solution. But that is not why he continued his way to the Cat House.

- Brother, why did we stop? Wendy asked, starting to look around with curiosity. Ahead, a clear area opened to some abandoned place overgrown with trees. Among them was a small thatched house, the roof of which could be seen even from a distance.

Aidan sighed and looked around himself.

"I think. Charlie will land around here somewhere ... That old man might be in those ruins. I don't think we should visit him, it's no use. We'll have to wait ... "- with a wry smile, he remarked:" Still, I could not ... To deprive my sister of my best friend is an act that deserves death. "

Plans to join the guild and get clothes had to be postponed, and they ate quite well along the way. Aidan even made himself clothes out of animal furs, even though they were quite hot in them. Now he only wore what looked like a leaf skirt and a fur collar. With his sides shaved, she looked exactly like some member of a wild tribe. Even Wendy got a gift of several bear fangs. In fact, the guy did it for himself, just for fun, but he had to give it after meeting with one sweet smile ...

Having set up a camp near the ruins, Aidan began to prepare food from the collected supplies. Pulling out a ground stove, he decided to put out a few mushrooms and a couple of rabbits. Wendy didn't really like to see this, especially dead animals, so Aidan usually cooked alone. Mostly more and often grumbling:

"He doesn't like to look, but he eats it by both cheeks ... Girls from virginity are incomprehensible."

So, the evening came for cooking. Here Aidan planned to stay until the very arrival of the Exids and practice magic himself, and at the same time teach Wendy something. For example, for several days in a row he has been trying to teach her how to roar the dragon, and he himself, along the way, trying to master his own, basically came out so-so. Wendy did not succeed, and she was often upset, but she finally got used to the idea that she would not meet Grandina soon.

Aidan got the roar of the ice god, but rather weak, although this is possible only by his standards. At least the foundations of ice magic have improved markedly. So his magic has already reached an acceptable level, and he himself may be a little, but he gained weight, and his skin color has become a little better, no longer so painful. In addition, he now moves absolutely calmly and moves any limb. A cane is no longer needed in this difficult matter.

Delicious food, a sweet little sister as a listener to another story and a wonderful smell of a fire at sunset. What else could you need for a better evening? Someone might have asked for a drink, but in general, so it will do ...

So the days of waiting for the arrival of Charlie's egg began. Once this happens, you can finally continue on your way. Now, Aidan could protect Wendy from any forest enemies, even from huge and dangerous Volcanoes, so he didn't really care about the well-being of these days. It only remained to wait peacefully, and he had already roughly determined the path to the nearest city.


And so the days passed ... A whole month later, Aidan already began to suspect that he was missing something. And Wendy was already noticeably tired of sitting in one place and practicing magic. During this time, the couple had already built a small thatched house and often took refuge in it from the rain and basked in the cold night. During this time, they almost turned into some kind of cute version of a real family ...

Aidan loved these days, although he was drawn to adventure and magical knowledge, yet there was something special about this quiet survival with a cute little sister.

He woke up very early this morning. Better covered Wendy with a wolf skin and got out of the shelter. After enjoying the clean air, the guy drank some water and sat down on the grass wet with dew. The dawn was getting brighter ...

"I think I was wrong with the year ... Yes, I don't remember exactly when it all happened. I remember, in seven hundred and seventy-seventh, the Dragon Slayers Arrived in the world, but, Xids ... Hmm, how long has Natsu been in the guild? " - Aidan thoughtfully scratched his head: "I think a few months for sure ... Besides, there was no winter, if so, it could even be a whole year. I have been in this world for almost two months, but I continue to live in the forest, and I also drag Wendy with me. Charlie is there or not, I have to do something about it ... We need to understand when exactly the Xids will arrive. "

After a little thought, Aidan's gaze once again rested on a thicket in the distance. The doubts slowly dissipated. He could not rely on luck, but Wendy was absolutely not going to leave! Therefore, he came up with a different plan.

Looking back, the guy looked at the girl and smiled warmly. The sight of Wendy sleeping was no less touching than her perky laughter in the evenings around the fire. He was afraid to leave her even for a minute, but still it was necessary now. The girl never mastered combat magic, so anything can happen ... Therefore, Aidan stood up and straightened to his full height, then closed his eyes and stretched out his arms forward, followed by a golden glow of life magic. He still had not learned to conjure and force plants to obey simply at the behest of thought, so contact was important. He knew only a few spells, but in the magic of assassins, understanding your element is important. Living in the forest, he learned a lot about living things and, therefore, about his magic, especially after the frequent hunt for food. He realized how much better to manage plants, therefore, then he acted with understanding ...


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