Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The leaves from the dead trees finally fell to the ground, Wendy watched in fear. Her kind "brother" has changed beyond recognition! From a smiling boy, he instantly transformed into a pale one like the death of a demon. Black veins were already spreading over the head, and the aura emitted by it inspired an irresistible fear. The cold seemed to make its way into the body and did not allow to move. Wendy just froze and clasped her hands on her chest, not knowing at all what to do ... Just a meter away from her, the streak of life ended and all the plants on the other side died. Aidan crossed the line and killed the third monster, when Wendy finally broke down and shouted:

- B-brother! Enough!

About to finish off the last one, Aidan stopped abruptly. At the same moment, his piercing gaze landed on the little girl. Wendy instantly shuddered, but fear simply did not allow her to move, tears ran by themselves.

Having already pretty much taken away his life, Aidan gritted his teeth and grabbed his head. In this state, he could still regain control to some extent, at least as long as he could. All he wanted at this time was to experience as much life as possible and it doesn't matter at all whether he takes it away or just fights on the brink of death. Any desire must come true! Whether it's bloodlust or lust, anger or resentment, it will throw it all out!

Only, he could no longer stop, he knew it was useless to resist, now he must finish! Wendy shook his mind quite a bit, so he rushed at all possible speed to the last surviving creature already without death magic, an ice edge simply appeared on his hand, instantly piercing the defenseless animal. It doesn't matter what magic to kill, now he just has to kill in order to regain control of himself!

Spattering blood, Aidan took a couple of steps back and then fell to the ground. He was finally able to catch on and slowly began to regain his former appearance. Once again, amazed at this strange state. He was himself, only slightly different ... The instinct to fulfill the most vicious or evil desires prevailed over him. Fortunately, now it is only a simple killing of some animals. It's hard to imagine what would happen if he was to use death magic against humans. How many can he kill then? Is it really possible to hold back in this case ... The realization was frightening. As he was lucky in magic, he was not lucky in paying for it.

"Ha ... That's it ..." With choppy breathing, Aidan quickly returned to normal. The black streaks on his face slowly disappeared under the skin, the color of which was once again the same. The cruel aura disappeared after this, and the guy fell exhausted to the ground. He was mostly worn out emotionally. The amount of his reserves of magic allowed him to calmly survive even such a surge. Quite possibly this is another reason why he was able to regain control of himself.

Wendy was finally able to regain her senses, she quickly wiped away her tears and ran to Aidan in a panic. She was not at all embarrassed by who he was just a moment ago, for her he again became himself and she rushed to help him in all she could.

- Brother! - the girl ran up and fell next to the young man's face, clasping it with her thin arms. She had laughed merrily at his new hairstyle not so long ago, but now there was only panic and anxiety on her face. Aidan couldn't even raise his hands, so when he was on the lap of the little girl, he just grinned wryly.

"I'm sorry Wendy, I didn't say, but ... My magic is not that simple. Sometimes it happens, I become ...

- Angry?

Aidan chuckled.

- Not really, rather ... Emotional.

Having already begun to use healing magic, Wendy asked in surprise:

- How is it emo-t-ionic?

- Well ... It's difficult ... When a person sees death and realizes that the end is inevitable, he can become quite ... In general, he may stop being afraid of everything else and want to fulfill everything in life, before his end ... In my case, everything is almost the same. Only ... "Aidan chuckled." It doesn't matter.

He couldn't tell her that with death magic, he was very different from the man on the edge. In his case, fear was completely absent, rather the opposite ... This frightened him most of all in this magic. Even without a curse, he faced a similar one. But even so, he did not regret it at all. To see such a worried face of his only friend, even a little girl ... He clearly knew that he had done the right thing. It was only disappointing that she could see everything, but also gladdened that she no longer looked at him with fear. Wendy seemed to understand everything ... It is possible to see only good in people and makes her so special, and magic is not at all important.

With a warm smile, Aidan closed his eyes and slowly began to enjoy the pure and gentle magic of the young sorceress. Each time she brought him peace and tranquility. This awkward little girl's magic fully reflected her innocent nature. Slowly, the two friends began to bond with each other.


In the evening, against the backdrop of the setting sun, two stopped at a steep mountainside. The scarlet rays of the setting sun gently touched the face of little Wendy Marvell and the boy barely surpassing her in height.

Aidan let go of his little sister's hand for a moment and scowled at the horizon. Finally, before his eyes, spread out a small desert area filled only with sand. True, this did not apply to the entire territory, only to a certain area, in the rest of the area, grass and flowers grew everywhere. Only there were no more trees. Aidan had only vague memories, but he did not know the whole path to the guild of the Cat House, he mainly relied on the girl in this path. She herself did not notice how she was leading him into the unknown, he only walked alongside and simply followed, only sometimes directing.

After another couple of days of travel, the two finally crossed the deserts and found themselves in clean meadows. The villages and people were never foreseen, and they never met Mystogan. Aidan didn't attach any more importance to this, rather he reflected more and more on the moment of separation. Now he fully realized that he did not really want to give the girl to someone else. Especially some old ghost ... Maybe he became attached to her, and they became friends, but that was enough. He wanted to protect that warm smile. Who wouldn't want to? This is no longer a matter of kindness or nobility. It's just that Wendy is too pure and innocent to hurt and hurt her, just not something he could go to. He didn't even know how Mystogan had found the strength to do this ...

Now the idea of the Cat House was slowly fading away. Only, he still continued on his way, continuing to tell the girls different stories, mostly invented, and sometimes completely altered from the moments of the possible future of this world. But the feeling of anxiety still did not leave him, he moved to the Cat House no longer for himself, but for her ...


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