Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 75: Tricky Is Quite Surprising

Chapter 75: Tricky Is Quite Surprising

Harvard left the back of Tricky's Conqueror Dungeon and pulled out the boss' head from his inventory.

Something amazing things came in small packages, however, he couldn't help but feeling that wasn't true with Hot Yummy. Her tummy seemed to be swelling a little bit, and he got a little bit nervous. What if the new armor she was wearing was causing her injuries?

"You-you can't just steal a boss from a dungeon!" Commanding Boss said, "I-I'm an important person! Who-who's going to die and give treasure to Ghost Adventurers with me out of the dungeon! My-my wife will give you anything you want! She-she works at a brothel okay! Literally, anything you want!"

"Your wife works at a brothel?" Grinning SWord cleared his throat. "She-she doesn't have brown hair and blue eyes does she with cute little dimples on her face. What? It's not like I paid her less than the other girls, hahahaha! Why are you all staring at me like that?"

"No, she-she's the owner of the brothel. She-she gives Ghost Adventurer's contracts. Some people, since this is there second life, would rather use their bodies to make a living than do quests! She-she just helps facilitate it! Now damn it! Let me go! It's raining so much, and it's getting in my eyes!"

"There-there," Harvard put Commanding boss over his shoulder after attaching a rope around his head before he opened the map on his right side. "After-after we defeat Tricky the Illusive Dungeon Maker I'll go visit this brothel and give your head back to your wife! However, whether you live or die is not up to me! It's up to how well you lead us to Tricky's location."

"She works in dungeons all the time. She's right over there," Commanding Boss winked in the direction of a small hut on top of a hill. "She's really strong, though, so I'm warning you! If she sees you with my head, she'll kill you!"

"Aw, and that's exactly why you're going in my inventory again," Harvard ignored the screaming boss' head and marched up the hill.

The rain from the Monsoon Kraken was starting to turn the once beautiful grasslands that extended all over Central Continent into piles of mud, but he was still trudging along. He turned over and felt Hot Yummy grab his hand. If only she knew what happened him on that tree just hours ago, she probably wouldn't have such a big smile on her pretty face.


"Hello, are you in here?" Howard opened the door to the small hut. "Hello? Tricky? Me and my friends are here to give you a present! Come out, wherever you are!"

"There's a letter," Hot Yummy played with her green top while Harvard looked at her up and down a few times. Should he tell her that the curse had worn off soon so they wouldn't have to take so many intimate breaks? He started to sweat watching her bend over and pick up a letter. She was just too damn terrifyingly pretty to tell anything but the truth. However, he couldn't do it! She just took him to the trees to make sure he was okay, and she was still glowing afterwards! The things they did in that forest, if you saw it, you'd also agree with Harvard! Definitely don't tell her the truth!

"The letter It seems Tricky has gone to Central City She's gotten paid a handsome sum by the Monsoon Kraken to build a battlefield for his water army However, it looks like she left her train ticket here. I bet if we hurry to the train station, we can make it in time!"

Flush! Swirl!

Hot Yummy turned around in shock and saw an extremely beautiful woman with a strange green hat on her head come out of the bathroom with her shirt untucked from her pants. She looked at Harvard and Hot Yummy and instantly a smile grew on her face.

They expected her to attack, but the next moment she pointed at the bed. For some reason, something didn't seem right. It was like she was expecting them or something?"

"Are you the couple I requested from the brothel?" The beautiful lady smiled and pointed at the bed. "I-I was hoping to do something special with you both before I went to the train station. Of course, that's only if 1 million Lograms is enough for each of you."

"One Million! I'm in!" "Hot Yummy smiled and nodded her head. "Harvard, I lived a life before like you, and I'm willing to pay any price in this life to get ahead. Husband, feel free to venture into new territory with this beautiful girl! Now tell us, what do you want us to do?"

"I want you both to tell me what the hell you're doing in my shack! I got to go meet the Monsoon Kraken right now and you're 50 minutes late! The best I can do is probably kiss you both! Ugh, what a pain in the butt!"


Harvard had never been in such a surprising situation in his entire life.

When he got kissed by the beautiful blonde woman, the next moment he received a quest. He ignored Hot Yummy and her kissing the other woman and looked at the Quest Prompt. It was not every day that a woman's lips offered him more than just a warm feeling.

[System Quest received]

[Deceive Tricky into creating a battlefield for your side of the field instead of the Monsoon Kraken. There is only one way to do this, and it will require going undercover. Going above and beyond and up and down for the call of duty! You must go with her to Central City, and morph into the person she was supposed to meet!]

[Reward: 1 billion Lograms, 1 system package, 1 sub class promotion relic!]

'I-I never thought this would be a quest. I'm guessing that up and down for the call and duty is probably not what I think it is. There is no way I'd get a billion Lograms from such an awesome opportunity.'

"I got to go!" Tricky, the blonde haired women, kissed Harvard and then rushed out the door. "Oh wait! You two! You can't tell anyone about this, okay? I-It it's our secret!"

"I need to go to Central City." Harvard nodded his head. "I can keep it a secret the entire way there. In fact, I happen to have VIP tickets for the Central City Train! I promise, you will be well taken care off on the way there! There is a private section where three people can go to talk and eat and do other things!"

"Very well, you two are kind of cute," Tricky wiped off the saliva from her lips and nodded her head. "Alright, come on! If it's really private, there is a ton of things I'd like to try with you two!"


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