Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 74: Legendary Subclass? Battlefield Designer?!

Chapter 74: Legendary Subclass? Battlefield Designer?!

Meanwhile, at the exact moment Harvard was charging towards Tricky's Final Serious Commanding Boss, a great storm was brewing.

Candy Kid and Great Styles rushed towards Village 100 while thousands of terrified villagers fled in every direction because of the terrifying monster Bouldercrabs devouring their homes behind them.

One young child was tossed into a Bouldercrab's mouth and fell out the other side of its mouth. A few young women, whose clothes barely remained on after getting assailed by a small Countrycrab were trying to make it into the horizon where they imagined safety might be.

However, as soon as they saw Great Styles, they somewhat loosened up their clothes and revealed their beautiful swimsuits hidden underneath. They finally saw Candy Kid right next to Great Styles! He should have no problem destroying all the crabs infesting their village! The sharks destroying the Green Fist Tavern! All of a sudden, the crowd stopped running while Candy Kid flew into the air.

He activated triple lightning speed blitz and thunder seemed to follow after him while he shot at the gigantic Monster Bouldercrab. Turning his hand, three colors of lightning formed into a small piece of candy before he tossed it forward. The next moment, it went straight through the Monster Bouldercrab and it got split in half!


A large cloud of dust shot behind the Monster Bouldercrab and a few children that had been trapped screamed and jumped for joy!

"Mommy! Candy Kid saved us!"

"Sweety, go make sure your daddy is still alive," A worried mother grabbed her son and hugged him tightly. "I-I saw him go outside a minute ago."

"I'm afraid he's on the other side," The kid screamed, and pointed across the street. "I think-I think he's over there! Right near that man standing in the alley!" The little boy replied to his mother. "What-what do you think that man is doing? He's just standing there with a mask on. He-he kind of reminds me of Hamlord."

"I don't know," His mother replied, "But come here and let mommy hug you in her beautiful body," She smiled and pulled him in. "Everything will be fine now. The Candy Army is about to arrive!"



Candy Kid ripped three Bouldercrabs into bits with a single punch before he landed next to Great Styles.

He sighed and looked around. Something didn't seem right. It was like a very noticeable clue was in front of him, but he didn't see it.

"Great Styles. What's wrong? You seemed troubled?"

"My wife spoke about leaving me last night, for another man," Great Styles slammed his hand into his chest. "She thinks! She thinks that Harvard is getting stronger than me, and keeps calling me a chump. She said she wants to go see a man in Central City to train me, and it's driving me mad!"

"I thought you meant she was leaving you," Candy Kid sighed and looked over at a small child running towards him. "Anyways, keep your eyes peeled," Candy Kid shot a laser through a country crabs head while a beautiful model like woman grabbed tight to her towel. It almost removed it. "Ugh, little kid. What's wrong?"

"My daddy Some man is trying to eat my daddy. He said if you don't come save him, he's going to be his lunch!" The little boy dropped on his knees, and immediately took out a single Logram! He had black hair, and extremely fierce looking eyes with a cute sweater on and a small pair of shorts. He was the same boy that was talking to his mother earlier. "Please! Please Candy Kid! Please Save him!"

"Great Styles, stay here!" Candy Kid demanded to Great Styles, but he seemed adamant today. Like, so what, his wife just wanted to get him a trainer! It's not worth risking your life over!

"No, I'm going with you! I'm tired of being weaker than Harvard!" Great Styles slammed his foot. "My entire first life, I've was always been behind stronger people, but not today! Today, I'll be the one in charge!"

"Hurry up, idiots! He's almost in my father's mouth!" The little boy pushed Candy Kid. "I don't want to be an orphan! Please hurry!"


Candy Kid and Great Styles rushed towards the ally and found a woman there on her knees, looking into a mans eyes.

Up above her, her husband was half inside of that man's mouth while she pleaded for him not to be eaten. In a second, he probably would stop kicking, and the shoes she bought for their anniversary would be devoured! She didn't want to lose him, and definitely not in those nice shoes!

"Hohohoho, well, I guess I need to talk now," The man's mouth opened in two while the man screamed on the other side of his open face. The man was in a cape, with brown eyes, and extremely white hair. He looked terrifying, almost like a monster in human form. "You-you're Candy Kid? So pleasant you get to watch this."

"Don't you dare!" Candy Kid held out his hand, a laser forming in the center of his hands. "Don't you dare eat that man!"

"Him? He's just an appetizer. You're the main course," The man smiled and then bit down before the man's shoes fell off his feet.

His wife screamed in agony while his husband fell onto the floor and began heaving for air. She was almost certain he was about to die, but then the man spit him out lik ea bad piece of chocolate.

"I-I've come here, Candy Kid, to offer you a little trade. Turn around and put your arms behind your back and come with me to meet the Monsoon Kraken, or Tabitha, May Tape, and Snow Lilly will die right now. You see this right here?" The black hooded man named Gajanton said, "This is a picture of them with Dasota, the Dragontail Kraken, with chains around their backs! If you want your precious friends to live, follow me!"

'Hmph, bullshit!" Candy Kid held up his hand before a laser beam shot out and destroyed over a dozen boulder crabs that were running by in a line. "You're lying!"

"I'm not lying. Dasota and Snow Lilly are now completely and inextricably bound in a relationship beyond your wildest imagination! Now follow me, and leave that loser Great Styles behind! The Monsoon Kraken will see you now!"


Hamlord's daggers flickered with a bright light while he activated Magnificent Slash on Tricky's Final Serious Commanding Boss. The boss' small blue eyes seemed so terrified, and his skin had paled! All the confidence he had previously disappeared after the first thousand dagger slashes cut through his beast and did major damage!

'He-he has a piercing skill! What damn class could he have? My-my normally impenetrable defenses are getting destroyed!'

The boss mumbled under his breath while Harvard zoomed passed the Allipanther's claws, and dodged three large teeth shooting out of its mouth.

He normally couldn't use Magnificent Slash during any time that wasn't 12:00 - 12:04 PM, but that all changed when he upgraded Gap Pierce! It was like all these shackles around his body got broken apart, and now he was just a destructive force!

[Magificent Slash has reached level 3!]

[It can now be used for two minutes a day when Magnificent Daylight Ruler isn't activated!]

'Ha! This is it! This is the life! This is the way to getting stronger!' Harvard slashed through the allipanther's flesh so fast that the blur off his hand scared his teammates. It wasn't that it was too fast to see, but it was just full of so much angry and rage! "I-I'm going to be nothing like that lawyer that used to try and date girls that couldn't pay for my services! This life, I'm going to date girls that actually care about me and are strong too!'

'Eat this! Magnificent Ultimate Throwing Dagger!' Harvard appeared in front of the scared boss sitting on the throne, a scared expression on his little countenance, before his dagger blurred and cut through its head. The entire room seemed to get deathly quiet, so much so that only the sound of the Allipanther's black body falling to the floor could be heard.

The next moment, Harvard slashed forward, and the bosses head flew into the air!

-10000 Vitality, -5000 Vitality

The boss still seemed to be alive with its head off, so Harvard slashed four more times and created crisp lines in the air before his body fell into pieces!

-10000 Vitality, -5000 Vitality, -3000 Vitality

Finally, the boss' head dropped onto the floor and the room seemed to quiet.

It still wasn't dead! How was it not dead?!

"I-I have a quest for you," The boss smiled and looked at Harvard. It's black hair and blue eyes had been covered with its own blood, but it nonetheless seemed almost sinister while it looked forward. Harvard could tell this wouldn't be a good thing, so part of him wanted to end the boss now! Only more trouble could come from this right? Maybe?! "Would-would you be brave enough to fight the legendary Tricky himself, hahaha! In exchange, you'll get a crucial skill necessary to defeat the Monsoon Kraken!"

"If I say no?" Harvard pushed the boss' head over to the corner of the room, "He had like 5 seconds left to become the guild leader that would lead the battle against the Monsoon Kraken! The timer was at like 44 minutes, and he didn't want to lose that role. "I'm tired of people guiding my life with quests!"

"Dude, it's a game," The boss trembled before his head got kicked towards the edge. "Okay! Okay! I'll give you a better reward! 1 billion Lograms plus the other special reward!"

"Hoh, I think this new person I'm trying to be is a good idea," Harvard smiled and watched a prompt appear in front of his eyes. "You-you got anything else to tell me? It's time for your head to vanish? Take this!"

"No, but wait! I-I'm still useful!" The boss groveled before it felt a hand fiercely grab its head and pull. It closed its eyes tightly before it felt its last health begin to vanish! This was terrible.

"I got the prompt already, so you're no longer useful." Harvard tossed the bosses head over to Grinning Sword and smiled before he looked at the prompt. Sighs, another hard quest boys and girls. "Just kidding. Let's take him along so he can tell us all the boss' weak points."

[New Quest received]

[Destroy Tricky the Illusive Dungeon Maker]

[Tricky has killed thousands of Ghost Adventurers with his stellar dnngeon designs, however, he is also one of the only boss' that can grant a Ghost Adventurer the legendary Side Class, Battleground Designer! Find him, and defeat him in battle so that one special one, either you or someone in your party, can make battlegrounds that only those in legends have ever achieved!]

[You've been forced to accept the quest!]

[System information: If you want to take the boss' head with you, you have to put it in your inventory and sneak out of the dungeon through the back entrance. Otherwise, he'll automatically respawn.]

'Why? Why are you looking at me like that?" The boss shivered in panic. "Please! Please leave me here! I-I have wives and children! They-they are in the other room, promise!"

"Pass me that head. We have a new quest," Harvard smiled, "Let's go!"


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