Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 7: Attribute Points

Chapter 7: Attribute Points

8th Black Market, Silver Alley

A few dozen guards paced back and forth in front of a wagon getting loaded with treasure. A few bloodmarks also appeared over the guards. He figured they'd killed quite a few players that tried to complete the quest he received.

Luckily, Harvard found a window to his right that activated his system window.

[System Shop available]

[Stat points unassigned: 176]

[System Points: 0]

Harvard forgot he got that huge windfall of stat points when he fought 10,000 Ghost slimes. He navigated the menu and opened up the stats points. His own stats appeared.


[Level 18]

[Exp: 996 / 6096]

Class 1: None

[Vitality: 50]

[Strength: 60]

[Dexterity: 55]

[Agility: 40]

[Intelligence: 45]

[Attribute points available: 155]

'In most quests, people receive one or two bonus attribute points, but I received 155. That means I probably am ahead of even the top players in terms of attribute points.'

Unfortunately, those NPCS guarding the black market are level 30. They probably have stats in the hundreds. What can I do to make sure I don't die while robbing them?'

Each stat did something different. Vitality increased your health, strength increased your damage output while dexterity increased your hand. The other two were pretty much self explamatory. Agility made you faster, and Intelligence increases your ability to learn more spells and techniques if that was your kind of thing.

"Screw it! I'll just put 2 / 3rds of my attributes into my vitality stat and 1 /6th and 1/6th into dexterity and vitality! They won't be able to kill me if I'm fast and have a lot of health!"


[+ 102 Agility]

[+ 25 Vitality]

[+28 Dexterity]

"You-you ready? You keep staring at the ground like you're about to die! Don't worry!" Merry said and patted him on the back. "You're much higher level than the last people who died!"

"I got this. I just got to steal one item right?" Harvard gulped and looked at Merry up and down and nodded his head. "If you're the last sight I see, it wasn't a bad time."

"That's the spirit! Now get them!" Merry screamed and caused the guards to turn towards him. "Rob them blind!"

"She's kidding!" Harvard laughed and watched the guards turn towards him with disbelief. They had on silver armor and clutched their swords before they looked at him once and saw his armor. After a chuckle, they went back to discussing their life philosophies.

"I believe all thieves deserve to die!"

"Agreed, I like watching them hang!" The two guards laughed while Harvard slowly walked over to them. At the same time, he focused on his hands. They indeed felt quite a bit faster.

'I just need to take the smallest item when they aren't looking. Harvard went to the other side of the cart and chimed in. "Yes, all thieves deserve to die! When I was a lawyer, I got three people the death penalty."

"A lawyer?" One of the guards shook his head. "Heh, I used to be a dancer! The world was my stage!"

"Oh," Harvard's hands moved quickly and picked up a small item that glowed green.

Items rarity could be told by colors. Gray were junk items, white were common, and green were uncommon items with the best items being cyan. Of course, he didn't see any cyan items, but was surprised by his hand speed.

[Successfully snatched an uncommon item!]

[Small Grail] (Uncommon)

[When you drink from this grail, you will gain back 5 percent of your vitality. Can be used once a day!]

"So what were you saying?" The guard looked at Harvard. "I told you I was a dancer."

"Oh, I said I used to love to watch dancers! I went whenever my girlfriend stayed out late," Harvard smiled and walked over to the other end of the table. 'Well, maybe I'll take one more item.'

[Successfully snatched an uncommon item!]

[Sucessfully snatched a rare item!]

"As I was saying, I can't dance here anymore. King Yama talked me into being an NPC Guard. I have to protect this black market until 10 oclock at night. I only have 2 hours off before I have to sleep! I-I barely have time to eat!"

"Sounds difficult. I'm sure you'll be a star one day, and I'll see you perform," Harvard patted the guard on the shoulder. "It's been nice talking to you. I'll buy your items when I get a little more wealthy."

"Sure, sounds good!" The guard felt a brisk wind against his neck, but ignored it. "Thanks!"

[Successful snatch: Guard's protective pendant!]

[This is an item only NPCs can wear. However, might be worth a lot on the black market.]

"You-you're amazing! You robbed them blind!" Merry laughed when Harvard returned to her side! "Wow, you even took his necklace!"

Harvard turned back and gulped when he realized the guard had heard Macy's words. He wanted to scream, but he only had time to run!

"Curse you! I told you my life story, and you robbed me blind! Get back here!"

Harvard stepped off his back foot and ran at his top speed. Macy could only look on in shock as the guard tried to chase after him.

"Wow, he's incredibly fast. No wonder he made a good lawyer! He thought quickly on his toes!"

Merry smiled and walked back towards the Black Fist Tavern. Even with dozens of guards chasing after Harvard she had a smile on her face.

"Heh, did I make it too hard for him?" She laughed and walked towards the tavern. "Well, she did say only the strongest men can become phantom hands. He'll forgive me later!"


Harvard ran into a dark alley and jumped behind a kissing couple.

He put a few cardboard boxes around him and watched the guards run by. Thank god he put all his points into agility! Not a single guard caught up to him, and not a single arrow hit him on his escape!

He looked up and observed the couple kissing, and then at the passing guards. They seemed a little bit annoyed at the couple, but it also caused them to avoid the box standing up oddly next to them.

"He went that way!"

"Damn it! I was going to dance for that mofo!" The two guards dashed down the street. Harvard sighed and pushed aside the cardboard box before he took one last look at the couple.

They seemed to be two adventurers locking lips. He sighed and snuck out of the alley before things got too hot between them. After a few minutes, he made it safely to the Black Fist Tavern.

[Quest Update: Meet Silvia in the back]

[Merry has got you some clients to buy back your goods.]

"I wonder who she got," Harvard walked to the back of the tavern and opened the door. To his surprise, the two guards he escape from were sitting at a table with Silvia.

His heart instantly started to race while his blood started to boil. Was this a settup? Was he going to lose the quest no matter what?

"Sit down and shut up," Silvia cleared her throat. "What happens next will determine your future, Hamlord!"


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