Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 6: Magic Snow versus Great Sword

Chapter 6: Magic Snow versus Great Sword

May scoffed at the three players and slowly kept walking down the road. When she looked in their direction, Harvard could almost sense the difficulties that must have filled her life before she died.

On their walk to Bane Root Mountain, he tried to ask her questions about her life, but only found out that she liked webnovels and hated all women except a few good ones. Her mother apparently abandoned her when she was a child, and her father took care of her before he died at a young age. Of course, that wasn't all there was to her story. She wouldn't say how she died. But Harvard extrapolated it was exceptionally horrible.

"Welcome! Welcome to Bane Root Mountain!"

"First timers! If you want to select a class, please go to the town square! Everyone else, remember, they have just started selling the first guild houses! Starting prices are one million Lograms!"

"Well, this is where we part ways. Friends?" May offered Harvard a handshake, and smiled at him. "Maybe I'll see you in a little bit?"

[Friend request accepted: May Tape]

"Sure," Harvard smiled and blushed. "Just buy a new shirt. Promise me."

"Why?" May winked. She had on a white shirt that revealed a lot of cleavage. "Heh, I got your help because of these bad girls. You got to use every weapon you have."

"See you!" Harvard walked in a different gate that May and walked towards the town square. There happened to be three platforms with three different class NPCS to select your class. Currently, two men could be seen fighting on one of the stages.

[Magic Snow Level 10]


[Great Sword Level 10]

Great Sword jumped into the air and slashed dozens of times with his blade before Magic Snow used phantom slash to lower his health bar in half.

Harvard hadn't seen many Person versus person battles or PVP matches. The two seemed to not back down when fighting one another. Magic Snow, however, seemed to have the upper hand. He summoned a large blue blade and slashed through Great Sword's armor.

"That's a armor piercing skill!" One player screamed. "Where the hell did he get that!"

"Recruit him! Recruit him now!" Soon, many players swarmed Magic Snow after he defeated Great Sword. "We need a good DPS!"

"He's mine, Red Thunder Guild will claim him!" Another girl rushed up to Magic Snow and pushed Great Sword onto the floor. "You can date me if you like! I have no shame after being in the underworld for a 1000 years! I'll make your dreams come true!"

'I forgot, we are dead, aren't we," Harvard walked up to one of the stages and found an NPC that smiled and flipped a dagger in his hand. 'People are shameless when you already lived once.'

"Now, excuse me, NPC. Do you know how I can get a new class?"

"Hahahaha! You've come to the right place! Hold my dagger, will you?"

"Sure," Harvard accepted the dagger and looked down at it. A blue box appeared that floated above it with golden letters.

[Class Quest available]

[Enter into the darkness and become a Night Rebel?]

[Night Rebels command the darkness and can use stealth, night vision, and chaos energy to slaughter their foes. They specialize in speed, but must not be seen or suffer the conseuqences."

"Take your dagger back. I don't want it," Harvard tossed the dagger at the NPCs face. It hit him square in the jaw before he walked over to the next NPC. "I want a better class. What else is there?"

[Class Quest available]

[Kill or be killed. Become an assassin?]

[Assassins hold no remorse, and conquer all who face them with their poisonous blades. Seek shelter when an assassin approaches in the night! All stats will be boosted 10 percent, and no one will escape your grasp!]

"Nope" Harvard shook his head. "Looks like him in the wrong town. I guess It's time to go to Monarch Valley."

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing! Stop!" A beautiful woman ran passed him after a black hooded man. "Give me back my purse! You can't steal what I steal damn it! That's not fair!"

"I-I'm guessing that's a quest," Harvard shook his head and rushed at his top speed towards the black hooded man. "I'll help you madam!"

[Quest accepted]

[Save the thief's loot!]

[An innocent women got robbed so another woman could put food on the table. However, she got robbed before she could sell her prize at auction! Get her loot back and she'll reward you generously!]

'I can't believe this is a real quest," Harvard jumped into the air and kicked with all his might at the running thief.

To be honest, it was a level 10 quest, and his speed was much faster than the thief. He turned around with shocked eyes before a foot hit him in the side of the face!


The thief hit a bench and dropped the snatched black purse and Harvard reached down to pick it up. He smiled, and let the thief run off before he turned around and looked at the blue eyed maiden. She had beautiful golden skin with straight blonde hair folded up in a bnn and cute round glasses. She also had a button nose that made her look exceptionally pretty. He smiled and handed her the purse.

"Thank you! I get robbed so many times a day. You have no idea," The NPC smiled and pointed Harvard over to a dark ally. "However, you're in luck! I was just about to deliver the purse! Would you like to meet my boss?"

[Quest Update: Doorway to a new hidden class]

[Difficulty: F-]

[Merry has invited you to meet her boss and see what he has to offer. Do you have the courage to follow her? Yes / No?]

"Accept!" Harvard followed after Merry and walked towards the dark alley and watched her knock on a tavern. She had on a black dress with a small white cape that stopped at her blue jeans. She didn't seem like an ordinary NPC. Most NPCs delivered one liners, but she wouldn't stop talking.

"I ripped my pants earlier today,"

"Oh," Harvard replied while she knocked on the door.

"I had to buy new pants, and then only had jeans. I'm embarrassed. I could tell you looked a few times and scolded me internally. When I get rich, I promise to buy more loose fitting clothes!"

"I didn't look for that reason." Harvard cleared his throat as she knocked on the wooden door. A man came to it that had a muscular frame and big, bulging muscles with a black tunic. He had a little bit of grey hair on his forehead, and had his brow tensed down to his nose. "Anyways, does he know you?"

"She's our number 1 client. Who the hell are you?" The large man pulled out a dagger and thrust it towards Harvard. ""You letting this dipshit in, Merry?"

"He stole back my loot that I stole," Merry grabbed Harvard's hands and pulled him inside the tavern. A bar tender to the right waved at her while two men punched each other in the face!

"Don't mind them. They probably are becoming friends." Merry waved over to a seat in front of a man in black armor. You couldn't see his head or his eyes because he had on a black hood. However, there was an ominous glint in his eye that could be vaguely seen under the darkness of his hooded attire. "Ha, this is great! Come meet the nicest man you'll ever meet! He's a little bit scary, but he's really powerful."

Merry sat down in front of the masked man and invited Harvard to sit.

He sat down and just stared at the masked man for a minute before he finally lifted up a glass and drank from it. The bartender immediately realized his cup was empty and rushed over and poured him a drink.

"I'm sorry! My mistake!"


The masked man slammed the bartenders head into the table and then looked up at Harvard. HE sighed and reached up to take off his mask. The entire room turned quiet while his face slowly got revealed.

"You're a girl?" Harvard gasped in shock. "Wow, it's an honor to meet you! Merry told me that you have a quest for me?"

"Hmph, everyone always thinks the underworld is run by a man. However, King Yama has a lot of cleavage right? Are you really surprised this beautiful lady here is in charge of the Black Fist Tavern? There is not a curve on my beautiful body that can't live up to any man in this town!"

"I-I'm a classy man. A woman wants me to do something, I do it." Harvard grinned widely and took a deep breath. "So, what am I here for?"

"We have an offer you can't refuse, right Merry? Or else he has to die?"

"Yup," Merry held up her thumb. "Well, we won't kill you, but you'll regret it forever! All we need you to do is rob the auction house! We heard they are transporting an uncommon artifact today! If you can steal it without getting caught, you'll get to have all my boss has to offer!"

"All of it! You won't be disappointed! You'll be the first adventurer to join our ranks!"

[Quest Update: Rob the blackmarket]

[Only a fool would dare rob the blackmarket, but only fools can become Phantom Hands]

[Phantom hands are a class with the benefits of both assassins and night rebels. They can escape into the darkness, and use powerful poison to defeat their foes!]

[Difficulty level: D-]

"I-I'll try to make you happy," Harvard accepted the quest and nodded his head. "However, I have to ask, how many people have tried this quest, and how many people completed it."

"Merry brings in about 10 adventurers a day, and 9 in 10 never return. 1 in 10 we have to watch getting executed," Sylvia, the guild owner, sighed and waved to the door. "However, we can tell you're different. You're the first one today that hasn't died."

"I-I don't like those odds. Can I turn the quest down?"

"Nope, now let me take you to the black market!" Merry smiled and grabbed his hand. "Come on! We know you can complete the quest! You're going to do so great!"

"I just remembered I have to use the bathroom," Harvard rushed to the exit before a hand grabbed him and pulled him back to the table. "Wait, what happened? I-I'm going to piss if you don't let me go!"

"Ghost Adventurers like you can hold it for a long time and be completely fine," Merry smiled, "Now come on! Garvis will come with us to make sure you can't run away!"


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